Shelter Exposed - the Truth

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Shelter Exposed - the Truth A certain shelter in Victoria, that is well known to have had issues for status revo

**WARNING - THIS PHOTO IS DISTRESSING**Yes, it is a photo of dead dogs/pups, sitting on the floor in the clinic, in a ga...

Yes, it is a photo of dead dogs/pups, sitting on the floor in the clinic, in a garbage bag. Discarded 'rubbish'. Taken in 2020.

Most of you would have seen or heard about the Herald Sun article yesterday regarding the shelter and clinic that this page is about. We would like to take this opportunity to respond to this article as we were not given the opportunity to do so, even though the journalist contacted us prior to the article for a statement, she "went in a different direction and no longer wanted to investigate the past".

First, we would like to point out, that the shelter/clinic was sold to the new owners in October 2021. The previous owner stayed on, personally training the new owners in HER very lax processes and procedures - that she has been following for many years.

Within 3 months of them handing over their cash, the RSPCA and council suddenly started to visit - according to the article. Does anyone not wonder, why they chose NOT to visit after NUMEROUS staff over the past few years have made reports about the previous owners running of the shelter and clinic? Just last year, several reports were made, including by the ex-staff running this page. We have proof of the emails and phone calls made to both the RSPCA and Maroondah council. No one visited. We sent photos, videos, VERY extensive information and NOTHING was done! Why is that? Why are only the NEW owners being held accountable for cruelty and neglect? The previous owner had more than 10 years of cruelty under her belt.

We are not saying that the new owners should NOT be held accountable. What we are saying, is that this is not new. This is how it has been run for a long, long, long time. Dogs kept in crates, sometimes for months. Animals stacked on top of each other. We have shown you photographic proof of this, AT the clinic. Photos taken well before the shelter even went on the market. WHY are the new owners the only ones being investigated? Why did both the councils and the RSPCA turn a blind eye to the previous owners cruelty and neglect, numerous times!

The Macedon Ranges council did not even audit the shelter for YEARS! The head ranger would know full well how to access Sheltermate (the program that stores all of the shelter data from any animal that arrives into their care) and check records, as they worked for the company that made Sheltermate. This program CLEARLY would show the many years of animals coming and going and the constant non compliance. Some ex staff contacted Macedon Ranges shire in 2021 and were never called back.

Maroondah council were called numerous times about the clinic and decided to do nothing. NOW they are investigating? Why now? Why not last year, why not years prior when other ex staff contacted them?

The article states the previous owner is "saddened"??? She sold a non compliant shelter to inexperienced people and expected what exactly to happen? They continued with her processes, then she had the audacity to get people to report them to the same councils she managed to dodge for years. The cages at the clinic were broken and non compliant (size wise)for long term housing of animals, before she sold it. She was told this for many years, by many vets, nurses and other staff. The shelter cages were old, rusty, drafty and clearly non compliant - as NOW that council has decided it needs a refurbishment prior to renewing the permit!! The exact same cages, she used to house animals for YEARS!

Why exactly has the councils and RSPCA decided to investigate only now? Why did they ignore years of reports and allow years of neglect. They were even informed that untrained and unqualified staff were performing illegal euthanasia, vaccinations and microchipping - nothing was done. The medications room and safe was not locked, any staff or volunteer had access to highly dangerous and prescription only drugs. Still, no one has been held accountable.

We have been asked by numerous people the reason for this page and why things were not reported sooner. The fact of the matter is that numerous reports over the years were put through and nothing was done about it. A lot of us felt that by being there, we could improve conditions, clearly we were deluded or naive, or both. Things have come to light, that even high up, long term staff knew nothing about.

We think it is promising that the new owners seem to be happy to comply with directions from both councils and the RSPCA, but only time will tell. And actions speak louder than words.
For anyone who has not seen the article, please find it below.

These are correspondence from a nurse at the clinic in regards to a male vet and in regards to the owner and her treatme...

These are correspondence from a nurse at the clinic in regards to a male vet and in regards to the owner and her treatment of nurses. Nothing was done in regards to these complaints about the vet, or the owner of course, eventually leading to nurses resigning.

This nurses resignation letter is attached, the owners name has been covered with light blue highlighter, the clinic name in dark blue and the vets name in black.

