Nikki Vasconez, Animal Communicator

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  • Nikki Vasconez, Animal Communicator

Nikki Vasconez, Animal Communicator Lawyer turned animal communicator teaching animal lovers to master telepathic animal communication and transform into professional animal communicators.

Telepathy is a universal language that allows us to communicate with our animal friends, whether face-to-face or across continents. By facilitating a two-way dialogue, we can determine specifically what they need to live more fulfilling, enriched lives. We can ask how they are feeling, what they are thinking, what they need, etc. I receive their answers via thoughts, images, feelings, scents, and

even sounds. I may feel pain in my body where they are experiencing pain; I may see an image of a person who's important to them; I may smell their favorite food, see their favorite place, or feel their joy or sadness regarding a specific person or event. The possibilities for these sacred dialogues are truly endless!

You know the really cool thing about working with animals? You meet really cool people who are also working with animals...

You know the really cool thing about working with animals? You meet really cool people who are also working with animals!! Do you guys remember Tammy Billups, Animal-Human Wellness from our Animal Soul Contracts webinar two months ago?!

Well, she’s about to launch her Animal Wayshowers and Lightworkers Masterclass! It’s five 2-hour classes beginning August 1 and I wanted to share the details with you!! She's offering an "early-bird" special through July 15th. 🌟

A sneak peek into Tammy's curriculum is listed below, but for a deep-dive into all the goodness offered, click here:

What to expect in Tammy's Masterclass:

• You'll learn how to discover, embrace, and integrate the Animal Kingdom's 5D teachings and honor their soul missions.

• Exercises and interactive experiences to raise your vibration and expedite your ascension process.

• You'll connect with the souls/energy of many master-healer animal lightworkers to receive their guidance for your journey and experience their healing abilities.

• Amazing guest speakers from around the world! You'll experience a sacred sound journey by Felicity Moss; a shamanic meditation facilitated by a world renown shaman and author Linda Star Wolf; a channeled message from Blue, a master healer dog through his person... healer, teacher, and writer, Maura Finn; and much more!

• You'll also learn how to live a thriving life with an open heart alongside animals with joy and peace in the land of 5D Consciousness.

Plus TWO BONUS GIFTS from industry experts:

1. FREE Shamanic Sound Journey to connect with your master healer soul animal, recorded specifically for this class, from Sacred Sound Shaman Don Reed Simmons.

2. FREE 1.5 hr. Crystal Energy Masterclass from author and crystal healing expert Nicholas Pearson.

Contact Tammy Billups, Animal-Human Wellness for more information or visit her masterclass info page here:

You’d be surprised how many animals tell me that they want the blinds and curtains all the way up and open! Jax complain...

You’d be surprised how many animals tell me that they want the blinds and curtains all the way up and open! Jax complained about this and Mom said: “he always barks to open them!”

I asked Jax if he was getting enough exercise and he said: “I prefer to stay home. Walks are for the humans!” 🤣🤣 Mom said: “OH MY GOSH. He IS a very homebody dog; he doesn’t really enjoy walks.”

I then asked Jax how he exercises if he doesn’t like walks and he said “I always walk around the house, going into different rooms randomly, all day long.” Mom said he does this all the time! He’ll be in the kitchen, then randomly go hang out in the bathroom, then the office, etc.

It’s so awesome when the first words out of someone’s mouth on a follow up call are: “THE WHOLE READING made so much sense; I don’t have a favorite part; the reading completely blew us away!” 😍🙏🏻

Jax told me he likes being in the car BUT does get nervous BUT loves the window open. Mom said “100% yes, the window open relaxes him.”

This part is super cute! Jax said he was a big momma’s boy but really loves playing with Dad. Mom said: “Jax is the biggest Momma’s boy EVER but only really plays with Dad!”

