Fauna Mountain Cat Rescue

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Fauna Mountain Cat Rescue FULL UNTIL SEPTEMBER
Specialist cat rescue based in the Axarquía region of Spain. I volunteer my ti On my website there is more information. Get in touch!

I'm Hayley and I volunteer my time to help cats that are most in need:
- Disabled cats (i.e. blind, deaf, amputees, brain damaged)
- Senior cats (9 +)
- Cats at serious risk of death (i.e. death-row at the pound)

I can't help all cats and cases...I tried that...and became ill. So I specialise in helping special cases I think I can help when there may not be any alternat

ive. To read more about me and why I set up a cat rescue in Spain, please visit my website: www.faunamountain.wixsite.com/my-site

If you can foster a cat temporarily, you are gold dust and I would love to hear from you! If you're interested in adopting a cat that has been through a very hard time and survived, then you are an angel on earth and you will not regret the incredibly rewarding decision to add a little soul to your family. I care about the cats I rescue and about the people who foster and adopt, and I'm here to provide ongoing support wherever needed. I don't have a physical shelter but I foster and delegate fostering to approved temporary homes. I pay enormous vet bills each month, so please, if you want to help at all, donations are so so incredibly welcome and essential for this rescue work to continue. Thank you for reading

*** UPDATE - A vet from the hospital is taking him home with her today to foster 💖💖💖***I've cried for Littlefox tonight....

*** UPDATE - A vet from the hospital is taking him home with her today to foster 💖💖💖

I've cried for Littlefox tonight. Not being able to see him as I have covid, I worry about him, emotionally. He is so desparate for love and cuddles, he so needs to be in the warmth and safety of other beings, but he has a little while longer in vet hospital. The lab results are back and show he has mycoplasma and feline herpes virus. But everything else is negative which is great. This means he can make a full recovery! He's receiving eye drops and antibiotic eye cream.
So he'll be OK 💜😊 But my worry is that the FHV might make it difficult for him to find an adopter. Even though vaccinated cats will be fine, and it is not transmissible to dogs or humans, or any other animal. He's an itty bitty little thing, less than 600g, and he may always be a smol boi, but he is so dear and affectionate, he needs a loving home. Found cuddling up to his dead sibling with no mother around, he deserves all the love in the world 😭

Is there anyone in the Axarquía area of Spain who would be willing to foster this tiny baby? He's very good at taking his eye medicines and just wants cuddles and perhaps to learn how to play as he's just a baby 💜

Rest in peace baby Mochi 🌈💔Thank you so so much to everyone who donated to his surgery and care. We raised a total of €8...

Rest in peace baby Mochi 🌈💔

Thank you so so much to everyone who donated to his surgery and care. We raised a total of €820 to cover his specialists vet bill and his emergency vet bill. The specialist has kindly said they will not charge for his cremation.
Huge thanks to Patrulla Hermano Gato and to Maren and Fiona with the East of Málaga cat group fund. And thank you to Carmen who found him. An enormous thank you to everyone who chipped in, big and small:
Jennifer C
Jennifer O
David W
Jennifer J
David A
Fiona T
Ref Babies

Wow, what a complicated situation we have with Mochi...The specialist might not be able to do the surgery today because ...

