Kitty Lover"s

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  • Kitty Lover"s

Kitty Lover"s matches lovable kittens with caring owners to create a lifelong bond unlike any other. Browse our breed profiles to find the purr-fect match for your lifestyle.

Peruse the available kittens or cats for sale within your matching breeds

Delivery Area: world2-year health guarantee and kitten replacementAdditional info:, DM meexotic cat for adoptionexotic c...

Delivery Area: world

2-year health guarantee and kitten replacement
Additional info:, DM me

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Aniello Diamond Chimera Poodle CatPrice:$800 - $1000 USD  | TipsCategory: For Sale - By A BreederBreed: Selkirk RexS*x: ...

Aniello Diamond Chimera Poodle Cat

Price:$800 - $1000 USD | Tips
Category: For Sale - By A Breeder
Breed: Selkirk Rex
S*x: Male
Champion Bloodlines: No
Pedigree: No
Registered: No
Breeding: Allowed
Quality: Household Pet
Birthdate:03/05/2020 (1 Year)
Delivery Area:Worldwide (from AL, United States)
Video: Watch
What's Included:

Handsome rare curly cat with odd eyes.Selkirk rex Highlander lynx mix
Additional info:

These are some very unique cats odd-eyed Selkirk rex with highlander lynx and American short hair. Pure magic! You will fall in love with the s***k wild one!

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Little Miss PoufPrice:$350 - $550 USD  | TipsCategory: For Sale - By A BreederBreed: American ShorthairS*x: FemaleChampi...

Little Miss Pouf

Price:$350 - $550 USD | Tips
Category: For Sale - By A Breeder
Breed: American Shorthair
S*x: Female
Champion Bloodlines: No
Pedigree: No
Registered: No
Breeding: Spayed/Neutered
Quality: Household Pet
Birthdate:01/04/2021 (2 Months, 2 Weeks)
Delivery Area: world

2-year health guarantee and kitten replacement
Additional info:

Siberian ragdoll and American short hair hybrid. Medium length blue smoke lynx point coat. Mink texture! She is a cuddler and s***ky as can be! Gorgeous eyes

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Abyssinian Kittens For SalePrice:$1 - $3000 USD  | TipsCategory: For Sale - By A CatteryBreed: AbyssinianS*x:Male & Fema...

Abyssinian Kittens For Sale

Price:$1 - $3000 USD | Tips
Category: For Sale - By A Cattery
Breed: Abyssinian
S*x:Male & Female
Champion Bloodlines: No
Pedigree: No
Registered: No
Breeding: Spayed/Neutered
Quality: Household Pet
Birthdate:07/02/2020 (8 Months)
Delivery Area: Worldwide (from AL, United States)
Shipping Fee: Varies by destination
What's Included:

Health Certificate vet certified shots. We only offer healthy kittens, and genuinely care about the welfare of all of our animals. We do not support any kitty mills. Check our extensive supply of pet kitten products for sale to make your new kitten happy! Also, view our Shipping Methods and Info.
Additional info:

very affectionate and highly intelligent cats, renowned for their social nature.

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Birman KittenPrice:$1 - $2000 USD  | TipsCategory: For Sale - By A CatteryBreed: BirmanS*x:Male & FemaleChampion Bloodli...

Birman Kitten

Price:$1 - $2000 USD | Tips
Category: For Sale - By A Cattery
Breed: Birman
S*x:Male & Female
Champion Bloodlines: No
Pedigree: No
Registered: No
Breeding: Spayed/Neutered
Quality: Household Pet
Birthdate:07/20/2020 (7 Months)
Delivery Area: Worldwide (from AL, United States)
Shipping Fee: Varies by destination
Video: Watch
What's Included:

Health guarantee, Vet certified, shots
Additional info:

Playful! We only offer healthy kittens, and genuinely care about the welfare of all of our animals. We do not support any kitty mills. Check our extensive supply of pet kitten products for sale to make your new kitten happy! Also, view our Shipping Methods and Info.

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Balinese KittensPrice:$1 - $2000 USD  | TipsCategory:For Sale - By A CatteryBreed:BalineseS*x:Male & FemaleChampion Bloo...

Balinese Kittens
Price:$1 - $2000 USD | Tips
Category:For Sale - By A Cattery
S*x:Male & Female
Champion Bloodlines:No
Quality:Household Pet
Birthdate:07/20/2020 (7 Months)
Delivery Area: Worldwide (from , United States)
Shipping Fee: Varies by destination
What's Included:

health guarantee vet certified shots
Additional info:

One of the most intelligent of cat breeds, and is also remarkable for its good humor, good nature, and high energy. More of an extrovert and will demand attention.

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DaphnePrice:$1000 USD  | TipsCategory:For Sale - By A BreederBreed:American CurlS*x:FemaleChampion Bloodlines:YesPedigre...

Price:$1000 USD | Tips
Category:For Sale - By A Breeder
Breed:American Curl
Champion Bloodlines:Yes
Quality:Household Pet
Birthdate:10/26/2020 (4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days)
Delivery Area: Worldwide (from AL, United States)
What's Included:

This little girl will be ready to go home around Valentine’s Day. She will be UTD on vaccines, spayed, and vetted prior to going home.
Additional info:

his little straight ear red girl is quite the looker and she loves to play and be pet. After a vigorous play session she is happy to curl up near you for a snuggle so she can fall asleep.

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