This next part made me laugh out loud! 👉 Jax said he loves when Dad puts the toy in his (Dad’s) own mouth and Jax tries to get it out! Mom confirmed that Dad does this all the time! 🤩

I always do a body scan to locate any areas of pain or discomfort and I felt congestion and an ache in Jax’s back right leg. Mom said: “The congestion is a huge problem! And regarding his right leg, he tore his ACL and had surgery! Only close family knew this.”

Jax then said “I don’t like when Dad wears hats.” Mom confirmed Dad wears hats all the time. 🙊

🔥 To learn 20 ways to instantly enhance your animal's life, access my FREE GUIDE via the link in my bio! 🚀

Giving your animals a voice makes my heart sing! ❤️

Just remember, what my students see on the Zoom screen every week is NOT the full picture… Hi, Donnie!!! 👋😅 To learn how...

Just remember, what my students see on the Zoom screen every week is NOT the full picture… Hi, Donnie!!! 👋😅

To learn how to talk to animals, join my online Animal Communicator Community here: 🐶🎉 See you INSIDE!!

🐶 🐶

This spirit session with Meeko was totally incredible. Meeko said his front legs and shoulders used to be very tired but...

This spirit session with Meeko was totally incredible. Meeko said his front legs and shoulders used to be very tired but have been renewed. Mom then shared that towards the end of his physical life, his back legs were failing and his front legs were carrying all his weight. 🙏🏻❤️

Meeko made us laugh when he described his brother Bobby as a “whiney pants,” which Mom said is so true because Bobby is constantly talking. 😆

Meeko then said he would lick his brother Milo a few times but Milo would always start hissing and Meeko thought it was SO RUDE! Mom confirmed this to be exactly what always happened!

✨ I asked Meeko how he’s saying hi to Mom from spirit and he said “she’ll feel heat/warmth on her right shoulder.” Mom was speechless because SO OFTEN she has felt a random warm sensation on her right shoulder or right side of her face and she didn’t know why!

✨ NOW we know it’s Meeko saying hi! 😍

Meeko said he loved watching Mom do her hair and submerging himself in Mom’s hair. Mom said that Meeko watched her do her hair every morning and he always smelled and rubbed himself into her hair.

Meeko said he always wanted to touch Mom but not be held or totally on top of her. Mom said he would always lie near her with just one paw touching her!

He then told me about his favorite chair and how he always laid on the arm of the chair and that he “wants it back!” Mom knew exactly what chair he was referring to and said that she didn’t bring that chair back to the lake house which was Meeko’s favorite place.

Meeko said it was important that I remind Mom that he loved wet food but didn’t like treats. Mom confirmed this to be 100% accurate.

Even if your precious animal is no longer with you in physical form, they truly are still with you. ❤️

Cadence totally called out Grandma, Sister, and Dad! 😂  Ohhhhh my.....Cadence said: “Grandma is SO opinionated, complain...

Cadence totally called out Grandma, Sister, and Dad! 😂 Ohhhhh my.....

Cadence said: “Grandma is SO opinionated, complains TOO much, and gives her opinion when it’s NOT needed!” 🙊 Mom confirmed this to be entirely accurate! 😂

Cadence then said: "My sister barges in the house, eats all the food, never stops talking, eats some more, walks around like she owns the place, and always has crazy stories about her work." The whole family started laughing because this apparently describes her sister exactly, even down to the "always having crazy stories."

Now about Dad. 🤣 Cadence said "It’s a little rude that Dad shuffles me to the side when I'm sleeping because Mom doesn’t do that!" Mom confirmed that she will let Cadence literally lay on top of her but her husband always moves her over so he’s actually comfortable. HOW DARE YOU DAD!!

Cadence then said one of her favorite activities is when she jumps so high playing with Dad. Mom said Dad has a flirt pole that Cadence absolutely loves!

Cadence said her eyes are a little dry from the fireplace but she’s NEVER going to move!! 🔥 Mom then sent me the second picture in this post showing Cadence in her favorite spot!

Cadence requested a jaw massage and after Mom did it she sent me this message: “I did the jaw rubs as you described in the reading and she LOVED IT! She stayed completely still the whole time when she usually moves all around.”

