Great Yeldham dog grooming

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Great Yeldham dog grooming Great Yeldham Dog Grooming is located in Butlers Way Great Yeldham. All dogs must receive regular grooming at home between grooms. No! (It can be very itchy).

I offer 1 2 1 grooming tailored to your dogs individually needs

Please give me a call if you have any questions - I’m sure I can help. Terms and Conditions for High Maintenance Dogs

Poodles, Bichon Frise, Shih tzu, Cockapoo, Cavapoo, Maltipoo, Labradoodles or any of the Cross/Wool coated Dog. Any breed with a medium to long coat type - silky, double or wire

Any of these dogs are classed as Hi

gh Maintenance when it comes to grooming and as such, I will only be taking on new customers if they agree to the following Terms and Conditions. All dogs with high maintenance coats must commit to a regular grooming schedule of four, six or eight weeks - depending on the individual dogs needs. If you need help and advice with this please ask. Can you imagine going to your hairdressers for your regular appointment and not have brushed or combed your hair once since your last visit? I don’t think you can as this would be deemed unexceptionable, SO why is it any different for your dog? Prices start at £40 and go up to £75 depending on frequency of grooms, size of dog, coat type, dog’s behaviour and style required. All the products used on your dog are hyper allergenic, coat applicable, ethical and all natural with no nasty chemicals. Any matted/felted dogs will be charged an additional £15 de-matting fee on top of their normal groom price and receive a complete shave down. I will not put your dog through anything other than removal of a few minimal knots, if your dog is matted, they will be clipped short all over to prevent any more pain and discomfort. Did you know clipping off a matted dog is a requirement by LAW under the Animal Welfare Act, have a look it makes very interesting reading. Be advised removing a badly matted/felted coat can be very dangerous and can result in injury to your dog. This can be anything from
• Hematoma’s - As the matted coat is released blood is allowed to run to extremists and can cause bleeding and bruising. Also pins and needles, which can be very upsetting for the dog.
• Hotspots or other hidden injuries under the matted coat - sometimes when the matted coat is removed it can reveal sores/wounds, grass seeds that have become imbedded, infected hair follicles, hot spots or undetected injuries. You just cannot see what is going on under a matted/felted coat.
• Clipper Rash - this is not due to the clipper burning the skin as some people think, but by having to clip very close to the skin (It’s a lot like shaving rash). Clipper rash isn’t always visible straight away, so it’s important to be vigilant if your dog has had to be clipped short. If it does happen DO NOT allow them to lick or scratch at it. You can use Leucillin antiseptic skincare or Aloe Vera to help soothe the affected area.
• Cutting the skin with the clipper - as the matting can be so close to the skin the matted hair can pull skin into the clipper and cut it. This can also happen if there’s a hidden skin tag or wart. If I can’t see these things, I can’t avoid them.
• Behaviour changes - your dog can appear to be traumatised after a complete shave down. The matted/felted coat has been acting like a strait jacket and the release from it can be overwhelming for them and can take them a few days to recover. Saying that, they can also run around like lunatics and be so happy it melts your heart. Imagine how miserable you would be if every time you moved matted hair pulled at your skin? After saying all of that, I will as always, be as careful as I possibly can when grooming your dog. However, if the dog was not matted in the first place none of these things would happen and I will not be held responsible for it. I will NOT take any liability for any injury that may happen during the grooming process, because the dog it excessively matted, the matting is NOT my fault! The last thing I want to do is shave your lovely fluffy dog, as it’s really not a good advertisement for me or my business. If the worst does happen and the clip off results in a vets visit, the only person responsible for this is you. If you do not want the responsibility of a high maintenance dog then please don’t get one. If you don’t agree to all the above Terms and Conditions, I am not the groomer for you, and I will not be taking you on as a client. I value humanity over vanity every time and aim to make the grooming experience as enjoyable as I possibly can for your dog, so please help me do that and let’s get them into a regular grooming schedule and have them looking and feeling absolutely fabulous all of the time. If you are a new client and would like an appointment for your dog, please message me saying that you have read and agree to all the Terms and Conditions for a High Maintenance dog and I will get you booked in. Sallyann
Great Yeldham Dog Grooming x


Good morning, everyone.

I have a very sad announcement to make.

