2 year old PugsleyThis community cat arrived at his West Contra Costa County feeding station with his right ear oozing blood. It took some time to trap him and he was taken to the awesome people at #AnimalFixClinic for an evaluation. It turns out Pugsley had a pretty big polyp inside his ear! Dr. Goh and her team removed it and cleaned his ear up so he looks good as new! Polyps can be caused by a number of things - trauma, bacteria accumulation, inflammation, or debris. He was released and his feeder will keep an eye on him. To help us continue for our community cats, please head over to our website: https://pawsitivechances.org/donate/
Nugget Lunch Time
3rd brother enjoying his lunch.
Ivan was found by a great Samaritan in Hercules. He was being attacked by dogs, plus heโs infested with fleas and ticks. Despite all of this, he is so sweet, purring all the time to the medical staff at El Sobrante Veterinary Hospital
Ivan was found by a great Samaritan in Hercules. He was being attacked by dogs, plus heโs infested with fleas and ticks. Despite all of this, he is so sweet, purring all the time to the medical staff at El Sobrante Veterinary Hospital
Maul the Stray update. Maul has been a fighter for most of his life. Despite anesthesia, he still fought to stay awake. He had to be placed under a gas anesthesia for evaluation. Old and new wounds, scars all over his body. Mange. Swollen nose/face. FIV+, enlarged kidneys. Dental ulcers. The list goes on. We decided to give this battle wearily warrior a peaceful end, surrounded by compassion. RIP brave Maul ๐๐พ
Archimedes #browntabbycat #Archimedes #swordinthestone #scowl #cuteface #ContraCostaCA PAWSitive Chances Animal Rescue
This very injured cat showed up at a known colony. The feeder has not seen him before. We were able to trap him last night and he was dropped off for evaluation at El Sobrante Veterinary Hospital.
Until we get more information, he is named (Darth) Maul the Stray. Stay tuned for details! To help with his medical bills, please donate at https://pawsitivechances.org/donate/
Sunbeam - 24 hours later. After being assessed, he will need blood and urine, and have some teeth pulled. Heโs been given flea meds and a brushing, and will get a bath and pedicure. To help with his medical bills, please donate. https://pawsitivechances.org/featured-stories/