Hariko Nihonken 日本犬張子荘

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  • Hariko Nihonken 日本犬張子荘

Hariko Nihonken 日本犬張子荘 A hobby breeder and dog sport competitor located in Dallas, TX. Specializing in Shiba and Akitainu.



One step closer to our RATCHX3! Ellie had a super fun weekend at our Barn Hunt MidSouth Regional this weekend. (Don’t wo...

One step closer to our RATCHX3! Ellie had a super fun weekend at our Barn Hunt MidSouth Regional this weekend. (Don’t worry, that’s her HAPPY face!)

Next up - a commercial shoot! 😱

My Ellie is the  #1 Shiba in Senior and the  #2 in Master for all of 2023! Way to go, Bee! 😱💕

My Ellie is the #1 Shiba in Senior and the #2 in Master for all of 2023! Way to go, Bee! 😱💕

Happy Martin Luther King Day! It is snowy and cold in Western KY, we do not like these temps here. But I've been working on stats. Please follow the link to see the Top 25 Fastest dogs by Breed and Class for 2023. Note the dog MUST HAVE HAD 3 RUNS AT THAT LEVEL IN 2023 in order to be on this list. Also, the computer compiles these stats. I just make them look pretty. So the stats directly tie to your dog's data. :)

This is a large file, 87 pages. Have fun!


Wow, what a way to start 2024! First weekend of the year and we already accomplished my number 1 goal - finishing Tango’...

Wow, what a way to start 2024! First weekend of the year and we already accomplished my number 1 goal - finishing Tango’s CM!! We have been working towards it for a while now, and to not only end 2023 with a wonderful BIOS but to start 2024 with the last points we needed has me on cloud 9! Getting to share this amazing breed has been a complete joy, and Tango charms the pants off of everyone. I’m so proud of my Baby. 💕

This weekend we managed to snag 3 Best in Misc, and a group 2 in one of the Open shows, giving us 7 out of the 5 points we needed. BONUS! We won’t stop showing yet, but we will be able to focus on other things while we get Yuko out and about and focus more on her show career, and Tango can tag along instead of the other way around.

Pending AKC approval with our 40th title across 6 confo and sport registries, Tango is now HnrCH UKC CH Deikahime Go Kaijusou *CM* RATI UG-1 NTD 2K9 SSH UWPCH AP VPN SPOT-ON BCAT CGCA CGCU ATT FDC TKI AN SC SV MI SCN SIN SBN

And with that, we wrap up 2023 with the Hariko crew! Lots of firsts, lots of highs, and lots of things we found ourselve...

And with that, we wrap up 2023 with the Hariko crew!

Lots of firsts, lots of highs, and lots of things we found ourselves needing to work on. 😅

🍚 Koji: Made it through with relatively little drama. Had a vestibular episode this summer, but recovered almost fully and is still just as sassy and healthy as ever! Let’s see how turning 16 in April treats my old mans. 💕

🎈Ellie: BOY what to say - agility took a back seat this year while we focused on our other sports and tricks. We are now most of the way to our RATCHX3, half way to our RATSX, and half way toward our first REMX! We still continue to do you weekly agility class and have fun, as well as figure out other sports and tricks to pass the time. 11 is going to be a good year for her, and she only acts half her age. 😉

🤖Tango: So many shows, so little time!! With the start of Japanese Akitainu being recognized in the Miscellaneous class in AKC, we’ve been busy hunting down the last of our CM points! We’ve snagged a few best in Misc and one really special Best in Open Show this year! The best part is having friends there every step of the way. I love my show families, I’ve really fallen in with some good eggs, and it wouldn’t be nearly as fun without y’all. 5 points left and Tango will be finished!! And not to leave UKC out, but Tango found her stride and not only has 4/5 legs for her GCH, but came in just behind the winner at our specialty show this past summer! 😱 We finished our Weight Pull career with 3 most weight pulled veteran awards, our UWPCH, and 3 Total Dog awards (and loads of tears!). Nosework and PC titles also gained. I continue to enjoy how well this girl trusts me, loves indiscriminately, and shows others the joy of this breed by being the best ambassador ever. 🪷

🌻Yuko: The little miss made her big debut this year! It’s been a humbling trip, as she definitely has her own agenda, but you can’t really get mad at a ball of just pure sunshine. We got her Puppy of Achievement as well as her first title - BCAT! Though we need to work on her recall so I can CATCH HER after her lure runs. 🙃 She’s been having fun being a puppy, but now it’s time to harness that chaos for good. We’ll be introducing her to her first participatory Barn Hunt trial in February, as well as looking into other sports, such as scent sports and agility, and let her tell me what it is she wants to do!