I love talking to animals. ❤️ 👉 If you want to learn how to talk to animals, join me in my online Animal Communicator Community! You can learn to do this just like I did! 🐾

I participated in an ayahuasca retreat this week in South Florida and it was one of the most profound experiences of my ...

I participated in an ayahuasca retreat this week in South Florida and it was one of the most profound experiences of my entire life. Mike and I have been working with Ayahuasca for many years now; it’s actually what saved our marriage and helped me understand and harness my animal communication ability.

Ayahuasca, otherwise known as “yagé” or “the medicine,” is an indigenous plant medicine from the Amazonian jungle, and it’s been one of the biggest blessings in my life.

Thank you & .munai for hosting such an incredible retreat at this amazing space.

And to you, .davila17, the ambassador of ayahuasca, THANK YOU! I’ve always known that you were a true doctor of ayahuasca, but this retreat allowed me to really understand what that means and to see what you actually do for people. Your medicine changed my life, once again.

If you scroll to the second picture, you’ll see a beautiful crystal spring right in the backyard of the house! It’s a 30-foot hole of crystal clear springwater. So freaking cool! There were several of these around the property.

✨💛 Just wow. That’s it.

During a recent practice animal communication session, Eve, one of my students, asked Adam, a 1,000+ lb 4-year-old camel...

During a recent practice animal communication session, Eve, one of my students, asked Adam, a 1,000+ lb 4-year-old camel, “Is there anything you dislike or want to be changed?”

The root behind Adam's response is incredible and shows the true depth of the bond we share with our beloved animals...

Adam immediately gave Eve the feeling of being ashamed of his legs and said to Eve, “My legs are skinny! I feel disproportionate!” Eve said it felt like he was trying to hide his legs all of a sudden mid-conversation! 🫣

It was the first time any animal had told Eve it didn’t like something about itself, so Eve was confused because throughout the conversation, Adam made it clear he was studly, confident, and vibrant, but Eve relayed the message to Adam's mom anyway.

✨ Adam's Mom said:

“Well, camels naturally have skinny legs and are kind of disproportionate. Adam's size and legs aren’t abnormal. However, Adam is deeply bonded with my husband, and my husband’s biggest insecurity is how skinny his legs are. Every day, he always goes on and on about how much he hates his legs and tries to hide them as much as possible!”

💡 When Adam shared his opinion with Eve about how to improve his life, he chose to bring up disliking Dad’s biggest insecurity!

Adam's love for his dad runs deep. Mom and Eve decided that Adam must be sharing this because it must bother him that Dad speaks so negatively about himself.

Mom said she feels certain that once Dad hears about this comment from Adam, he is going to change how he speaks about himself and perhaps work towards letting this insecurity go, especially now that he realizes it's affecting Adam.

Animals are our greatest teachers, and they always know exactly what we need to hear.

PS: Adam also thought Dad’s dirt bike zooming loudly past his enclosure was rude and annoying, subtly suggesting that Dad shouldn’t ride his bike so close anymore. Mom couldn’t agree with Adam more. :)

To learn how to communicate with animals, check out our online Animal Communicator Community:

Here's the recording link to Sunday's class in case you missed us live! Tammy Billups, Animal-Human Wellness is the go-t...

Here's the recording link to Sunday's class in case you missed us live! Tammy Billups, Animal-Human Wellness is the go-to expert for all things animal-human soul connections. Trust me, listening to her talk about it is like getting a big hug for your heart. ❤️

Have you ever felt an indescribable connection with your animal, a bond so deep that words simply can’t capture its true essence?!?!! Well... join ...

We have a birthday boy!!!! 😍❤️❤️  Happy Birthday Donnie! 🤩 .vasconez                        🐶  🐶                        ...

