Hey guys happy New year to everyone. This guy has been lonely for months and now and I'm thinking of letting her go to a new home. What are your offers on her? You never can tell you can be the lucky one.
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African greys
#parrot #africangrey #petlovers #birdlovers #CompanionBirds
You should spend quality time with your bird every day, but that doesn't necessarily mean lots of bird handling. Some birds just don't like human hands on them; they love to hang out and play with their people but prefer not to be physically touched. Other birds might view you as a potential mate, so you should limit physical interaction, especially during hormonal season. And then there are birds who want nothing more than to sit and have you scratch their heads for hours. So you need to become familiar with your bird to offer the amount of handling that they're comfortable with.
African Greys are not “pets,” they are “companions;” there is a BIG difference. That is perhaps one of the first concepts a prospective Grey owner needs to consider. Greys are nothing like dogs or cats - animals who love you pretty unconditionally as long as you don’t abuse them. Studies show Greys have the intellectual capacity of a 3–5 year old, so while not like a toddler in many ways, in others, exactly like a toddler.
For example. Greys (and all parrots) NEED socialization - lots of it, every day, and since in the wild, Greys live in flocks, if you adopt a Grey into your family, YOU (and anyone else in your home) will become its flock. Like toddlers, Greys seek attention, any attention, and they will find a way to get it. If you don’t respond to their needs with “positive” attention, they will find a way to get “negative” attention - chewing something they know is “off-limits” like a windowsill, book, etc. or dumping the cat’s bowl onto the floor.
Blue & Gold Macaws should be fed on a quality Macaw Nuts, a specially formulated Macaw blend and given daily fresh fruit and vegetables. This can include apple, carrot, beans, peas, corn, broccoli and spinach. This food should not be left in the cage for too long as spoilt fruit can gather bacteria and yeasts that can make your bird ill.
Make sure to remember to never feed your Blue & Gold Macaw lettuce, avocado or apple seeds. Blue & Gold Macaws can also be offered small portions of seed such as a small parrot or peachface mix, but care should be taken to ensure this does not replace the birds pellet consumption.
Vitamin supplements such as Soluvite D or Multivet can be added to your Blue & Gold Macaws water two or three times a week. Calcium and Iodine can be provided through cuttlebone and iodine bells.
Fresh water should always be available and should be changed on a daily basis. Worming should be repeated every three months with a broad-spectrum bird wormer. It is essential that a good quality calcium supplement such as Calcivet is given to your
Blue & Gold Macaw at least 3 times a week for the first year.
When you choose us, you’re investing in a cherished addition to your family. With over a decade of experience, our breeding program continues to uphold the highest standards of care, ensuring that each parrot leaves our facility ready to flourish in their new home
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All looking for a new home. Handraised healthy and tame congo African grey parrot. #
#parrot #birdslover #africangrey #parrotlovers #scarletmacaw #amazonparrot #parrots
Join me welcome our latest member of the family. Newly hatched by our red factor African grey hen. She's just trying to protect her offspring, reason for her loud noise
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