After 17 years, the time has come for me to hang up my scissors 😥 I will be sadly closing Great Yeldham Dog Grooming at the end of March.

I will be taking early retirement due to ongoing health issues ❤️‍🩹 I love what I do, and I have kept going for as long as possible, but from now on I really need to prioritise my health.

I have loved grooming all your wonderful pups over the years, and I will miss you all very much.

If you have an appointment booked with me between now and the end of March, I will do my very best to honour it.

Thank you all so much for trusting me with your precious pups, and I wish you all the very best with your new groomer.

Sallyann x

I would like to wish all of my wonderful customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🐾Thank you for continuing...

I would like to wish all of my wonderful customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🐾

Thank you for continuing to trust me with your precious fur babies 🙏
This year has not been an easy one for me and your support and understanding has been amazing throughout ❤️‍🩹🙏🐾

May the festive season be filled with lots of Glimmers for you and your pups ❤️

Love Sallyann x

If you have children around your dogs Family Paws Parent Education is an excellent resource to help keep everyone happy ...

If you have children around your dogs Family Paws Parent Education is an excellent resource to help keep everyone happy and safe

It’s Halloween today, Bonfire night next week and Christmas just around the corner and we will most likely have lots of family and friends visiting

Even if your dogs are used to lots of people and children 🐶 this can be a very stressful time for them - understanding your dogs body language and how they tells us they need space 🙏 or are not happy in any given situation is a life skill that every parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother and sister should have

Be the one that understands and advocates for a dog when they cannot ❤️x

Please share Family Paws Parent Educators to friends and family to help increase safety and decrease stress for everyone

One of the most important aspects of what we do here at Family Paws is help provide accessible resources to dog trainers, veterinary professionals, parents, medical and professionals and so much more!

We strongly believe that education empowers and our goal is to increase safety and decrease stress for all family members through education and realistic expectations.

Each time you like, comment, save and share you help others to become more dog aware which helps us achieve that goal! 🐶

You never know who your share might reach!

Thank you for helping us create Dog Aware Generations! 🐾


Happy Halloween everyone 🎃

I would like to wish the wonderful Mr Dexter a very happy 11th Birthday Day 🥳

No tricks for you today young man 🎃 definitely treats all the way 🐾

Sending love and hugs from your auntie Sallyann x


What makes a pet groomer a great one??
Humanity over vanity ❤️❤️❤️ and putting the dogs needs first 👍

So what if one eyebrow is just a little longer than the other! 🤪 Your dog doesn’t care and I’m not going to push them beyond what they are comfortable with, just so that I can fix it!

Your dogs comfort and wellbeing should always come before how good they look 👀 👍




Tag an Awesome Positive Reinforcement Professional!




I use food a lot, but there is a big difference between using food as a reward and using it as a Lure Using food as a lu...

I use food a lot, but there is a big difference between using food as a reward and using it as a Lure
Using food as a lure can result in conflict and its something I would never recommend

Forcing a dog to ‘face their fears’ and taking away their control over their own movement is probably not a good idea as the risk of creating a negative learning experience becomes very high.

Luring a fearful dog with food can sometimes work out fine and can sometimes help a dog realize that an object is safe, but it can also create feelings of inner conflict and some dogs will suddenly startle. I would never advise anyone to lure a fearful dog into meeting other animals (including humans) as this can become very risky. Once the food has been eaten, the dog may freak out in being too close and suddenly react with defensive responses.

Offering space, time and social support is my preferred option. Having the freedom, time and space to decide for themselves whether or not to explore and allowing them to process information at their own pace can boost the self-confidence of a dog. Being there for your dog and offering social support can reduce stress and fearfulness. You can be your dog's safe space🥰

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Help me reach more people! Please share my image using the 'share' button (you can share in groups, on your business page, on your timeline, etc..all possible through the 'share' options). This is highly appreciated!🥰💞
Please do not download/save my content on your device and upload my work elsewhere. This diminishes my ability to reach people.📵 Many thanks for understanding.

Dogs can and do find the grooming process scary - so it’s my job to counterbalance the scary (triggers) with enjoyable (...