Again, there was no HR to go to, only the owner. And as you can see with this page, usually the problem was with her. So who do the staff go to when they are bullied by her? Who do they go to when they are let down by her? Who do they go to when their concerns are dismissed, by her?

In the opinion of several ex staff, the reason the clinic struggled to retain enough staff to manage the place adequately was because the owner was so difficult and erratic to work with.

As mentioned in the resignation letter there were no protocols,and when they were put in place, they changed daily depending on her mood. This issue was widespread between the shelter and clinic. And when you "broke" procedure (based on the owners mood instead of what you had been told to do previously) not only were you called or texted and berated by the owner, you were also spoken about to other staff members in a degrading manner, also by the owner.

(Sorry about the order being out. Seems facebook chose to randomly add them not in order)

Not a once off. Cats stacked in with rubbish.Cat crated like tetris blocks. No care for animal welfare. No care for dise...

Not a once off.
Cats stacked in with rubbish.

Cat crated like tetris blocks.

No care for animal welfare. No care for disease control. Only for fitting in more money making animals.


Illegally caged in a puppy playpen on the clinic floor. Being exposed to disease, clearly sitting in their own filth. Even their water bowl is empty of water and filled with poo and wee.

This was not a one off. Too many animals were brought in every week because money rather than welfare was the focus.

Again, our focus is that this person should not be working with animals in the future.

This was one (of many) resignation letters given during the previous owners reign. Even her own friends have stated they...

This was one (of many) resignation letters given during the previous owners reign. Even her own friends have stated they would never work for her again.

There have been many comments made by supporters of the previous owner of this shelter, about documents being falsified ...

There have been many comments made by supporters of the previous owner of this shelter, about documents being falsified or the admins of this page.

Lets talk about falsified documents, shall we? Glad they brought it up.

+We wonder if the vets were aware their names were used on legal documents of animals they never saw? Microchips being put in by unqualified staff, using vets ID to register the chip. Vaccinations being done by volunteers, unqualified staff and using the vets names on the certificates. Animals not desexed, vets name right there, stating they desexed the animal.

+Dogs adopted the day they arrived, then back dated vaccination certificates to cover the legislation requirement (8 days in quarantine after vaccination is required by law).

+Dogs and cats adopted early, then fell sick, records backdated to say they were vaccinated and checked by vets.

+Fake people put on sheltermate as adopters. Made up names and addresses put in the system, so it would look like an animal was adopted, not dead. (So staff and volunteers who had access would not know).

+Fake people put as the previous owner of an animal also.

+The microchip company would tell anyone who would listen how many animals chip paperwork were not sent on to them. And how many new adopters had to follow up with them to put the animals into their name.

+Documents falsified to VCAT and for court proceedings to protect her and the shelter.

This person was the queen of falsifying records, yet we are accused of doing so, even though several times we have offered the full prospectus to anyone who asks for a copy. Nothing has been changed, it is all there.

We will also add, that her 'friends' are now inboxing people that have commented or liked posts on the page, harrassing them.

There are reviews on Google, where the owner threatens defamation or lawsuits constantly, because people have written bad reviews about their experiences with adopting. Just Google it, her supporters cannot say they are us also! Her responses are also there, incredibly unprofessional and erratic, for all to see.

This was sent to us from one of the people on this page who was a volunteer and foster carer.We are sharing it because t...

This was sent to us from one of the people on this page who was a volunteer and foster carer.

We are sharing it because this explains perfectly why so many people, including young girls (yet she claims we have bullied her 19yo daughter) are choosing to say their truths anon.

This person has made a fortune out of bullying. The staff, volunteers, the public, foster carers and animals.

We are sadly going to remove them from this page, their abuse is becoming too much. We would remove anyone who abuses people. However we are loathe to do so, as she will twist this to say we are stacking the page. So if anyone would like to see her messages of hate, we are happy to share them in private message.

This person spoke of an agenda quite a bit, but when asked, could not explain what ours is. We can honestly say, we just want to ensure this very sick individual does never work with animals again. That is why this page was made and that is why so many people are coming forward with what they saw also.

Edit: we have decided to unblock Lee. However abusive comments and calling people names will not be tolerated. This is a truth page, and she is entitled to speak her 'truth', however skewed it may seem.


Another private message from a student nurse.