We have a birthday boy!!!! 😍❤️❤️ Happy Birthday Donnie! 🤩 .vasconez

🐶 🐶

THIS SUNDAY at 6 PM EST I'm hosting a FREE CLASS with Tammy Billups, Animal-Human Wellness  to unravel the mystery behin...

THIS SUNDAY at 6 PM EST I'm hosting a FREE CLASS with Tammy Billups, Animal-Human Wellness to unravel the mystery behind WHY we experience such a profound connection with our beloved animals.

✨SPOILER ALERT: It’s the various SOUL CONTRACTS woven between us and our beloved animals. ❤️✨

You might be thinking:

❓What is a soul contract?
❓Do I have one with my beloved animal?
❓Can we enhance our bond with our animals by learning about our soul contracts?
❓Is it possible to have soul contracts with multiple animals?

Well… Join Tammy and I to find out!

Tammy is THE pioneer in the Animal-Human Sacred Soul Partnership, an international holistic practitioner for humans and animals, and the author of 3 award winning books on the animal-human sacred soul partnership. 🌟

✅ To register for our FREE event, click here:

Even if you can’t attend live, register anyway to receive the recording.

And GUESS WHAT… the profound connection you think you already have with your animals is about to deepen in ways you never - EVER - could have imagined. 😍🫶🏼✨🥰

See you there!

I’m so grateful to have this human by my side who loves animals as much as I do. ❤️ .vasconez                           ...

I’m so grateful to have this human by my side who loves animals as much as I do. ❤️ .vasconez

It’s Merlin’s BIRTHDAYYYY and he says he’s going to party LATER!! For now… lamby bed snuggles. 😂🥰🎉❤️ .vasconez          ...

It’s Merlin’s BIRTHDAYYYY and he says he’s going to party LATER!! For now… lamby bed snuggles. 😂🥰🎉❤️ .vasconez

🐶 🐶

🌟 I WANT TO TALK TO YOU! (Not my typical post!!) 🌟 Do you ever find yourself wishing you could understand your furry fri...

🌟 I WANT TO TALK TO YOU! (Not my typical post!!) 🌟 Do you ever find yourself wishing you could understand your furry friend's thoughts and feelings? 🐾 Are you trapped in a cycle of confusion, concern, and frustration, unsure of how to provide them with the best possible life? 🤔

I'm conducting market research for an exciting new project aimed at helping animal lovers like yourself become an animal communicator so you can effortlessly communicate with animals through telepathic animal communication. Imagine knowing exactly what your animal wants or needs to live their happiest, healthiest life! 💭✨

If you're an animal lover who dreams of knowing how to talk to animals so you can deepen your bond with your furry friend and ensure their happiness and well-being on a whole new level, I'd love to talk to you! 🐶🐱🐰

I'm seeking 50 individuals to meet with me on Zoom who are eager to share their experiences, challenges, and desires when it comes to understanding their animal companions. 🗣️ Please note: this is NOT an animal communication session; this call is solely for conducting market research for my new project.

To schedule a time to meet with me, click the link in my bio then scroll down to “Market Research Call." Space is limited to just 50 people!

Together, we can unlock the secrets to creating the ultimate connection with our beloved animals! 🐾💖 I look forward to connecting with you!

We already have over 1,600 people registered for this FREE CLASS which is freaking amazing! 🎉🤩 I’m so honored to host  a...

We already have over 1,600 people registered for this FREE CLASS which is freaking amazing! 🎉🤩

I’m so honored to host as we unravel the mystery behind WHY we experience such a profound connection with our beloved animals.

✨SPOILER ALERT: It’s the various SOUL CONTRACTS woven between us and our beloved animals. ❤️✨

You might be thinking:

❓What the heck is a soul contract?
❓Do I have one with my animal?
❓Is it possible to have soul contracts with multiple animals?
❓What are the different types of soul contracts?

Well… Join and I to find out! Tammy is THE pioneer in the Animal-Human Sacred Soul Partnership, an international holistic practitioner for humans and animals, and the author of 3 award winning books on the animal-human sacred soul partnership.

