Lost Creek Hollow

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Lost Creek Hollow Local Farm & Ranch
Orchards and Scenic Live Oaks
FWC Licensed Game Farm & Apiary We are a small local farm raising poultry, fowl, bees and berries.

NPIP Certified
Licensed Game Farm
Licensed Apiary
Licensed Hatchery


Coop Ready:
Dampierre: $20
Standard Cochin: $10 (white and black both available)

Brooder Ready:
Serama: $15 - Type A babies, guaranteed to stay under 1lb.
Barnyard Mix: $3


06/05/20 - Ethel’s baby Boy
Nigerian Dwarf Buckling, blue eyes, possibly polled.

Gorgeous markings. Will be available July 17th and have CDT / Copper Bolus before leaving.

$200 ($100 deposit)

**Deposits are non-refundable**



Nigerian Dwarf Goat. Sungdau pattern.
Tiny Bottle Baby for sale. Blue eyed, tri-colored, likely polled - little boy. He has a white star on forehead and white around ears. Born 06/01/20. Received colostrum.


Three triplet boys from Elsa this morning. Two are with Mama and the third was rejected so it’s a bottle baby (SOLD).
All three are available now - $100 at weaning or $75 as a bottle baby.

Varying levels of Tri-colored. All Blue Eyes.
All Possibly polled (will know for certain within a week).

SOLD Bottle Baby 1 - the baby Mama rejected.
Baby 2 - In Image on Left - (Pending pickup)
Baby 3 - In Image on Right - (Pending Pickup)


Cornish Meat Chicks - (25), 5 days old. $3 each. These cannot be kept as pets - must be processed by 10 weeks at the very most.

One random barred rock cockerel chick - $1


Great Information



Serama Chicks - Parents are Type A & Micro.
$10 each - straight run/unsexed. 3 available. NPIP.
You can see the egg size compared to a quail egg and small chicken egg.
Will stay under 1lb and are considered the “mini chickens”, tiny even compared to bantams.


Mauve Cochins - Baby Booties. I love the thick leg feathers this hatch has.
These babies are unavailable as these are hold backs for our Mauve project.
So far we are maintaining 100% fertility on our own hatched.


Best practices small scale experiment on hatching shipped eggs:

Theory: Resting eggs for 24 hrs would lead to better hatch rate.
Findings: Eggs placed immediately into the incubator actually had a far higher hatch rate.

Egg Rest Test Results:

A couple weeks ago I got into a debate with someone regarding resting vs straight into incubator.
We couldn’t find any studies directly to refute or support the 24 hour resting of shipped eggs idea. So I did my own small scale study. I had received 36 Araucana eggs from Edd Sheppard (https://www.awesomearaucana.com). Northern Ca shipped to Northern Florida.

I decided to use these eggs as a test.
Day 1, Egg Arrival in Mail
Group A: A dozen went straight in.
Group B: A dozen rested 24 hrs then went in.
Group C: A dozen rested 24 hrs then went into no-turn incubation for another 24 hrs.

Day 9/10 incubation check
Group A: 9/12 thriving - no blood rings. 3 non developing
Group B: 5/12 doing ok- but seems to be a lot more air space/“wet” to the embryos - 2 blood rings 5 non developing
Group C: 1/12 but thriving - 4 blood rings 7 non developing

Moved to RCOM King Suro for Hatching - Temperature 99.5, Humidity 60%.
Group A Hatch: 6/9 Hatched and thriving. 3/9 did not hatch - death before clearing internal or external pipping.
Group B Hatch: 1/5 Hatched. 2/5 dead in shell prior to lockdown. 2/5 died before pipping.
Group C: 0/1 made to lockdown.

It was a realllllly expensive study and it is not quite done. I’m not a scientist so I’m sure it has flaws. They were all on the same rack of a Brinsea 190 Cabinet. All spent equal amounts of time out of the cabinet during day 8 candling. But maybe group 1 just lucked out with all the developing eggs/less transport damaged eggs. The study needs to be repeated several more times to have any actual weight - but it is something to note/consider.

I will definitely be ditching the 24hr rest idea from now on. I definitely was on the side of rest/no turn prior to this. And as much as I hate being wrong but I love being more successful with hatches so - still a win.


Cornish Broiler chicks and Freedom Rangers now available: all of our chicks are on Organic feed so you can choose to finish how you’d like.

GMO free Freedom Ranger Chicks (9-11 week processing): 2 week olds $4 each Qty: 10

Fast Grow Ranger (8-10): 1 week old $3.80 Qty: 5

Cornish Cross (6-9weeks):


Welcoming SC Holly SPGS “Louis Vutton”, our wonderful 2020 Breeding Buck.
Registered ADGA Crystal Blue eyes, Naturally Polled, Tri-Color broken Buckskin with Moonspots. Milky and Show lines.
Being shipped from TN and arriving in the end of May.


