Dr Roos is on her bike to raise funds for the National Sterilization Project [see donation link at the end of this article].
Dr Annelize Roos, or Doc Roos as she is affectionately called, is well known to many animal welfare organisations across South Africa who have enjoyed the privilege of her services. Since starting Envirovet CVC in 2011, her team has conducted over 86 000 pet sterilisations in remote and indigent communities.
From 6 October to 4 November 2024 Doc Roos is participating in the Victoria Falls to Kilimanjaro section of the ‘TDA Tour D’Afrique Cape to Kili’, 3180kms through Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi and finally to Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
“I've just turned 64 and haven't cycled much for quite some time due to work commitments. However, for many years, I was very active on my bike and I’m still perfectly comfortable on it. I'm also a nature and adventure lover and Africa is particularly dear to me. My intended participation in this tour is specifically aimed at starting a new life post-retirement with a bang! But I’m also extending my retirement to a higher level and will be using this experience as an opportunity to raise funds for the National Sterilization Project”, says Doc Roos.
The focus is on a mass pet sterilisation project in Port Alfred, Eastern Cape. “This area, amongst many others in South Africa, is in dire need of pet sterilisations. It is geographically isolated and impoverished with a mere 30% of people in the area being financially independent at present. Compounding this is that sterilisation of pets is not part of the 'culture' in the area”, continues Doc Roos, a passionate advocate for a comprehensive approach to pet population management in South Africa.
This requires the sterilisation of at least 80% of pets in any geographically demarcated area with only ‘maintenance’ required thereafter to keep the population stable.
Says Debra Buys, NSP National Project Co-ordinator, “Project Port Alfred will be the biggest project we’ve ever tackled. An initial census indicates that 2 300 pets need to be sterilised to achieve the 80% sterilised target. If sufficient funds are raised, this will be done in 6 Phases from November 2024 to April 2026 with 300 or more pets sterilised in each Phase”.
Funding of at least R150 000 is required for each of these 6 Phases, and a total of R1.15 million over 3 years.
“I’d like to raise a minimum of R300 000 for at least the first 2 of these phases to address the cats, so at least they are done. That’s R94,34 per kilometre that I cycle. Well worth the effort and the experience!”, adds Doc Roos.
True to form and just to add weight to her bicycle, Doc Roos will also be taking along tick, flea and mange medication to treat at least some of the community pets that she encounters along her epic cycling journey.
NSP is exceptionally grateful to Dr Roos for this initiative and to Anti Animal Trafficking CT who have generously contributed R11 100 to kick-start this fundraising drive.
If you’d like to contribute towards Dr Roos’ fundraising for Project Port Alfred please CLICK HERE: https://www.givengain.com/project/dr-annelize-raising-funds-for-national-sterilization-project-80263
A Section 18A Tax Certificate is available for all donations.