"I would just like to confirm that when I was volunteering there as a nursing student they did in fact often take dogs behind the gate at the side of the shelter building and euthanise them there so that no one would know and the last thing the poor babies remembered was being terrified 😞 of course we would catch on when certain dogs would just disappear, the bullying from the previous owner to staff members was also very bad and mentally draining.

I wanted to share this as i’m still to this day so angry at myself for never sticking up for us volunteers and for the animals and this is of course just one of the many beyond cruel things I witnessed"

Mary was rescued pregnant. When one of the owners cats went near her foal, she stomped the cat (the cat was hurt but ok ...

Mary was rescued pregnant. When one of the owners cats went near her foal, she stomped the cat (the cat was hurt but ok and lived for several more years unaffected). The owner ordered Mary and Teds deaths. She insisted the vet kill the foal,this was done in front of its mother, then the mother was killed as well.

SEVERAL volunteers were there and witnessed this.

If that doesn't show her true colours, then nothing will. Animals once meant something to her, then something shifted and they became stories and dollar signs. This person must never work in rescue again.


Another private message from someone associated with the shelter some time ago. Just for context, the shelter outsourced to an external vet clinic who had kennels for the dogs and cat cages on site. This message references this clinic and the current shelter clinic.

"debated contacting this page with several things that have been weighing on my mind for years. I will say my piece, get it off my chest and move on once and for all. I have been threatened with legal action when I tried to do something so I have used an alias (which I would still like to remain anonymous)

It was common practice for animals to be left overnight in the animal transport van when there wasn’t any room in the clinic or shelter. They would sit in their own filth without food or water. Even on hot days.

Kittens that were not yet eating by themselves were placed in vet cages at the shelter where they went without food for days. The manager was waiting for foster care placement but the foster care coordinator had not been made aware that they were there and was required.

Many kittens and cats were taken to the previous vets utilised for euthanasia just because they cowered at the back of cages. Apparently not suitable for rehoming. Some of these cats and kittens were rescued through the efforts of staff at this particular clinic.

Some dogs that showed anxiety on the vet trips were euthanised as soon as they set foot into the clinic. Especially the bull breed type dogs. Senior vet and nurse called this walk the green mile as they dogs were taken around the side of the building for euthanasia. Out of the sight of other personnel.

If dogs made it through to have their vet work and were ready for adoption but showed minor issues that the manager didn’t like, the staff who deemed them suitable for rehoming were threatened to have wages docked to cover the expenses of the vet work and subsequent euthanasia fee.

I could say more but will leave it at that. I really hope the manager never works with animals again.

Thank you for this platform"

I would like to stay anonymous as to no surprise legal action was also threaten on me. I started my work placement for m...

I would like to stay anonymous as to no surprise legal action was also threaten on me.

I started my work placement for my certificate IV in veterinary nursing at this place and was extremely excited as I thought it was going to be a great experience and I was finally going to be able to do what I love and help animals. Very early on I realised this was not the case and this place was in fact horrible and clearly didn’t have the animals best interest at heart. Everything being shared on this page I can say is 100% true being that I witnessed it all first hand.

I have one story in particular that I would like to share.
One of their rooms was used to basically pile all there crap into and for the the nurses/voulenteers to wrap surgical kits. One of the girls was in there cleaning some things and found this poor dog terrified hiding under the table amongst all the mess. We had found out that this dog was being examined by one of the vets in this room the day before and the vet had left it in there overnight and completely forgot about it. Understandably the dog was terrified so they decided “let’s just put it to sleep” as they did with a lot of the animals.
This is something I will never forget and still think about all the time, the poor dog wasn’t even given a chance.

Broken cages at the clinic. Repaired with tape. Nothing ever done about it. Is it any wonder dogs escaped onto the main ...

Broken cages at the clinic. Repaired with tape. Nothing ever done about it. Is it any wonder dogs escaped onto the main road quite regularly. We are surprised the pound doesn't come forward with the amount of unclaimed (so called "s**t dogs") were found at large in the area. Not to mention the couple who were hit on the main road!

More information, readily available to anyone who wanted to buy the shelter and clinic.Did anyone else ever hear about h...

More information, readily available to anyone who wanted to buy the shelter and clinic.