Wow, what a complicated situation we have with Mochi...
The specialist might not be able to do the surgery today because he has two dogs in need of heart surgery 💔 I really hope they can do it this evening but he'll call me later.
So the bill today came to €711. The issue now is that the specialist said we will have to do two stages of surgery due to the damage to the urethra and the bladder. We have to see how he is in 2 weeks and then he'll decide between 3 different surgeries depending on what they find in this surgery tonight and how he does over the next two weeks. After his surgery, tomorrow I will bring him back to my vets. He'll have a tube in his bladder coming directly out of the skin on his side, it will be a long length of tube that is gathered together under a bandage and must be emptied every few hours. He must wear a cone collar and it is _imperative_ that he does not remove or damage the tube. If he does, I will have to drive him immediately to a specialist in Madrid or Valencia to do the procedure again (as this surgeon will be on holiday from this weekend) and pay the same amount again or more depending on the vet surgeon. The specialist said that the best thing for him would be to be within foster care with someone who can monitor him closely each day and empty his bladder tube, but I don't hold much hope so we're looking at vet hospital.
The second surgery in 2 weeks will be in the region of €1000 and it is a possibility of 3 different surgeries to be determined. It depends on where the damage is, whether it is low down on the urethra or deep near the bladder. If the wound is deep near the bladder Mochi has less chance of success, just 30%. If it is not so far in, there is a success rate of 85%. So we don't know if he will recover or be able to p*e again. Another issue is that I go on holiday in just under 2 weeks, the first time in years! But he will need to be driven from TDM to Alhaurín and then picked up the next day....probably on the 19th or 20th July.
I don't have space for him or any fosters available, so he will have to stay in MiVets and will need to be closely monitored over the next two weeks, so I will get a quote for that. I have to now try to fundraise for the second surgery and for his care between now and the 2nd surgery, and then two kind vet nurses will foster him for the week following his second surgery, to lower hospitalisation costs. Then I will be back from holiday and maybe I can take him home.
I now also feel I'm coming down with a cold so I'm not thinking totally clearly, so forgive me if this post is rambling!
I've included some scribblings from the surgeon and the bill.
Thanks so much all who have allowed his first surgery to go ahead 🙏💖 ###

Mochi and I are waiting for our appointment at the specialist vets in Alhaurín. Fingers crossed for a smooth surgery. We...

Mochi and I are waiting for our appointment at the specialist vets in Alhaurín. Fingers crossed for a smooth surgery. We've nearly raised the total needed... Because you are all angels ✨ Together we have saved Mochi's life ###

This is Mochi, a tiny hobo found on the street with a terrible injury to his abdomen. I was just getting back to a calm ...

This is Mochi, a tiny hobo found on the street with a terrible injury to his abdomen. I was just getting back to a calm state with regards to time and funds so I agreed to help when the vets asked after he was brought in by some random people who found him. But they tried to help him in any way they could but we've now realised that he has a torn urethra and needs urgent surgery from a specialist vet surgeon... We don't know what happened to him, maybe kicked or thrown from a moving car... But he won't survive if left. He is totally unable to p*e and a catheter or sondage cannot be placed in there because the wound totally obstructs it.
Surgery is scheduled for 9am tomorrow and it will cost at least €600. I already have €80 from Judy and Erna 💖🙏
Is there any way we can get the assistance from you kind animal loving friends so we can save baby Mochi's life? I don't have a quote on paper yet but I will provide one. Do you think we can do this?
My PayPal is [email protected] or ask for bank details 💜💜💜

Good luck to 5 special babes as they begin their journey to their loving new forever homes in the UK. Though it's a wond...

Good luck to 5 special babes as they begin their journey to their loving new forever homes in the UK. Though it's a wonderful thing, I'm always sad to say goodbye but especially so with Chimichanga today as we've really bonded 🥺 I love you all little kitties 💜

Myles is on day 6/84 of his life saving GS treatment for FIP and look at the incredible improvement already! He was on d...

Myles is on day 6/84 of his life saving GS treatment for FIP and look at the incredible improvement already! He was on death's door, and we didn't think he'd make it another night... But now look at him!
This is what this amazing drug can do, and I'm so grateful and thankful to everyone who's donated so far to help Myles...


I'd also like to say something in relation to a bit of a controversial opinion I've heard this week... That perhaps there are those that don't agree with what we're doing for Myles because it is a large amount of money on a random street cat, and might be used to help a greater quantity of cats i.e. TNR.

Well, firstly the money was not available to me to be decided on what to spend, there was no existing fund which needed contemplation. No fund existed for Myles's treatment at all. Every penny I've spent on his GS treatment has come from Myles's specific fundraiser which I set up to see if there were those that wanted to help Myles, and look at the response!
I think Myles signifies hope in a desperate world we're living in right now, he's a symbol of what we can do when we pull together to create something positive. He's an example of how any one of us, however deserving, however we were born or brought up, may each discover the opportunity to be cared for so deeply that our life and future is changed forever in a wonderful way.