Here’s to 2024! May we continue to thrive and have fun. 🤩 We were able to travel to and show in two new states last year, Michigan and Georgia - so let’s see where else we’ll go!

Happy 7th Birthday to my BABY! Tango is no longer the youngest, but she will always be Baby. 💕 Celebrated with our tradi...

Happy 7th Birthday to my BABY! Tango is no longer the youngest, but she will always be Baby. 💕 Celebrated with our traditional birthday nuggz and got some extra good stuff with meals like fish skins and french fries.

Let’s keep kicking butt and showing off how versatile you are!


Photo dump from Premier! We only missed having Kishu, and we would have had all 6 native breeds in one place! YukoBits w...

Photo dump from Premier! We only missed having Kishu, and we would have had all 6 native breeds in one place! YukoBits was also the only Shiba so we had to make sure to represent 😉

14.5 hours and 1000 miles one way is quite a ways to drive but it was INCREDIBLY fun and I hope we get a chance to do it again next year!

Yuko also went to Premier! She got 20 points toward her UKC CH and somehow grew up???? 😭

Yuko also went to Premier! She got 20 points toward her UKC CH and somehow grew up???? 😭

We are home from UKC Premier Nationals! Tango walked away with 2 GRCH legs (we now have 4/5), a pending RACEN title, and...

We are home from UKC Premier Nationals!

Tango walked away with 2 GRCH legs (we now have 4/5), a pending RACEN title, and 10 more UWPCH points (5 left!)

Uplift, don’t put down 💕

Uplift, don’t put down 💕


What a whirlwind in Kerrville! Tango walked home with two more CM points, and Yuko made her debut right at 6 months! We ...

What a whirlwind in Kerrville! Tango walked home with two more CM points, and Yuko made her debut right at 6 months! We had some puppy antics, but good experiences, loved on the judges and exhibitors and settled in the crating area and hotel like an old pro, and even came away with two BOS. I’m so proud of this little lady. 💕 Time for the girls to rest before Ft Worth in two weeks.

Thanks a MILLION to Ilka for being the bestest Akita show buddy, seriously, you make show weekends so fun to be at, and I appreciate all the help and insight you give me. Ibuki kicked serious butt and that CM and steak dinner were well deserved!

A handy beginner cheat sheet!

A handy beginner cheat sheet!

Learning dog show terms can be challenging! We hope this graphic helps!

PS: thank you to the reader who noticed that I put 25 points instead of 15! That’s what I get for working in the middle of the night and trying to decide whether to add grand champion requirements or not🤪

Our “lil Bits” is 4 months old today! We tried to do some table practice but she still melts into a puddle, so we still ...

Our “lil Bits” is 4 months old today! We tried to do some table practice but she still melts into a puddle, so we still have some work to do before our first show, but we have 2 more months to get there! We’re blowing puppy coat, losing teeth, getting some shiny guard hairs, and getting leggy and weird. But I’m really liking what I’m seeing so far, and Yuko is just a joy to be around!

Yuko Akakiyosou - 4 months

明けましておめでとうございます‼︎Happy New Year, y’all! We’ve been SO busy for the last quarter of the year we have hardly posted anythi...


Happy New Year, y’all!

We’ve been SO busy for the last quarter of the year we have hardly posted anything! So instead, let’s do a 2022 wrap up.

Koji: Nothing of note! And that’s great news. He finishes out 2022 creeping toward 15, still sassy, but enjoying old man life.

Ellie: This year we got our RATCHX and a CZ8 clean run on the same day! 😱😱 We also went to Barn Hunt National and had a blast, landing in Top 75 along with a solid 4th place in her first course run. A few more titles in UKI Agility as well as some good runs in with FASTCAT. We also added ATT and FDC to our alphabet soup of titles. We continue to do whatever we want and have fun while doing it! I can’t wait to see what 2023 holds.