And GUESS WHAT… the profound connection you think you already have with your animals is about to deepen in ways you never - EVER - could have imagined. 😍🫶🏼✨🥰

✅To register for this FREE event, click the link in my bio!

🚨Even if you can’t attend live, register anyway to receive the recording!🚨

See you there! 🤗🤗

I often start laughing the moment I start a communication because the first thing animals share is always so unique to t...

I often start laughing the moment I start a communication because the first thing animals share is always so unique to them it’s so awesome. Luna said “I entertain myself very well. I play fetch with myself inside, and I take out every single toy. I have a lot of toys but I want more and more!”👇

✨Mom said: “She totally does entertain herself so it’s funny you say that, she’ll throw her balls/toys for herself. And she will totally pull out every single toy that she has (which she has at least 30) and jump back and forth between them and be wild haha.”

Luna then showed me “pausing” before meal time and looking at Mom.

✨ Mom said: “I always make her sit and wait for her release word before she can eat her meals, so that’s where the ‘impulse control’ came from around meal time :)”

Luna said bedtime is especially fun because she sprawls out and drapes herself over Mom.

✨Mom said: “Sprawled out and draped over me is exactly how our nights go haha.”

Luna then said she loves her Grandparents but especially Grandpa, and men in general!👇

✨Mom said: “The way she is with the grandparents was totally accurate too, she loves them both so much and definitely has an affinity for men (Grandpa especially) which I always thought was interesting!”

I love helping bring your animal’s voice to the surface! 🥰

I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to host a webinar for you!! 🎉🤩 Have you ever felt an indescribable connection ...

I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to host a webinar for you!! 🎉🤩 Have you ever felt an indescribable connection with your animal, a bond so deep that words simply can’t capture its true essence?!?!!

DUUUUHHHH… obviously you have! 😆

So then join Tammy Billups, Animal-Human Wellness and I via Zoom as we unravel the mystery behind WHY we experience such a profound connection with our animals. 🤯❤️

Tammy is the pioneer in Animal-Human Sacred Soul Partnership, an international holistic practitioner for humans and animals, and the author of 3 award winning books on the animal-human sacred soul partnership.

Together we’re going to explore the enchanting depths of the SOUL CONTRACTS woven between us and our beloved animals.

Have you ever wondered:

❓What is a soul contract?
❓Do I have one with my beloved animal?
❓Is it possible to have soul contracts with multiple animals?
❓What are the different types of soul contracts?

Join Tammy and I as we uncover the answers together!

GUESS WHAT! ➡️ The profound connection you think you already have with your animals is about to deepen in ways you never could have imagined. 😍🫶🏼✅✨🥰

To register for this FREE event, click here:

🚨Even if you can’t attend live, register anyway to receive the recording!🚨

See you there! 🤗🤗

Inner Traditions/Bear & Co.


I hope you’re NOT one of those people! But if you are, keep listening. ❤️

The boys got a bath this morning… can you tell which one is most displeased about the situation? 🙊😂❤️ .vasconez         ...

The boys got a bath this morning… can you tell which one is most displeased about the situation? 🙊😂❤️ .vasconez

🐶 🐶

THIS WEEKEND via ZOOM!! Sunday's workshop sold out but there are still a few spots left for Saturday! 🎉🏃🏻‍♀️These intro ...

THIS WEEKEND via ZOOM!! Sunday's workshop sold out but there are still a few spots left for Saturday! 🎉🏃🏻‍♀️

These intro workshops are designed to help beginners develop their animal communication skills FROM SCRATCH. You don't need ANY prior psychic or intuitive abilities. You will learn how to talk to animals that are living and in spirit!

👉 For more details and to register, click here:

If you’re not receiving your angel's messages or signs, it's likely because right now, you’re too deep in grief. Please ...

If you’re not receiving your angel's messages or signs, it's likely because right now, you’re too deep in grief. Please keep reading.👇

Think of it like this: imagine trying to throw a ball into a large box. Fairly easy, right? The box is big so it’s hard to miss.