I recognise and thoroughly applaud the rescuers who help as many cats or kittens as possible through TNR, low-cost medical care, and distribute the funds they raise to the best channels in their opinion. Those rescuers are ESSENTIAL and important!
But I think in this world, differing styles are needed and exist for a reason. I set up my rescue in order to help individual feline souls who had no hope or future, and change their little worlds forever. I try to compensate for the work I do by helping as many cats as my ability allows, but I felt no dilemma in deciding to help Myles. He has a wonderful adopter waiting for him in England who couldn't be more thankful for what we've done to save his life. He is just 2 years old and now has his whole life ahead of him ###

What is it like to run a cat rescue? Everyone has an idea of how hard or wonderful it might be... It's certainly a mixed...

What is it like to run a cat rescue? Everyone has an idea of how hard or wonderful it might be... It's certainly a mixed bag. Without going into the emotional or physical demand, you can get an idea from the hard figures from the last 7 days:
🔹€1471 fundraised to buy life saving GS medication for Myles
🔹€530 spent on travel preparation and paperwork for UK adoptees
🔹24 vet appointments
🔹€1125.56 on vet bills
🔹€391.35 on supplies (food, litter, toys etc)
🔹€170 petrol in a hybrid car
🔹1200km driven
🔹24 hours driving
🔹2 cats adopted
🔹1 cat died 🌈
🔹5 cats into foster

I'm closed to new intakes until September now because this is the limit to all energy and resources, and my bank accounts are empty. I also have some personal time carved out: a 4 day break booked at the end of July with Hubs McGee, visiting family in France for 3 days in early August, Hubs McGee is away for 9 days, then it's my birthday on the 19th of August and my stepdaughter is coming to visit from the 18th til the first weekend in September.

Never thought I'd make a graphic with p*e in it... 🤔 But here we are! 🎉

Never thought I'd make a graphic with p*e in it... 🤔 But here we are! 🎉

Littlefox update ~ this tiny baby, who was found cuddling up to his dead sibling with no mum around, is still in the vet...

Littlefox update ~ this tiny baby, who was found cuddling up to his dead sibling with no mum around, is still in the vet hospital. Though he tested negative for FIV, Felv and panleukopenia he has a fever and diarrhea so he's getting meds and intravenous fluids. He's incredibly sweet and just wants neck cuddles, and to be enveloped in your safety and warmth 💜
I think he's very lonely so tonight, when we visit him and do Myles's second FIP treatment, I'm going to bring him a teddy for him to cuddle up to.
The vets think he has suffered trauma and had parasites for which he's now been treated. I think he might also have a little cat cold as he was sneezing last night. I think in a few days he will feel 10 times better! Now we need to find a foster for him, and of course a permanent adopter! I would say he's around 8-10 weeks old, so if he's healthy enough, in 4 weeks he'll receive his first rabies jab so he can travel in early August. He's going to be a very special boy for a lovely family, his future is bright. We just need to give him the love and support he needs for now.
Thank you so much to his supporters:
, John G, Sarah R, Mike W, Dave W, Alex B and A L Stenning who have sent €140 in total. Our lovely friend Clair will be looking after him when he leaves the vets, she found him and will pay the remainder of his vet bill. You are all beautiful souls ###

What a difficult and emotional day. Our transporter was unfortunately unable to travel with the cats going to the UK bec...

What a difficult and emotional day. Our transporter was unfortunately unable to travel with the cats going to the UK because she's very poorly, so there was a lot of rearranging and now they're with me until next weekend when they'll travel and hopefully our lovely Sharon is feeling much better. Breaking the news to my husband that we now have 29 in our care was difficult... A vet visit, some time with a rather poorly Littlefox who is a tiny speck of a thing and begging for cuddles. Then lots of phonecalls to arrange Myles FIP medication and dosaging etc, then a 5 hour trip to Ronda and back to pick up the meds...then administering the injection which was awful really, it was obviously extremely painful to Myles and broke our hearts in two as he hissed at us totally out of character. But 30 seconds later he let us stroke him again.

It really has been a day filled with tears, some shouting, quite a bit of swearing, lots of driving and now we're on our way home at 22.22 with a Thai wok takeaway. Mind you, we better walk the dog and feed the other 29 mouths first!

