Sezzjoni t'Adozzjoni mal-Animal Welfare.
Jekk tixtiequ tadottaw, idhlu
Animal Welfare Malta
Buddy's Lost & Found Page- Maxine- Animal Activist
Din is-sabiha Maya ghandha sena u qed tfittex home fejn tista tghix parti mill-familja, tohrog timxi u tkun mahhuba kif suppost.
Din il-kelba tghix ma ragel ta 82 sena ghax xi hadd tajilu u ma jiflahx ghaliha.
Min hu lest itiha home ibghatu messagg lili jew Our Rescues Malta - Ireland
Bħala attivisti tal-annimali u NGOs tal-annimali nemmnu li d-deċiżjoni li l-Luna Park ser jerġa jkun ħdejn il-Petting Farm Ta’ Qali għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva juri biċ-ċar kemm il-benesseri tal-annimali mhux prijorità f’pajjiżna peress li dan jaffetwa u jħalli impatt negattiv fuq il-benessri tal-annimali residenti hemmhekk.
Il-Petting Farm Ta' Qali huwa santwarju għall-annimali anzjani tal-irziezet u bosta speċi ta' għasafar, li jipprovdilhom ambjent paċifiku.
Il-Luna Park, bl-istorbju u l-kommossjoni inevitabbli tiegħu ser jikkawża stress u ħsara bla bżonn lil dawn l-annimali sensittivi. Il-fatt ukoll li dan se jkun qed jiġri għal xahrejn sħaħ, li toħloq rutina ta’ kuljum ta’ stress akbar għall-annimali huwa inaċċettabbli.
Għaldaqstant bħala attivisti tal-annimali u NGO’s qed inħeġġu lill-awtoritajiet biex jaġixxu b’mod responsabbli u b’kompassjoni, biex jieħdu passi immedjati biex il-Luna Park jiġi rilokat f’żona aktar xierqa. Huwa imperattiv li nagħtu prijorità lis-saħħa u l-benessri tal-annimali fil-Petting Farm Ta’ Qali u f’deċiżjonijiet oħra. Il-benessri tal-annimali m'għandux ikun sekondarju għal kwalunkwe forma ta' gwadann ekonomiku.
Għandu jiġi identifikat post aktar adattat, wieħed li ma jikkompromettix il-benesseri ta’ dawn l-annimali u jsostni l-valuri ta’ trattament uman u rispett għall-ħlejjaq kollha ħajjin.
As animal activists and animal NGOs we believe that the decision to establish a Luna Park near the Ta' Qali Petting Farm for the second consecutive year is wrong, as it negatively impacts the well-being of the animals residing there. The fact that such an activity is done adjacent to the petting farm underlines how much animal welfare is not a priority in o
Sezzjoni t'Adozzjoni flimkien ma' Animal Welfare Malta.
Jekk tixtiequ tadottaw lil Bianca, din hija il-link ghal aktar informazzjoni:
Office of the Commissioner for Animal Welfare
Rescued is my Favorite Breed - Lulu Arpa
Our Mother’s day giveaway winner is… 🩷🩷🩷 Thank you all for participating 🙏🏻🩷
Our Mother’s day giveaway winner is
Au Drey Micallef 🩷
Thank you all for participating 🩷
@top fans
Wave Photo Malta
Parker is already looking much better 🙏🏻 thank you Francesca ❤️
Fl-aħħar episodju ltqajna ma' @robert spiteri u spjegalna ftit kif taħdem id-dinamika meta jkollok aktar minn kelb wieħed. Fil-filmat rajna li kull kelb li għandi għandhom karattri u personalitajiet differenti u kemm hu mportanti li l-homework isir sew qabel tintroduċi aktar klieb fid-dar.
Tista' ssegwi l-episodju kollu hawnhekk:
Borg Cardona Pet Supplies
Another one abandoned in the streets ❤️🩹, picked up by a volunteer and now safe in a foster home 🙏🏻
Vet checked - Sandfly positive, waiting for full blood tests.
Never ending ❤️🩹
Sezzjoni ta' Adozzjoni b'kollaborazzjoni ma' Animal Welfare Malta
Wiehed milll-filmati li qed nuru fl-Agrifair 2024 huwa dwar il-kampanja end the cage age sabiex tittiehed azzjoni minnufih!
@compassion in world farming
Veggy Malta
@eurogroup for animals
Ahna qeghdin hawn l-Agrifair bhala l-unici Vuci ghall-Annimali flimkien ma Veggy Malta. QED nwasslu l-mesagg dwar End the Cage Age Deutschland li twaqfet mill-Kummissjoni Ewropeja.
Compassion in World Farming
Fl-aħħar episodju tkellimna ma' Dr. Christa dwar l-Artrite'.
Nisperaw li s-suġġetti mal-vet jinteressawkom!
Lady tidher li ħadet gost għand il-vet tagħha - il-klieb tagħkom jieħdu pjaċir imorru għand il-vet?
Min jixtieq isegwi l-episodju kollu jista' jidħol fil-link t'hawn taħt:
F'Episodju ta' Vuċi għall-annimali, ltqajna ma' Florian, tifel ta' 10 snin li għandu għal qalbu l-annimali u n-natura. Florian huwa veġetarjan ukoll.
Taqblu ma li qal Florian?
Preserving the breed from humanity - Temporary Ban of breeding and Importation of the most abused, abandoned and neglected breed in the world.
Following the case involving 27 bully breed dogs found in horrible conditions rescued by Animal Welfare and the countess incidents involving bully breeds that has happened before this, it is time to act! Vuċi għall-Annimali, Association for Abandoned Animals, Gozo SPCA, Noah’s Ark Dog Sanctuary and The Island Sanctuary are speaking up for the rights and well-being of these loyal and deserving animals.
We advocate for a comprehensive approach to address this issue, including stricter regulations against abuse and illegal breeding practices, increased efforts to enforce existing laws, and initiatives to promote responsible pet ownership and adoption.
To achieve this we are requesting the Maltese government to issue a temporary ban of the breeding and importation of all bully breed dogs as also proposed by The Commissioner for Animal Welfare, until the situation has adequately improved. This ban would include also mixed breed bully breeds.
This petition aims to gather public support to safeguard these breeds and their mixes from exploitation by abusers and backyard breeders. Too often, these dogs are abandoned with cropped ears and lacking microchips, which indicates that illegal ear cropping practices are still being done in Malta. Additionally, many are tragically subjected to dogfighting or used as bait-dogs, while female dogs are exploited as puppy breeding machines.
Regrettably, an alarming overpopulation of these breeds end up in sanctuaries or animal welfare facilities, with few prospects for adoption. It is unjust and unkind to confine these dogs to a lifetime in pens.
It is important to state that this ban is for specifically the ban of breeding and importation and does not mean a ban of any dogs already in care.
Your signature can make a difference. Will you join us?
When humanity failed us, we found each other 💔
They were vet checked, Rabbit has mange, a flea infestation and maggots and is currently under treatment
Dog has an ear infection, tested negative for both sandfly and erlichia, being treated for the flea and tick infestation, dewormed and chipped 🙏🏻
Good night ❤️
Vuci ghall-Annimali