Good evening, we where waiting before we announce the breeding of Snake to his aunt
Miss Dextra.,until we were sure that she took.Miss Dextra is one of the tightest line bred Ch El Negro bitches in the world. The breeding of Snake to Miss Dextra is deep and rich with some of the best El negro blood through his elite offspring ,grand children and great grandchildren. Ch- Kemosabe, Ch-Akuma, Ch-Lowetta, Ch-El Drogo, Ch-Bobby Peru, Ch -Miss Zorro, Magic Line Venom , Ch-Dexter (R.o.m),all trace back to the great Ch-Elnegro. .Breeding of this type allows us to lock in the genetic superiorty the great Garner's Ch-El negro ( R.o.m) and yet allow us to bring more Chinaman influence throughCh -Dynomite (R.o.m),Lady Princess (R.o.m)
(Note: These pups was just born last night and now there are being moved to a more cleaner and suitable whelping box with rails to keep the pups from getting hurt).We have several different breeding that we have done that we never post. This is one of them, Snake to his aunt Rose. This breeding combines some of the best Eli blood to be found. Those who knows,knows that Rose produce high quality offspring when bred back to heavy El negro blood .