Hey everyone,
We have made the decision to leave Mantrailing Global/ Mantrailing UK.
As some of you know, it is not a decision we came to lightly, but we feel that as a company, we no longer align with each others values.
What does this mean for you?
There will be no change in how we offer sessions and events, we will still be offering our full, customer focused, Mantrailing.
Starting from January we will be rolling out some additional Mantrailing services, and, in order to make some of the things we offer more accessible, there will be some slight changes in how we operate.
We will still keep up to date with the all the latest information and learning, in order to continue to offer you all our same quality service.
If you have any questions around our decision to leave, you are more than welcome to message us, or speak to us in person.
Morfa Clwyd Mantrailing