And so it begins!! After much determined nagging on Anna's part, we're finally getting Anna's Pup-cakery started! I'm happy to be able to work with her and teach her things that she's actually interested in. She's got a knack for sales (like I said, very determined!), and I can't wait to see where this takes her! I'm so proud of how she's turning out. As extra baking practice, she donated 40 bags of doggy treats for her girl scout troop to sell at the Alton High School this weekend. They were a hit and she's so excited! Follow us on here and TikTok (🙄 that was a business compromise- it has to be on my phone for business purposes only!She forgets she's 10....) www.AnnasPupcakery.com will be running soon, hopefully.... Technology is hard for this momma 😆