THANK YOU so so much to those who have helped out on the https://gofund.me/b40a3b52 We really REALLY need more help, we've got to keep the momentum going so we can continue to provide the medicine that Myles needs. We're crossing each bridge as we come to it with Myles's situation at the moment. Please pray for him and keep him in your thoughts ###

The lab results are in and all signs point to a clinical diagnosis if FIP. So our fears are confirmed. Poor sweet Myles ...

The lab results are in and all signs point to a clinical diagnosis if FIP. So our fears are confirmed. Poor sweet Myles was just days from travelling to his forever home 💔
But what used to be a 100% fatal disease is now possible to cure (in 80% of cases) and recover from completely, but it's pricey. But I believe Myles is worth trying!
So I've set up a fundraiser - here is the link:
I'm in lengthy discussions with the FIP specialist vets from the FIP Warriors 5.0 group and will post updates as and when.


With a little help, yesterday Monita was able to stand! She then proceeded to stand up by herself while ate her whole dinner 😊💖 Well done Monita! ✨

These 5 have limited time left in foster as their carers must soon leave or have other commitments. They absolutely cann...

These 5 have limited time left in foster as their carers must soon leave or have other commitments. They absolutely cannot be returned to the streets. My house is more than full and things are DIRE here in Spain. This is the worst year for rescue with explosions of unwanted kittens, more injured and sick cats than ever, more cats than ever in the kill shelter, ZERO fosters here, and the lowest number of adoptions and enquiries.
But I know these 5 angels will make people so beautifully happy with half a chance. Subsidised transport cost - £195 to the UK, per cat. Sorry, I can't reduce it any further as I'm paying out of my own pocket and they're almost empty.

Clockwise we have:
Edward - 1 Yr old neutered male. Negative to FIV and FeLV. Brought in with an infection but recovered. Super affectionate and cuddly. Likely a dumped pet.

Kit - 2-5 Yr old neutered male with miniature deformed ears. FIV positive, negative to FeLV. Brought in with paw injury and severe infection. Friendly and sweet. A lost little rabbit really.

Merlín - 2-5 Yr old neutered male. Negative to FIV and FeLV. Brought in with a re**al prolapse for which he's received corrective surgery. Lost or dumped pet.

Robin - 12 week old male kitten. Negative to FIV and FeLV. Born in a litter of 5 kittens from the street. (To see Robin's video, see comments. Facebook doesn't allow videos to be uploaded with photos unless it's a personal account 🙄)

Puffin - 12 week old female kitten, sister to Robin. Negative to FIV and FeLV. Born in a litter of 5 kittens from the street.

PLEASE WE NEED ADOPTERS MORE THAN EVER. Cats and kittens are dying and being euthanised DAILY because I have no room to rescue more and no fosters at the moment.
Any and all of the cats above can travel on the 29th July (arriving in the UK) on Sunday 31st July. PLEASE SHARE

CLOSED to new requests for help until at least July. I'm so sorry! I wish I could help them all but I can't 💔New request...

CLOSED to new requests for help until at least July. I'm so sorry! I wish I could help them all but I can't 💔
New requests have to be totally ignored because from experience, if I engage in conversation it opens up a can of worms.
If help is needed please contact larger organisations.


I can provide supplies, transport and advice. I've had a message from the pound today saying they have 5 cats that are s...

I can provide supplies, transport and advice. I've had a message from the pound today saying they have 5 cats that are suitable for rehoming, 2 of which are kittens.... But I have no fosters!
We can save their lives together... But I need your assistance... ✨PLEASE SHARE✨
Find out more here: https://gofund.me/3cd45e98 or Www.faunamountain.wixsite.com/my-site

***UPDATE - AROS FOUNDATION HAVE COME FORWARD TO TAKE THEM NOWThanks everyone for your help with this difficult case ###...

