Have you ever seen a Nile crocodile shred a pumpkin? Akila loved destroying her pumpkin! The gators wanted absolutely nothing to do with it, but as soon as we put it in with Akila, she went after it!
Our new finch aviary! This will allow us to take in more finches needing homes, and other small compatible softbill species 🐥 It is fully wired, screened and predator proof.
How incredible is this!? Dino is now approaching us for food! This is a complete game changer, now we can power feed him and potentially start chelation therapy orally instead of catching him, dragging him out of the water and injecting it! Just a few months ago this animal was unresponsive. We cannot thank @res0515 enough for bringing Dino to us for treatment (he was removed as a nuisance animal), and to @swamp_girl and @thenomadvet in helping us with his treatment. And of course Chris and Gabby for creating this sanctuary, and for their dedication and advocacy for these animals! Dino is on the right track!
Excuse us, coming through! 💅🏻 Gabby taking Little Dude the African crested porcupine for a walk around the sanctuary today! Little Dude is a retired show/educational animal that is trained to walk on a leash! It’s great enrichment for him!
Have you ever seen a sick alligator being tube fed before? Dino got his second tube feeding today from Dr Kushnir
Our baby girl Bella is finally eating! Bella was our first alligator at the sanctuary. We rarely see her, she avoids us and hangs out underwater all day. Today while we were cleaning her enclosure we gave her some chicken and she started to make the association! This is a big deal!🥰 Hopefully soon she learns to trust us and we can start training her.
Your favorite little frog-butt alligator, Tadpole is doing great! She (we don’t officially know gender yet) is getting so chunky and is starting to associate us with food, which means we will be able to start training her in the next few months. Tadpole was sent to @bellowingacres after a kind licensed alligator trapper sent her to us. This animal would not survive to adulthood without a tail.
Here is a little update on the alligator that was shot in the head by multiple arrows and brought to our alligator sanctuary. Not only was this sweet little girl shot with two arrows, she was also shot with a shotgun. We were able to remove two arrows out of her head, and two small pellets from the gun. We cannot thank Kim at Swamp Girl Adventures Reptile Rehabilitation and rehab and Dr Kushnir for rushing over today and helping us. If it was not for the portable x-ray machine, we would have not even known about the arrow in her ear. She is on pain meds, and antibiotics, which we will be continuing for a few weeks. This arrow literally missed her brain by less than an inch. She is not out of the woods yet, but we are doing everything we can to keep her comfortable. Please give a warm welcome to “Archer”🐊
Akila knows her name and comes when called !
Look who’s eating! BIG MAC! He ate 4 pieces of chicken for us today! He seems more responsive and his pupils are responsive to light now! This is the alligator that joined us a few days ago after being struck by a vehicle on the highway. @bellowingacres 🍔