Tango: WOW where to begin? Tango has had a FULL year this year. Several titles in Scentwork, Nosework, Weight Pull (with a most weight pulled per pound at one!), Trick titles, ATT, Farm Dog, a run at Total Dog Invitational (FIRST JAI to be invited and attend!), and THREE Total Dog at UKC Southern Classic! We also started with Rally as well as Therapy training, which should be put into practice starting January. 💕💕

Yuko: And finally, we added a little gremlin to the Hariko crew! Yuko Akakiyousou, who we are hoping will grow into a wonderful sport and show prospect, hitting that ground running at her first show in Kerrville this March!

2023 is already starting to fill out with confirmation, sports, and trips! We’re also super excited to be at the very first JACA hosted AKC show in Feb - one step closer to seeing Japanese Akitainu in full recognition with AKC (coming to you from a non-sporting ring soon~)

WHAT an incredible weekend at the UKC Southern Classic! Hung out with old friends, met new ones, and Tango outdid hersel...

WHAT an incredible weekend at the UKC Southern Classic! Hung out with old friends, met new ones, and Tango outdid herself!!

Tango got in three decent point pulls this weekend, making her just 1-2 GOOD pulls away from her UWPCH. I was hoping she would push through BUT she did manage to walk away with 2 new titles - Advanced Puller and Versitile Puller Novice!

We kicked all kinds of butt in Nosework the first day, getting our Master Interior title, no sweat! The second day was vehicles in freezing rain, which she had no patience for, and today she was 100% donezo and gave me nothing in containers. She was exhausted and honestly, I don’t blame her.

The biggest news, though, is she got Total Dog ALL THREE DAYS!! 😱😱 This girl really tries everything I ask (even if she half asses it toward the end, it’s almost never a full refusal.) No legs for GCH, but I came for a Total Dog and left stunned we were able to pull it off THREE TIMES.

Next up is her first time precision coursing in Blossom, then we get to have fun in Conroe with Ellie and the Ikigai Inu. 💕


This weekend we played around in Shreveport at the UKC Total Dog Invitational! We got a new title in Nosework and got th...

This weekend we played around in Shreveport at the UKC Total Dog Invitational! We got a new title in Nosework and got that much closer to new titles in weight pull! I have a feeling that at Classic next month, we’ll be walking away with three more in WP alone!

No love in conformation, but sometimes thems the breaks, especially with a breed that isn’t well understood or differentiated from their more well known cousins. But we had so much fun, Tango showed so well her go around in the ring, and some of our bestie dog sport friends did AMAZING! We couldn’t be more proud of ourselves and ALSO their achievements this event! Time to gear up for the next show and whatever exciting things the Hariko team have in store soon. 💕

Back home from Houston and done with the summer Death March! What an incredible but exhausting weekend to round out this...

Back home from Houston and done with the summer Death March!

What an incredible but exhausting weekend to round out this crazy month! Tango got 1 more point toward her CM in the open shows, and picked up her Novice Buried title as well as her first Q in Advanced.

Ellie had to be run by “Auntie Nicole” 3/4 times because of conflicts, but even they picked up a new master Q together in an incredible run! I was able to get over there just in time to see it.

We also did a Meet The Breeds to spread the word and differences between the two Akita breeds, gave out breed guides to judges, and enjoyed talking about both of my girls to anyone who asked.

Now it’s time to rest until the weather decides to get just a teeny bit cooler!


An ancient breed, the Shiba Inu is a well-muscled dog once employed as a hunter. Today, the spirited Shiba is the most popular companion dog in Japan.

Why do you love the breed?


Our AKC quick guide packet is available for mailing out to FSS/Miscellaneous and Non-Sporting group judges! For more info, contact JACA’s AKC Judges Education Committee Chairperson Lonny Vosgien Cohen .com/lonnyc or [email protected]

Just got home from a LONG 5 day weekend up at the OKC Canine Summer Olympics! First off, Happiest of Birthdays to Kaiju ...

