A Facebook community page for the Sausage Dog lover. It's mostly Sausage Dog goodies that we see on eBay which we'll post here. And sometimes you'll see page fans posting their own items too. To get the latest posts, just hit the LIKE button. You may also want to pop back to the page from time to time, because, as you probably know, Facebook has become quite limited in what it shows to your newsfe
ed. Disclaimer:
Sausage Dog Goodies For Sale is not responsible for any advertisements or posts on this page. It's simply a community page to connect fans of Sausage Dog goodies with sellers. We have no direct nor indirect relationship with any of the sellers or buyers on this page. And we are not connected with any company bearing the same or similar name. Please deal with sellers and buyers at your own risk and know that any loss resulting from fraudulent listings/individuals is your own responsibility, and that we make no guarantees of any kind. Please use common sense and know that if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. We are not responsible for any technical issues on Facebook, and we reserve the right to remove any improper or irrelevant posts from the page. Affiliate links means that sometimes if you click through to a website and purchase something, we get a commission from that sale at no extra cost to you.