Thanks everyone for your help with this difficult case ###

☘️🐝🌸Mama - Clover, and her 3 pretty kittens - Buttercup, Brook and Ladybug 🐞🌿

The kittens were found and trapped last night after their mama was previously sedated and removed in a complex and difficult case. (If you saw the posts, you know the situation, but I have deleted them so as not to bring any potential negativity to the woman who was responsible for the situation. My priority was the safety of the cats and we have ensured that now)

Mama Clover is extremely thin and was literally starving, she did everything to provide for her beautiful babies who are around 5 weeks. They have tested negative to FIV and FeLV 🎉 The plan was to move them to another controlled colony a few towns away... But as Clover is so friendly, and so weak at the moment, I can't do it. The kittens need their mum for several more weeks...
So I've taken them onto my books 🤦🏼‍♀️

⚠️ PLEASE WE NEED A FOSTER! My house is full to the brim and I'm currently paying for the meadow cats to have stayed in the emergency vets until this afternoon.

Current costs so far:
Consultation €15
Overnight hospitalisation €20 (though this may go up to €80 as the kittens were placed with her, it just depends on how kind the vets will be with the bill)
Sterilisation €55
Antiparasitico for mum only €9
FIV FeLV test €23

We will also need to cover:
All vaccinations €104
High calorie mother and babycat food through foster and any equipment needed if whoever kindly comes through to foster doesn't have it - estimate €150 (m&baby food at €2 per tin, 2 per day, plus kitten kibble at €35, plus litter, for the duration of 1 month)

💖 A HUGE THANK YOU TO DEBBIE, FIONA AND ANN who went looking for the kittens but did at least each come away with one adult cat for neutering, which will ease the overpopulation issue in that area 💖

It's been a big and emotional project and now we need to get mama and her kittens into foster so they can recover and I can find permanent homes for them.

Polly needs a home! Her foster returns to Norway on the 25th June... But I have transport ready to take her to the UK on...

Polly needs a home! Her foster returns to Norway on the 25th June... But I have transport ready to take her to the UK on the 24th June... So it feels like a sign that Polly is meant to find a UK forever home! I know her new mama or cat dad is out there, we just need to find them!

I'd love your help in sharing 💖

Polly has been through the horror of being captured and then awaiting euthanisation in the pound, yet she has shown such bravery and resilience, and it brings a tear to your eye to see how loving and affectionate she is with humans, even after all that. She's even good with other cats. Her little life has been in limbo but a new chapter awaits ✨

- female
- approx. 2 years old
- super affectionate
- in perfect health
- tested negative for FIV, Felv, panleukopenia, mycoplasma and chlamydia
- neutered
- rabies vaccinated with chip & passport
- UK transport £195 (usually £400 but it has been subsidised by kind donors)

This beautiful girl deserves a chance at life 🙏💜

*** UPDATE - FOSTER HAS BEEN FOUND***It's a long shot but perhaps someone can help? This blind 4 week old kitten needs o...

It's a long shot but perhaps someone can help? This blind 4 week old kitten needs our help. Is there anyone who could foster this tiny babe while we provide medical treatment and look for a permanent home.
She's in Granada but I will transport to wherever needed across the Málaga province if someone can help.
She may still need a bottle as she weans onto solid foods but that may not be necessary. I can provide all that's needed, I just need a temporary foster with love in their heart.
Please share ✨

Urgently needed: foster for 5 adorable, friendly, super-healthy kittens, for 7 weeks while they await new homes. Goose, ...

Urgently needed: foster for 5 adorable, friendly, super-healthy kittens, for 7 weeks while they await new homes. Goose, Pigeon and Wren are reserved for adoption, the other two are likely to be reserved for travel too.
They're 8 weeks old and partially vaccinated.

Please help us to fundraise for life-saving surgery for Teddy. Click the link to read what happened: https://gofund.me/d...

Please help us to fundraise for life-saving surgery for Teddy. Click the link to read what happened: https://gofund.me/de28aa7a
Thank you 💜

IMPORTANT NEWS - You may have noticed lately, I'm inundated and I've not been coping well with the high workload, which ...

IMPORTANT NEWS - You may have noticed lately, I'm inundated and I've not been coping well with the high workload, which has unfortunately meant that I've not been able to dedicate the time to individual cases that they deserve. It's also meant that I've neglected my admin, which is unfortunately a rather large and extremely necessary part of rescuing. It goes without saying that, due to being so busy, I've neglected my home, and my husband, and my own cats and Freddy. And right at the bottom of the list is me, and I've been burning the candle at a thousand ends which is frankly just dumb. It's a vicious circle! I say no to as many cases as I can, but even still, I feel I'm doing a disservice to every cat and person involved. I want to help cats in need but I'm headed toward giving up entirely and I've come to the conclusion that ALL or NOTHING are not the only two options...