Dogs can and do find the grooming process scary - so it’s my job to counterbalance the scary (triggers) with enjoyable (glimmers) 😊

Every dog that comes to see me is an individual and I spend a great deal of time understanding what they find triggering about the grooming process and what they find to be a glimmer - these triggers and glimmers can change for your dog over time - for example as they get older, if there has been big changes at home, or if they are having health issues - therefore assessment and adjustment are always ongoing

Triggers can be - nails, feet, legs, faces, water, the dryers, clippers, scissors, etc

Glimmers can be - Free Work, T Touch, Music, Trust Techniques, Bucket Game, licky/snuffle mats, etc

By getting as many glimmers as I can into the grooming process, the triggers become less of an issue and more manageable 👍

Even the dogs that seem to breeze through the grooming process should have lots of GLIMMERS along the way 🐶 x

Have you heard of glimmers?

Glimmers are little events of safety and enjoyment that counterbalance triggers.

Triggers are usually events where your dog perceives danger.

Glimmers can make our dogs feel safe and help them to get out of the process of trigger stacking.

Glimmers can include:

Scatter feeding.
Snuffle rugs.
Learning something new.
Sitting and watching the World from a safe distance.
Engagement with you.

Anything that makes our dogs feel safe and cozy!

I am closed today due to the high temperatures 😎Hope you and your pups 🐶 are all safe and staying as cool as you can x

I am closed today due to the high temperatures 😎

Hope you and your pups 🐶 are all safe and staying as cool as you can x

Recognising a stress response in your dog 🐶 It’s not just Fight or Flight 🥊🏃🏼‍♀️‍➡️

Recognising a stress response in your dog 🐶
It’s not just Fight or Flight 🥊🏃🏼‍♀️‍➡️


Recognising stress responses in dogs.

Fight or flight are well known reactions to fear or stress, but these other “F” words are also important to understand and be aware of as they may not always be so obvious.

Freeze, Fawn, Fidget or Fool around are also responses to stress or fear and are also commonly seen in people.

Some dogs may have a genetic predisposition to one type of response while some react based on previous experience - what has worked for them before or what hasn’t. Some dogs have different reactions depending on the specific context.

Recognising and taking note of situations or circumstances where these responses are seen is important in understanding how our dogs are feeling.

When we recognise a fear or a stress response, we are able to intervene and advocate for our dogs.

Grass seed post from a fellow groomer in the area - thank you for letting me share this Amanda The Fur Dresser xPlease, ...

Grass seed post from a fellow groomer in the area - thank you for letting me share this Amanda The Fur Dresser x

Please, please, please keep checking your dogs for those pesky grass seeds 🙏

Please, please, please keep checking your dogs for those pesky grass seeds. I had this little terrier in at the start of this week and she had a scab under her armpit so it was eased out during a bath with antibacterial shampoo which revealed this hole and a lump underneath it. The owner was made aware immediately and a vet appointment was booked for the same day. This terrier lives out in the country side so loves doing what terrier’s do and having a good rummage in hedges so it could have been anything that could’ve caused it.
At the vets appointment it was flushed with saline but nothing appeared so a sedation appointment was made for the following day. Later that afternoon the owner gave it another squeeze and out came a lot of water plus the pesky seed and by the next morning the wound had closed up and dry.
The reason I’m highlighting this is because the dog had shown no sign of being in distress, not limping or trying to scratch or lick the area so the owner hadn’t thought to check, so if she hadn’t come to her regular grooming appointment it could’ve been a lot worse as the seed could’ve worked further into the body causing a massive infection and damaging any of her internal organs. Sounds dramatic but it does happen. Last year I had a little dog in that had been to the vets twice with a sore paw and was given steroids which had made no difference. Once I trimmed the fur away the poor little dog had a grass seed through his paw so I sent him back to the vet and he had to have anaesthetic to remove it. So if you just check your pets and brush them over to dislodged any of the pesky troublemakers. 🐾🐾🐾🐾

Essex pawsome Dog Show

Essex pawsome Dog Show

Hope you have had a lovely weekend and Monday morning has been kind to everyone 🌤️Today we have the beautiful Miss Tilly...