Did anyone else ever hear about how broke they always were and desperate for donations and $$? We all did, constantly. However 2.5 million annually is certainly nothing to sniff at.

Yet no money was spent on updating enclosures. Dogs would constantly escape from broken cages at the clinic. The dog enclosures at the shelter were so old and rusty. And of course the massive amount of free overtime (and volunteer work) the staff did for the 'good of the shelter' makes this lie particularly shameful. Not to mention foster carers got nothing, not even an adoption discount (unless you were her mate), let alone beds, litter, litter trays, food, leads, bowls, collars....even the smallest of rescues look after their foster carers. The owner even forced foster carers to purchase the adoption pack, filled with crappy items that they already had to have had to care for the animal already.

As you can see, the new owners were sold a very lucrative business. Not a not for profit, not a charity. We have heard some enclosure updates were starting to happen, which is a positive. Lets hope now that the RSPCA and council are involved that these long overdue improvements for the animals welfare, are fast tracked even more so.

We have removed protect the privacy of the staff, unlike the owner who sent this and more information to any...

We have removed protect the privacy of the staff, unlike the owner who sent this and more information to anyone who wanted to buy the shelter. Including the past year of personal payslips for every staff member.

You know who was earning the highest amount, a much higher hourly rate than even qualified Veterinarians.

These are the pays for the last financial year for both locations.

Text messages from a Veterinarian to an ex employee....last year, well within the time the previous owner was running th...

Text messages from a Veterinarian to an ex employee....last year, well within the time the previous owner was running the show.


This is from a private message to this page. We have been given permission to share this, even though the person involved is still quite nervous and shaken many years later. We have many others we are verifying and discussing in our inboxes we will also share asap.

"I would like to remain anonymous as legal action got threatened on me a while back. I worked at this shelter for 6 months. I got fired and got blamed for a dog fight and one of the animals “had” to be put down. I was gut wrenched.

On my second shift I worked in the shelter on my own, had no idea of the computer system, I got completely thrown in the deep end. I was once asked to scrub the walls in the sick room with pure bleach and no mask and the door shut. I was in there for hours and I told her I felt dizzy and she didn’t care nor did she offer me a mask.

The shelter was overfilled with animals, the sick room was over crowded. She would stand over me and tell me to bag the kittens that she deemed “dead” but they were just really sick with a faint heart beat, they could have been saved. She would stand over me and make me do it while she watched.

There was no protocol for anything, she was underpaying me at $14 dollars an hour because I was new to the industry, I worked 9/10 hour shifts.

The dog fight that occurred left me traumatized, she blamed me but it was her direction I was following. I had to have severe counselling for over a year from it. Before she fired me she told me I was incapable and useless. I tried to take action but I got threatened. She made me out to be a psychopath and banned me from ever setting foot in her shelter. After working for her, I went into a different industry entirely because I had PTSD.

I still struggle to set foot in a shelter in general many years later. There’s heaps more, but talking about it makes me feel sick. I am so glad it is finally being exposed."

Thank You.


A lot of people are questioning our motives and why we are coming forward now....the first post was a long one, so it is not surprising everyone is missing key explanations.

Firstly the ex staff involved in this page are not the only ones who have seen this...we have been inundated with ex staff messages of support, love and horrible stories too. They are welcome to add to this page or we will post anon, on their behalf.

The reason we are anonymous....well if you know the person the page is about, her "go to" method of intimidation is to claim defamation and threaten legal recourse. In fact an ex employee was already sent something within an hour of this page going up, incorrectly naming the people who were allegedly involved....and claiming that a lawyer was being consulted. We preferred not to be dragged into this shelters drama yet again...but honestly believe that the truth should be told. She cannot continue to play the victim...the martyr and sully others reputations. She should not get away scott free from the things we have all seen.

Whilst 6 employees left at once, as mentioned in the previous posts, at no stage was it mentioned that they were involved in this page. Information has been gathered from many sources, all reliable, reputable and in positions where they could not miss the issues.

Again...we thought we were making a difference for the animals. That more good cancelled out some of the bad. But there was much more going on than any of us initially knew!! People have been leaving for absolutely the time the shelter was sold, the longest term employee was probably a couple of the vets and the daughter who worked weekends for the last year. The shelter would not have been sold if the staff did not leave in a mass exodus. She would never have given up control, that was part of her issue and continues to be so.