But if the box is small, it’s harder to make the shot.

When we’re deep in grief, our energy is closed off and we’re a small box. It’s harder for our animals’ messages to land inside our small box.

As time passes and we step out of deep grief, our small box expands, gets a little bigger and bigger.

Our energy is now more open and we’re able to intercept their messages much easier.

The messages were always there, we were just missing them.

If you’re deep in grief, please know that grief is normal. It’s actually a normal and healthy human emotion.

❤️ BUT, I encourage you to watch the 2 pet loss support webinars available for you on my YouTube because the only way to step out of deep grief and into a "bigger box," is to release the repetitive narrative you're replaying in your head and heart about what you could have, should have, would have done differently.

It's definitely not easy but it's what our precious animals want us to do.

👉 Think about it like this: If you passed away BEFORE your animal, would you want them to live the rest of their physical life grieving and sad? No way! We’d want them to do anything and everything that makes their heart smile every single day.

Our passed loved ones are
with family, and...

What I’ve learned from talking to animals in spirit is that the afterlife truly is their own unique paradise. 🌟🌻 If they were a foodie here, they’re a foodie there!

Our soul family is our soul family, forever.

They were with us on earth.

They continue to be with us in spirit.

And one day, we will embrace each other again.

Be easy on yourself. A beloved animal passing is one of the hardest paths to navigate. 🙏🏻

The biggest misconception about animal communication is the belief that you cannot acquire the skill to communicate with...

The biggest misconception about animal communication is the belief that you cannot acquire the skill to communicate with animals as I do. This notion couldn’t be more misguided!

Much like how some people are genetically predisposed to larger muscles, the ability to communicate with animals can be developed through dedicated time and effort, just like hitting the gym can sculpt the physical bod.

While a few of my students might receive remarkably specific messages their first time, it’s far more common for beginners to receive random, unconnected words or thoughts in their initial attempts. However, with consistent practice, those isolated words evolve into concise phrases, which then transform into sentences, ultimately leading to fluent, back-and-forth dialogues with animals.😻👇

✨The key is to take that first step and START the journey!! Your first practice session will open the flood gates to the magical world of animal communication.✨

Next weekend, I will be conducting what could possibly be the last two introduction to animal communication workshops for the year. Following these workshops, my focus will shift towards a new project, but that won’t be finalized for quite some time.

There are only 10 spots available for next month’s Intro Workshops, and approximately 95% of my students started their animal communication journey in these workshops!

You WILL discover that you already possess the capability to communicate with animals. 🔥 I look forward to seeing you there!

👉 For more details and to register, click here:

I talked to Romi during a recent Intro to Animal Communication workshop (there are 2 next month by the way!!) and her pe...

I talked to Romi during a recent Intro to Animal Communication workshop (there are 2 next month by the way!!) and her personality had us all laughing. She wanted to start out the session by making sure everyone knew that she was hyper focused and observant on what EVERYONE was doing. Mom said “Ohhhh my, yes. VERY!”

Romi then said: “I don’t like the bucket hung in the stall, but Mom won’t let it on the ground!”

Mom laughed and said: “Romi is talking about her horse son in the next stall. The bucket cannot be left on the ground because he always flips it over, so it’s hung up on the wall and he always tries to knock it down.” Romi is sticking up for her baby boy!! 🤩

Romi made it very clear that she is very loved and gets special attention. Mom confirmed this and said “Romi loves being admired.”

Romi said she loves being ridden and doing trail rides. Mom confirmed that Romi’s former guardian did this with her and she loved it and still does.

My talk with Romi was short because it was during an online workshop so I said “I have to go, Romi.” And she said “All good. Cyaaaaaaaa (with hay in her mouth).” LOL! 🤣

If you want to learn how to talk to animals, join us next month! These workshops are the only ones scheduled for the entire year at the moment. Don't miss out!! To register, click here:



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