Every time you ride. You're either schooling or un-schooling your horse. There's no in-between.
Correct, traditional training is tested, proven and is suitably firm and kind in tandem. Bits, required to mouth and flex a horse to help him lift his core and carry his rider well into his teens or twenties if done correctly and fate remains kind to him.
Coaching, not terrifying the horse, allowing mistakes, but correcting them gently, progressively , not by yanking a rope or knotted head collar where the knots correspond painfully to pressure points on the face, but through repetition.
Correct training, its really deep, it's not easy, it demands more from the trainer than the horse most days. No loss of temper, no gadgets. It is about building the horse, physically and mentally, giving him confidence in you and allowing him to find himself, to learn balance, to accept the aids without a fight, in grace.
There's growth and understanding, not submission in a negative way. Kind legs and hands, a good seat for the rider to guide him through the process, through all of the training. No crude, cruel methods that are cleverly gift wrapped and presented as natural.
Forget about quick fix "systems" that only seek to hoodwink you into thinking they are working. Done through bullying and bulls*t, with tarpaulins, plastic bags on sticks and fast talking sales people, offering the holy grail by art of distraction. Most not able to actually do anything constructive in terms of correct training with any longevity.
Bullying, spinning, yanking, HURTING your horse by constantly brow beating him until his brain shuts down, his hind quarters hurt and his fetlock gives out. Know that doing this stuff, he will go lame and switch off if you're "lucky", fighting back if you're not!
Focus less on ego, or that of these so called messiahs with more Instagram followers than gods, but with so little knowledge, if you poured it into a teacup it wouldn't half way fill it!
I'm tired of bitless, bridleless, barefoot, not for a circus act but for day to day and at any cost. I'm fed up being told by nervous wrecks how groundwork will cure them of their fear of riding which as an experienced rider, I know, sadly, it won't.
Modern so called groundwork is not the correct method of long-reining and beautiful in hand working of the horse to flex, strengthen and advance him. The new so called groundwork, reported to build a bond just by subduing and confusing the horse, losing him all hope. Not to mention, this stuff is contextual. Horses don't think like us, so the tarpaulin indoctrination may be possible in a clinic or at home, but just you wait until it's out of the blue, on a hack, trust me, you won't ride him over it because riding isn't groundwork! The horse doesn't relate or connect the two.
Understand, you can build an unbreakable bond with your horse, through mutual respect, through taking time for his educational needs. Leave your ego at the door. Stop listening to snake oil sales people.
A horse is made, a rider is made. Making either takes a lifetime of hard work, repetition. consistency, disappointment and of course the absolute feeling of elation, joy. The highs are beyond comprehension, and until you have walked that path, you will never understand why the natural, no hope brigade talk such utter nonsense.
I accept the people who believe, I feel sad for them. Most so indoctrinated they want to justify their cults without stepping back and seeing it for what it is. Often, dare I say it, middle aged women, nervous to ride, looking for a reason not to, being sold an expensive dream in order to have the decision vindicated by others who want to "play" with a horse. I only hope, for the sake of the horse, they one day realise they are wrong. As a middle aged woman, I know the joy of riding. That's why it saddens me that the "cults" normalise not riding when I bet, 99% without medical reason, would buy the £1000 nerves cure potion if it was a thing, so they could ride fear free! I get it, I'm not being mean, I'm trying to make you see the wood amongst the trees!
I don't bother to fight back, the argument is pointless, the disciples are as subdued as their horses, confused by smoke and mirrors.
Just know that you can go to groups that love all that rubbish. Share this post so you can moan about it with other believers. I really don't care, because I know what is right and humane and correct. I thankfully ride every day, my horses are happy and healthy with no fear of me or my methods. Just, know it won't change the facts, moaning will only make you feel better, justified, able to discuss with your peers about how uneducated I am (!). That's fine, you haven't found your way yet. I hope you do.
This group is for people who genuinely want to get on better with their horse. To overcome nerves and anxiety riding to progress. This is not a place for natural horsemanwhatever, and I invite you to leave if that is your thing and you don't like my point of view.
If you want to genuinely find a way, please stay, open you mind, your heart. See where it leads.
Save for the Masters who preserve the correct training methods, modern opinions have changed, usually driven by money in sales of gadgets and promises. Methods have changed, but in the last five thousand years, one thing hasn't changed... the horse.
Not written by me, but point on . Bravo to the author