Just got home from a LONG 5 day weekend up at the OKC Canine Summer Olympics!

First off, Happiest of Birthdays to Kaiju Kennels Litter D! Tango and her siblings are all 6 today!

The Hariko girls were busy with Conformation, Barn Hunt, Scentwork, and Weight Pull! We tried to get into FASTCAT as well, but they didn’t take day of entries this year so Tango will have to wait for her BCAT. Just as well, we were busy enough already!

Tango got her Novice element titles in Interior and Containers (one of them another Second Place), and rocked her first runs in Advanced as well! We also got 2 Qs in Buried! We are looking forward to our next trial in Houston where we will try HD for the first time as well.

No love in FSS group, but we showed well and got more tips and training for next time.

For Weight Pull she worked her butt off for a dog that isn’t up to conditioned…condition. Lol! BUT we got 1st in our weight division all three pulls, AND walked off with a Most Weight Pulled Per Pound award!!

(EDIT: Almost forgot - Tango also got her Novice and Intermediate trick titles with AKC this weekend as well!)

And not to forget Ellie, we walked away this Barn Hunt weekend with a CZ8PB title and 2 Qs in Master, with a 4th and a 1st place finish!

And now, we pass out!



Ellie and Tango have had a busy month! We got our BID title in UKI agility, and Tango ran with Jeff in her first AKC Sce...

Ellie and Tango have had a busy month! We got our BID title in UKI agility, and Tango ran with Jeff in her first AKC Scentwork trial and the novice team kicked all kinds of butt!

We have big weekends coming up in Oklahoma City and Houston this July, so hopefully more titles and more ribbons in both sport and conformation to come!

Think you know Akitainu history? Brush up on the JACA website!

Think you know Akitainu history? Brush up on the JACA website!

Breed History “To become well acquainted with the true Akitainu, one must diligently study the history of the development of the Akitainu from the ancient to modern times. In this way, one will be able to appreciate the temperament, character, and be able to visualize the true Akitainu.” — Aut...

Ellie had a BLAST at the Midsouth Barnhunt Regional this past weekend, even earning a third place in Hurdles 1 and a 6th...

Ellie had a BLAST at the Midsouth Barnhunt Regional this past weekend, even earning a third place in Hurdles 1 and a 6th place combined both runs!

Wahoo!! We still have several FSS Open shows scheduled for the rest of the year, but we are excited to move up to some M...


We still have several FSS Open shows scheduled for the rest of the year, but we are excited to move up to some Misc shows in 2023!

We use traditional leads for our Japanese Akita and will likely use both western and traditional for our Shibas in the f...

We use traditional leads for our Japanese Akita and will likely use both western and traditional for our Shibas in the future!

What are those leashes? If you see a Kishu Ken in the ring in the USA, you may see them shown on the traditional style of show leash. These leads are widely used in Japan, often made of silky braid, and include a tassel at the end. These leads are colored to compliment the color of the dog.

The National Kishu Ken Club advocates for education and emulation of the parent culture here in the USA - that is to say we want to bring the show and breed culture set by our enthusiast and breeder peers in Japan to the AKC. Thus, many exhibitors will opt to show on these leashes so when our friends in Japan see our conformation photos and dogs being shown in the USA, they see things familiar to them.

This is a nod of respect to tell our friends that we care about how they present their dogs and would like to do the same. In a rare breed good relations are monumentally important and can be built with the smallest gestures.

Plus, they're very nice to hold for a long day or weekend of shows.

Tango kicked off her year with an almost perfect weekend! And the one run we missed she was in odor but not at source, s...

Tango kicked off her year with an almost perfect weekend! And the one run we missed she was in odor but not at source, so I’m incredibly proud of my baby and know for sure now what we need to work on to excel in the upper levels. Just really got to work with her on playing outside, but she is showing me how much she loves to get right to work when it’s time to search and I’m loving seeing the switch flip. I also need to stop pointing, like I had to learn with Ellie. I should know better. 🥲

We came away with 5/6 Qs, 4 new titles, and 3 placements. 💕

Finished up her Exterior Novice title for her NN, then also went on to get her Advanced Vehicle and Interior titles as well.





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