Hope you have had a lovely weekend and Monday morning has been kind to everyone 🌤️

Today we have the beautiful Miss Tilly 💕

She is an F1 cockapoo, which means she is a first cross between a cocker spaniel and a mini poodle
In Tilly’s case the cocker spaniel is definitely her dominant personality trait - she is a really busy little girl 🤓

On arrival she is always SO please to see me, and gets SO excited 🤗

Now grooming a dog while they are overly excited is not a good idea - the mixture of a wiggle dog and sharp objects is quite frankly dangerous, so I work really hard on calming her down before I even pick up a clipper or any scissors

We spend the first 10 to 15 minutes doing some Free Work 👍

Free work is an excellent way of calming down an excitable dog and it works very well with Miss Tilly - once she is ready she then goes into the bath for a deep conditioning shampoo and a relaxing blueberry facial - while she is all soapy I do a full body massage and continue with her relaxation process 👍

By the time she is out of the bath she is completely relaxed and ready to be dried - while some dogs can find the dryer scary 😧 Miss Tilly loves it 😊
During the drying process I continue to use TTouch massage, to further deepen her relaxation, before finally clipping and finishing off with scissors - feet, nails, ears and face

Her particular favourite during her massage is the Bai Hui point - it’s the go to feel good calming point 🤗 and Tilly loves it 🥰
I like to used small TTouch circles over the Bai Hui point ➡️ right between the top of the hipbones there’s a soft space on the sacrum and that’s “THE FEEL GOOD POINT”

I then end her session with a few pieces of sausage hidden around the groom room for her to find 😋

Give the Bai Hui point a try on your own dog - they will thank you for it 😊xx

Jar of Pennies, Water Bucket, Bank Account or whatever you want call it 😊 make sure that your dogs wellbeing and happine...

Jar of Pennies, Water Bucket, Bank Account or whatever you want call it 😊 make sure that your dogs wellbeing and happiness container 🫙 is as full as you can get it x

When their theoretical container is more than half full, everything becomes easier for your dog to cope with 👍 when it’s less than half empty, everything becomes more difficult for them to cope with 👎

How Full Is Your Dog's Jar Of Pennies??

Here at Canine Thinking, we measure your dog's wellbeing and happiness using a Jar of Pennies. Think of it as your dog's wellbeing bank account. Dogs with full jars feel well, safe, happy and content.... and offer fantastic beahviour, often without being asked! How amazing does that sound?

You can fill up your dog's jar with things your dog enjoys, that create positive emotions or enhance wellness. Things like enjoying a tasty dinner, playing, good sleep, being empowered by having choices, enjoying relaxed interactions, the fun of success in a game or training, doing dog stuff like chasing, digging, tugging, sniffing...

Stressors will empty the jar - they are things your dog doesn't enjoy or struggles with and they cause pennies to be spent from the jar instead. Being tired, hungry, cold, sore, itchy, helpless, worried, sad, bored, not listened to, overexcited, frustrated, anxious, lonely...

As our dog's guardians, it is our job to help give them what they need to keep their jar of pennies as full as possible, so we both get on and enjoy life together.

What does your dog enjoy doing, that will add pennies to their jar??

Tell us below 👇


Why would you use physical or chemical resistances when you can use cooperative care 🤷‍♀️ it’s really a no brainier

In the early 1990’s I worked as a zookeeper and that’s were I was introduced to cooperative care 🐺🐅🐆🐘🦍🦧🦓🐫🦒🦛

And now I use it to help dogs with grooming anxieties 🐶

It’s cooperative care all the way here at Great Yeldham Dog Grooming 👍


Every single dog that I do is an individual☝️they each have different needs, likes and dislikes Knowing their likes and ...

Every single dog that I do is an individual☝️they each have different needs, likes and dislikes

Knowing their likes and dislikes is a very important part of my job 👍 it helps me make the grooming process more balanced and as enjoyable as I possibly can for each pup 🐶

For example - here is Miss Flossie enjoying a cheese 🧀filled snuffle mat - it’s her favourite thing 🥰

However, Mr Dexter won’t even look at a snuffle mat and prefers his cheese 🧀 hand delivered straight into his mouth 😋

Look at Dexters face 👀 isn’t he just the cutest 🥰

Both in this morning for their regular pampering session and both having their different needs, likes and dislikes taken into account 👍


59 Butlers Way

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 14:00
Thursday 09:00 - 13:00



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