SO! I've changed Fauna Mountain's intake criteria. Instead of being a general cat rescue, I'm now focused solely on the area I feel I'm best at and which I feel needs the most help: Cats which are disabled, senior or seriously at risk (i.e. death row in the pound).

Whilst kittens are cute and easier to home, they take a lot of time and resources, leaving me unable to help those others, and there are many fantastic rescues and individuals already doing a lot of work rescuing kittens. From now on, I will only be taking kittens if they're on death row in the pound, or are disabled or seriously injured.

Please take a look at my website as I've been rewriting it, especially my 'About' page, and let me know what you think:

I really hope I have people's support on this. It was rescuing Blue from the pound that led me to formally setting up as a rescue, and placing blind Henry with his elderly adopter was one of my favourite cases. Cats like Blue and Henry would ordinarily be overlooked and by now would have been needlessly euthanised, but look at the good we achieved instead! And look at what we achieved for the herb cats! 💖

I hope when I'm old, or if I became disabled, that people would still see me as just as worthy of time and love, don't you agree? ###

Time to concentrate solely on the animals in my care and under my rescue with fosters. Things have become very busy, the...

Time to concentrate solely on the animals in my care and under my rescue with fosters. Things have become very busy, the most cats on my books ever before, which is wonderful in a way because I can help so many cats in need, but I also don't want to neglect them by overstretching and reaching out to more cases.
So no further intakes for a while. We're just going to concentrate on providing the best care and finding the best forever homes for the cats we've got on our books! 💖
Please take a look at them on my website
www.faunamountain.wixsite.com/my-site.. and I will continue to post updates on the healing of Kit and Merlin, the beautiful blossoming growth of Squirrel, Nutkin, Chimichanga and Cholula, the socialisation of Matilda and the care and preparation for new homes for all the others 💖
Here's a few updates:

Merlin ~ the last baby I agreed to before closing new intakes. It's taken me a week to get more info about him.What a sw...

Merlin ~ the last baby I agreed to before closing new intakes. It's taken me a week to get more info about him.
What a sweet gentle boy. He was brought in to my vets with a re**al prolapse and has no home. At this point, I don't have any available fosters but I might be able to get him into paid boarding... 🤔 For now though, he is undergoing surgery at the vets and he'll be staying there a while. He's neutered, tested negative for FIV and FeLV and he's a lovely, affectionate, little dusting of powdered sugar. I'll let you know how he recovers. He's in my vets in the next cubicle along from Kit, you know, with the baby rabbit ears? Perhaps they will become friends; a sweet story of the wizard and the baby rabbit... ✨

***UPDATE ***RESERVED FOR ADOPTION 🎉****Louis, 10 months (dark siamese), and his sister Aimey, 18 months (cream siamese)...

***UPDATE ***

Louis, 10 months (dark siamese), and his sister Aimey, 18 months (cream siamese) are a special case. They are the two beloved cats of a lady who has fostered for me, but has now become gravely ill with breast cancer after battling it for several years. Due to the severe treatment and prognosis, she must rehome her babies Louis and Aimey.
Even though, I have a full rescue, of course I'm going to help.
Louis was bottle fed after being found. Aimey was attacked by a man on the street and suffered a severely broken leg. Her owner has helped her through two surgeries to correct it. She walks with a limp but is happy and healthy otherwise. Affectionate, even after all she's been through.

They are neutered and chipped and don't leave the lady's garden, but as you can see, they are nosy neighbours 😆

We need a home for them both, so they can stay together after the trauma they've experienced and so we can alleviate the strain on this lovely lady as she goes through a very hard time. Not only is she very ill, she is on her own, so without support, she fears she cannot look after the animals.

Can you help? Do you know someone who could love Louis & Aimey? Can you share so we can find an adopter? 💖

(Transport to the UK would be £390 for both and I will organise the paperwork etc)



Baby Muis is showing us all how you shine your light, how to roar (squeak) at the wind, how to laugh in the face of dark...

