Dawn Pet Care Service #petsittingservices #monmouthcountynj
Lola is a show girl!! She is doing daycare today and we have found her new talent!! If your pup is home alone and you would like to find its home away from home, call us at 907-591-1616 for more info.
So I want to thank the New Jersey state teachers Association for having their convention this week and giving me the opportunity to take care of so many adorable puppies and kitty cats. I’ll share some more adorable pictures in another post. But I had the pleasure of taking care of Bruce and Wayne over the last few days and I have to say for kitty cats. They were so interactive and seeking attention pets and snuggles. But the biggest thing of all was watching Wayne drink water with his paw out of his water bowl. According to their mom, Bruce, does this also but never did it for me. It was the most unique thing I’ve ever seen a cat do. At first I thought he was cleaning his paw, but it truly looked like he’s drinking water out of his paw. Does anybody else’s kitty cat do something like this? Feel free to share a picture or video in the thread! #catsitting #dropinvisits
Some days we just happen to get the perfect pups to play together. We don’t put all pups together only ones we feel would be a perfect fit. These two Archie the four month old Bernadoodle and Daisy the five month old hand mix are just perfectly suited for each other.hopefully they’ll tie each other out enough that we actually get some sleep lol!! #inhomeboarding #monmouthcountynj #dogsitter #dowhatyoulovelovewhatyoudo
Afternoon R&R
June and Dawn bonding time! This is how we do it at Dawns Pet Care Service, LLC #petsitter #monmouthcountynj #dogsitting #inhomedogboarding #itsadogthing
Out and about with Pearl
It’s a beautiful day for a Walk. Don’t keep your fur baby inside just because you’re not home! #Dogwalker #dogsitting #monmouthcountynj
I have a large completely fenced in backyard for your pups to play in and get lots of exercise. Every now and then though I get a pup that needs more exercise. When that’s the case, we head over to the rollerblade hockey rink around the corner from my house to get more exercise . Kash  the border collie is a young pup who needs lots of physical and mental stimulation. We had a great time playing fetch until he was so tired, he ended up laying down in the goalie net lol. A tired pup is a well behaved pup !!!