Very proud to be adding Ed Shepherd Araucana and Mashburn (both direct) lines to our poultry pens. Also new blood for our Mosaics and Cochin color projects. Will be a while before they grow out and we offer eggs.


If your farm can’t tell you where their stock was born and their history, and parents history - they are most likely auction flippers.
Did you know there are many “farms” in the area that don’t actually raise their own animals? They go to auctions buy and then resell the animals. These animals often pick up diseases and internal/external parasites from the auctions & the you unknowingly bring it home to your own stock.
Please beware of farms who have no consistent parentage/breeder stock who are constantly selling a never ending supply of babies. So many new homesteaders are being taken advantage of.


Broiler Chicks will be available over the next three weeks. And processed birds chicken/quail available in July. We will only have a very limited amount of chicks. Raise your own or you can wait for us to raise and process some. We will update the page as soon as they are available.

GMO free Ranger Chicks (9-11 week processing): $3.50 each Qty: 10
Fast Grow Ranger (8-10): $3.60 Qty: 10
Cornish Cross (6-9weeks): $3.00 each Qty: 25


Start them on Broiler Starter for the first 4.5 to 5 weeks.
Switch them to an 18% Chick Grower after that time.
Feed them around the clock for the first 5 days of age.
After day 5 only feed during daylight hours. No feed for 12 hours.
Water is okay to leave with them.

At 6 weeks of age males should weigh about 6lbs and females 5lbs. If you desire a larger bird they may be raised up to 9 weeks of age with males weighing about 10lbs and females 8lbs.


All deposits on anything we are selling are under the condition if the buyer backs out of the deal - regardless of reason, deposits are forfeit. This is to protect us, our time, our resources.
Thank you!


Poultry Update!
We are undergoing renovations on our poultry - bringing in new breeds and building an entirely new chicken and game bird enclosure with breeding runs.
We currently only have Lakenvelder eggs available from our Champion lines.

The rest of our poultry are not in exclusive pens while we renovate and their eggs are not pure.

We are freshening our blood lines for others and this fall we will have our Guineas, Blue LF Cochins, Seramas, Crevecouers, Khaki Campbells and Quail back in full swing plus the addition of Black Copper Marans, Araucanas, Vorwerk, Golden Campines, Pilgrim Geese, and Liege Fighters.

We are considering other breeds but as we seek out only the best and ship in from all over the country those have yet to be announced. Some breeds may be available sooner.

NPIP Facility and AI/Pullorum tested and clean!


Nigerian Dwarf Update:
Welcome Reese and daughter Auri - we are revamping several portions of the farm and are moving towards an ADGA registered herd, CAE, Johnes and CL clean.

We do still have our gold and white buckling for sale for $150. He will be stunning and tiny! Wether or keep for your own does.


Gold and White Buckling is sold.


Black naturally polled doe, blue eyes, white frosted - $200
Tri-Color doe, horns, blue eyes - $200
Must go together.

Gold and white buck, blue eyes, horns - unrelated to all my goats. $150

Package deal for all three: $500


Lost Creek Hollow

Baby Goats! Brown and Tan will be ready in three weeks. Other three ready now.

Nigerian Dwarf Goat kids:
Primarily Brown and White -- SOLD
Primarily White and brown - buck, polled, blue eyes SOLD
Pure black - doe, polled, blue eyes (NG cross) available
Black and white - doe, blue eyes (NG cross) Available
Tri Color split face - buck, polled, blue eyes SOLD.

Doe: $200
Buck: $150


Baby Goats! Brown and Tan will be ready in three weeks. Other three ready now.

Nigerian Dwarf Goat kids:
Primarily Brown and White -- SOLD
Primarily White and brown - buck, polled, blue eyes SOLD
Pure black - doe, polled, blue eyes (NG cross) available
Black and white - doe, blue eyes (NG cross) Available
Tri Color split face - buck, polled, blue eyes SOLD.

Doe: $200
Buck: $150


Lakenvelders: Three Cockerels ($8), Three Pullets ($20)- 6 months old
Non-Show Quality


Royal Palm Turkeys & Silver Laced Wyandotte hens.
$20 each


We are clearing all our grow out pens for the summer!
Now is your chance to own some cuties that the hatcheries do not sell!
Royal Palm / Sweetgrass Juveniles: $90 takes all 9!

Most all are pullets: $75 total for a mixed lot
Black/splash Crevecouers, Partridge Chantecler, Lakenvelders, Silver Laced Wyandotte (only one of these), 55 Flowery Hens. (10 total birds)

Ducks: ******SOLD OUT*******.
2 Rouen Hen: $20 total
3 Silver Appleyard Hen culls: $30 total
Khaki Campbell pair: $20 total

3 babies gorgeous exotic markings: $5 total

Crevecouer grown rooster: $5

Honey and Eggs also available. Deal ends when we sell out.