Edit: and at no stage did we claim that no good was done. Of course it was...the animals that were rehomed generally went on to lead great lives. Unless they had parvo and died...or were not desexed and became pregnant....etc. There was plenty of "happy tails"....but this does not negate the horror stories.



We openly encourage you to approach ex enployees (who are obviously not acting as a mouthpiece for the previous owner) to verify any information we post on this page. There have been people leaving for many years (decades) due to the bullying and erratic behaviour of the owner. Approach any of them....we are sure the majority would be happy to share their story. There is one common issue that came up time and time again....the owner. But it was always someone elses fault. Denial denial denial.

For too long people were too scared to make a scene, so they left quietly or didn't want to be sued (which we have already been threatened with..... of course. Its her MO!) or have that incessant drama follow them around. But phone calls are being made by this woman and her daughter telling very very tall tales about ex employees, the current owners and we refuse to be intimidated and bullied any longer.

To everyone who was too scared to say something. To everyone who is still out there suffering....we see you. We feel your pain and we will speak for you, as long as we can.

Thank you for your encouraging messages....we understand why you choose not to comment....but we will happily give you a voice also.



In July 2021 – 6 staff members (mostly management) left a certain shelter at the same time….quit, gave up their paid positions, because sometimes morals are more important than money.

It is strange how quiet everyone was about it…..every staff member (that was there longer than 3 months) left at the same time, and no one asked why? They were there for between 6 months to 12 years. Every manager left, at once! Every single one. People you know!! If you think about it, people who were the face of this shelter for many years…who ran the events, who contacted you regularly, who were the point of contact. People who were passionate about animals and animal welfare. People who clearly had a love for animals. People who stayed the length of time they did, because they felt they were making a difference.

These people witnessed many heart wrenching things during their time at this shelter….as do people who work in any aspect of rescue, however some of these things were so horrific, they have many symptoms of PTSD, even 6 months after leaving. Some of these things will haunt them forever.

In the rescue world, animals die. Every day, in different ways…disease, neglect, abuse, age – however at this shelter, animals that should not have died, did so every single day. Greed led to overcrowding, staff BEGGING the owner to stop taking animals…overcrowding led to more disease and mismanagement leading to animals dying in cages. A VERY common occurrence at this shelters clinic. Clinic staff were very hard to keep, for this reason. The ones that did stay were incredibly overworked and undervalued and expected to do veterinary work as well as shelter work. Not one foster carer or volunteer who attended this clinic could not have noticed the neglect, the smell, the dirty cages, the screaming animals…… animals were kept sometimes for a week with no food, due to the sheer number of animals waiting vet care. They would be required to hold off feeds “just in case” they can fit one more surgery in that day….and this would turn into days. Chubby, healthy kittens in from foster care who were at weight and ready for desexing, would wither until they were underweight and required further foster care to be ready again for desexing.

Most of us (if not all) are ashamed of the things we hid from foster carers, volunteers, co-workers and the public. Due to a sense of loyalty and assuming we were doing more good by staying…..but that would soon change. People may feel sorry for the owner due to her “mental health issues” however, nothing has changed, she has always had these issues and always hidden and encouraged her illegal and underhanded practices. Due to the sheer number of animals being brought in every week, she would insist on them being adopted, sometimes within hours of stepping off transport. Unknown temperament, unknown health, unknown animal! They were sent out into the community, to spread Parvo, Cat flu, Distemper, Ringworm, MASSIVE flea and worm burdens and to attack other animals in the community. In fact animals were put into foster care that did the same….giving diseases to your pets, ringworm to your children…..your pets put at risk with aggressive dogs and your foster coordinator was the only one trying to protect you. But at the end of the day, she had to pick her battles. It was not her lucrative business and she was always reminded about how much money she needed to bring in to “pay for the clinic”. In fact, the adoption of animals, has been paying everyones wages at this shelter and clinic for many, many years.

