Today isn’t National Appreciation Day, but we’re going to pretend it is!
It’s time for a meet the team and a quick look into what this AABP exec group has done this year. There is a TON of behind the scenes work that goes into it, and it couldn’t get done without this hard working group of people!
Speaker Committee (Elizabeth Moore, Hattie Cramer, Taylor Nielsen, Jill Fisher, Ty Schoelerman, Alek Goll): Works hard to bring in some great presenters. We’ve had a number of talks this year from different companies and veterinarians.
Wetlab Committee (Hattie Cramer, Hannah Nelson, Kaitie Abbott, Raegan Boeck, Hannah Wolfe-Johns, Katelyn Belding, Gus Peterson): Works hard to get our members hands on experiences. The topics have consisted of hoof trimming, ear implants, and dystocia.
Fundraising Committee (Savanah Crews, Kailynn Martin, Grace Clark, Katelyn Belding, Hattie Cramer): Works hard to bring you all the vet med clothing! They also put in a lot of hours on new ideas. Make sure to check out the koozies at the next burger sale!
Grill Team (Nick Jacobs, Tommy Lehmann, David DeBower, Austin Lange, Michael Wolfe, Tim Moritz, Ty Schoelerman, Alex Bebb): Aka the burger masters. This group easily grills the best burger in Ames. You can find them basically at any vet med event with some burgers on the grill!
Large Animal Rounds Coordinator (Savannah Crews): Savannah works hard to coordinate with the large animal hospital to get us access to the cases that come in.
Secretary (Kaity Wesley): Kaity takes notes at all of our meetings, sends out emails, and makes sure our board is updated! She’s a jack of all trades and helps out other committees!
Treasurer (Elle Moon): She looks at our books until her brain hurts and keeps us on budget! Elle is both a master of numbers and giving everyone a smile. We know she’ll be great at castrating someday, most of us can’t count to two.
Vice President (Tommy Lehmann): Tommy’s main job is to try to keep the President in line and never leaves us hungry at any exec meetings! He is also a master of the grill and never misses an event!
President (Aly Stadtlander): Aly only has one job and that is to wrangle all these bulls and heifers.
Advisors (Dr. Engelken and Dr. Gorden): We couldn’t be luckier to have two great bovine veterinarians leading us and advising us!
Thank you to our exec team for all their hard work thus far! Your hard work is appreciated and never goes unnoticed! Stay tuned for what we have planned for the rest of the semester! 🐮