Baby Muis is showing us all how you shine your light, how to roar (squeak) at the wind, how to laugh in the face of darkness... Now 3 days old and fully integrated with his adoptive siblings, if a little different in size. His new mama is washing him and feeding him and keeping him safe and warm. He is fluffy, fat-bellied and feeding! The BEST RESULT! You guys must have wished and prayed so hard that you made his tiny dreams come true

Huge thanks to Jolien at AROS foundation ###



EMERGENCY - is there anyone who can take a single bottle baby? Found in Canillas alone and covered in ants

Meet the prettiest little family 💖 Mama has 5 stunning healthy babies who are now 5 weeks old and available to reserve f...

Meet the prettiest little family 💖 Mama has 5 stunning healthy babies who are now 5 weeks old and available to reserve for adoption. They can travel in 10 weeks. Mama very likely will stay with her foster 💖
Transport to the UK - £195 per cat

Tabitha is a super affectionate 4-5 year old, indoors only, neutered and vaccinated. She's available for adoption and is...

Tabitha is a super affectionate 4-5 year old, indoors only, neutered and vaccinated. She's available for adoption and is in foster in Suffolk so UK adopters, there's no transport fee!

Take a look at her profile on my website under Adoptions -

Do you know anyone who'd like to adopt her? Please share ✨

Wondering how Kit is doing? Still thinking about those baby rabbit ears? Well, he was really sick when I took him in, se...

Wondering how Kit is doing? Still thinking about those baby rabbit ears? Well, he was really sick when I took him in, severely jaundiced and in a deep state of infection... But he's so much better already! And look at this absolute MASTER of photogenics 🎓
This little scragglepuff has me screaming inside with the cuteness everytime I see him... Those EARS! Those messy whiskers. The pinched nose. The full cheeks! 😆😍💖
He tested positive for FIV (meh, not a big deal to us round here 💅 NEXT) and negative for Felv (🎉 wahay! That's the important one). Once he's healthy he'll be available for adoption... Most think Kit has no chance, but all I see is an absolute bomb of character! Do you think he's ugly or do you agree with me?

I'm sorry to tell you that unfortunately Dylan has been put to sleep and crossed the rainbow bridge. His lab test came b...

I'm sorry to tell you that unfortunately Dylan has been put to sleep and crossed the rainbow bridge. His lab test came back positive for calicivirus, he was anemic and his liver and kidney values weren't good. We tried antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and an antiviral. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In my opinion, calicivirus is one of the worst things that can happen to a cat. But you can vaccinate against it, just make sure they get a booster at least once every 3 years.

If I had Elon Musks money, I'd vaccinate every cat against calici 💔

Quattro turned up at a kind lady's garden in need of food but since learning how nice humans can be, he just wants love ...

Quattro turned up at a kind lady's garden in need of food but since learning how nice humans can be, he just wants love love love!
He's now been neutered, vaccinated and tested negative for common feline diseases. He's thought to be 2 years old and was likely born feral, but he clearly has a naturally sweet disposition and is learning that beds are comfortable and hands give pets... He's still not quite sure what toys are but he will get it, as they all do in the end. He's a little hobo in need of a loving home. Can anyone help?

The only 3 things I know about these two babies at the moment:➡️ They were found in a bin➡️ They're about 5 weeks old➡️ ...

The only 3 things I know about these two babies at the moment:
➡️ They were found in a bin
➡️ They're about 5 weeks old
➡️ They're coming to me tomorrow.
Please welcome Squirrel & Nutkin



✨PLEASE HELP✨The owner of Monty & Munchy is devastated. She has vascular dementia, and recently suffered a debilitating ...

The owner of Monty & Munchy is devastated. She has vascular dementia, and recently suffered a debilitating stroke. She is forced to move into care near her adult children and is unable to bring her beloved cats. Due to the state of her health, we need to move quickly, so we're searching for an adopter to keep this boy and girl together 💕
Monty - a stunning blue-eyed siamese boy, 5 years old, healthy and affectionate
Munchy - a 2 year old black female, also healthy and extremely affectionate

They love being indoor/outdoor cats and are currently in Benajarafe though I can transport further afield. PLEASE SHARE


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 19:00
Thursday 09:30 - 19:00
Friday 09:30 - 19:00


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