Here are some more truths…..the owner was paid a VERY generous CEO wage for many years….although she still claims to have “never drawn a wage”……really? Come off it….ask the accounts person.
She was the sole reason the shelters charity status was lost also.
She was witnessed by staff physically abusing (kicking) a puppy, throwing animals, euthanizing animals herself and was the focus of a fairwork case where she was accused of physically restraining and abusing a staff member. She is universally HATED by pretty much every single other person in the rescue world in Victoria….why is that? It isn’t just because she is hard done by…..she once called a pound, screaming at them because the dogs they had in care for months (and were great with other dogs when they were in the pound….) were apparently dog aggressive and she insisted these poor pound staff paid for the euthanasia of these 2 dogs. Then wondered why no pound in Victoria would work with the shelter??? The only pounds that did, had no contact with her, ever. They were in contact with another manager ONLY. Strictly!! She would refuse to take adult medium or large dogs, unless they gave her puppies and “desirable” small dogs as well….it became allllll about the money. The adoption pack was even forced to be purchased by long term foster carers….this was argued by the other managers ALL THE TIME. It got to a point that the managers felt they were the only thing standing between an absolute s**t show and this person….but this was not the case, which they soon found out.

There was no after hours emergency vet care, ever. If a puppy was dying of parvo, it had to wait until 8am to attend the clinic. Foster carers often had to pay for emergency vets themselves. They are not provided with food, bedding, leads, collars, kitty litter trays etc……like every other rescue group and shelter does. Even though the clinic is FULL of donated items. And even though the owner herself used donated or shelter animal food, for her own animals. As did various staff over time…encouraged by the owner. Some ex staff were even allowed to come and help themselves! Ex staff and friends of the owner also received free veterinary care (paid for by the shelter). This is just one of many ways she made people feel like they “owed her”. Just before the charity status went through, she purchased (with shelter money) several large screen TV’s and gifted them to various long term volunteers. Also Ipads and phones were regularly given out to people.

If a foster carer had an animal in care that had behavioural issues……too bad! There was no behavioural assistance….they were even forced (prior to the foster care management we all knew and loved – who argued constantly and insisted on the foster carer being supported) to keep animals that were a danger to their children or other animals until “room was made” at the shelter or clinic.

Her daughter claims to have worked at the shelter her entire life….she did not. She worked casually (Sundays) when she could be bothered coming in, for the last year or so. She took over the foster coordinator role when that manager handed in her resignation…at her own insistence, no one asked, begged or chose for her to do so. In fact, she was one of the deciding factors in people leaving. Her behavior, work ethic and attitude leave a lot to be desired. She was also ringing pounds, foster carers and staff “bitching” about the new owners and ex staff members once she took over the role! She is just a mouth for her mother, nothing more. MANY of her posts on the foster page are written by her mother. SO MANY!

Managers were told that animal euthanasia was being hidden from them. The owner would put “fake owners” on the system, so it looked like they were adopted. She did the same with foster animals that she had killed…. Foster animals that staff loved and cared for….that had access to the back end system. So they did not know. At the time of leaving, one of the managers was asked to audit the system……more than 36% of dogs that came in, in the 2020-2021 financial year were euthanized (on the system)….more of cats. That is the ones she did not hide….the figure could be 50% for all we know. We were not making the difference we thought we were! We were quite literally HORRIFIED to learn this….along with quite a few other truth bombs! What were we protecting????? We THOUGHT we were making a difference….but we were sickened to learn otherwise.

This woman is a narcissist who is a master manipulator. She plays on people’s emotions and plays people against each other…just ask ANY EX STAFF MEMBER. ANY OF THEM- that are not still friendly with this person. I am sure every staff member has been bi***ed about, to every other staff member at one stage or another. Ex staff members have had breakdowns from this woman’s behavior! This place, was the most toxic workplace, anyone has ever worked at. It was draining to be around this woman! There is so much more… are welcome to ask, we will answer. They say the truth has many sides…..let us be clear…this page is not just one of the ex staff. We will tell you what we saw.

Remember also…this woman SOLD the shelter and clinic to the current managers. She was not in hospital at the time, she was in fact working AT THE SHELTER and trained the current management. She pocketed a million bucks, then spent the next few months contacting people still associated with the shelter and clinic and bagging the new owners…….that she CHOSE to sell to! She contacted pounds and told them not to send the lucrative animals ($$) to them and told them how awful the new owners are. It is also rumoured that she has started a rescue group (in her daughters name because she signed a contract with the current owners saying she could not start her own group for a number of years as part of the sale)…..god help those animals! Because she will not!




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