Coop ready:
55 Flowery Hens (3), Silver Laced Wyandottes (3), Silver Appleyard Ducklings (3), Rouen (1). Black and Splash Crevecouers (15). Dozen Button Quail and Rare Pattern Coturnix Quail.

Still too little but almost:
Royal Palm Turkeys (x8)


3 day old Turkey Poults, Rouen, and Appleyard Ducklings. All sold Straight Run (unsexed)

Royal Palm - $15
Brindle Cross - $10
(Blue Turkey Poult has already been spoken for).

Ducklings- $8 each

Quail (Coturnix):
Jumbo James Marie & Exotic Colorations. $3 each at hatch.

Month old: Crevecouer, 55 Flowery Hen Quads, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Blue Cochins, Rhode Island Reds also available for $10 each.

Once sexable they’ll be sold in trios.

We are NPIP/AI tested clean.
All our pens are breed specific.


Brooder clearance sale!

$3 for day old chicks - straight run mix and match

Crevecouer, Serama, Black LF Cochin, Rhode Island Red, Silver Laced Wyandotte.

Two week old sexed 55 Flower
3 Pullets/1 Cockerel: $35 (2 sets available)

Straight Run:
Three week old Crevecouers:
Splash - $15 a chick (3 available)
Black - $10 a chick (6 available)

3 Week old Silver Laced Wyandottes : $5 a chick

(Blue Cochins below not available they are a preorder).


55 Flowery Hen Chicks autosexed quads: 1 week old
3 Pullets/1 Cockerel: $35 (4 sets available)
2 Pullets /1 Cockerel: $25 (2 sets available)
Extra cockerels : 5 each (for auto sexing genetics)

Straight Run:
Gen 2 French Import Crevecouers:
Splash - $15 a chick (3 available)
Black - $10 a chick (6 available)

Silver Laced Wyandottes : $5 a chick


All Chicks Sold Straight Run.
NPIP/AI Tested

Two African Geese: $15 each
Ducklings (Rouen, Khaki Campbell or Silver Appleyard): $5 each
Black/Splash French Line Crevecouers: $10 each

In the incubator today:
Turkey (Royal Palm and Brindle/Palm)
Quail (Coturnix Exotic Coloration)
Silver Appleyard
Seramas (type 😎
Partridge Chantecler
55 Flowery Hens


Flock and Season Reduction ! All birds listed are laying except the sexed Rouen ducklings.

Blue Cochin Rooster & Hen with additional Black Cochin Hen to improve blue lines: $60 (pending)

Button Quail Covey of 6: $90

We are changing directions to work specifically on Rare breed conservancy and flock reduction.


So important & why we prefer drop offs and pick ups at the gate.

Get ready for Bird Health Awareness Week (3/25-29) with this tip: Clean all service vehicles, trucks, tractors, tools or equipment - including egg flats and cases that have come in contact with birds or their droppings - before moving them back to your facility. More biosecurity tips: bit.ly/DefendtheFlock-Biosecurity


Honey supers prepped for the season. Nuc boxes ready for swarms. Going to clean up and prep some brood boxes because one of the hives has an overproducer Queen who always needs more space. Queen excluders ready to go on. Prep work all done.
Tomorrow is hive inspection day!
Five of our hives are adopted hives and their adopters are going to be getting some excellent honey around the end of May since the first honey supers are half full already. Thanks, weird Florida weather.


Lost Creek Hollow


Our fertility checks have been going well for the 55 Flower Hens and Crevecouers - we expect to be offering 55 Flower & black/splash Creves in April.

We have a few fertility check Goose, Silver Appleyard, Khaki Campbell, and Rouen eggs in the incubator.

Also miscellaneous Blue Cochin and Mosiac chicks in a few weeks.

Eggs are available from us, only from our consistent fertility verified pens.

*Blue Cochin
*Button Quail
*Designer Coloration Coturnix Quail
*Rhode Island Reds

Lakenvelders *
Bantam Vorwerks *
55 Flower Hens

This Fall:
Large Fowl Vorwerks *
Sultans *

*We have worked HARD to ensure all our new breeds come from some of the top show lines in the nation. The Lakenvelders and Bantam Vorwerks have been shown all over the SE and personally have received Champion, Best in Breed, Best in Class, and Best in Variety.

The Sultans are from the recently imported lines from the UK.

Vorwerks are also recent imports.



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Our Story

We sell chicks straight run only.

We align with best management practices for the health and safety of our animals. Because of this our farm is closed to the public to maintain our animal’s bio-security. All transactions will be done at our front gate, we apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Eggs Sold/Shipped Year Round. Major Hatches from Feb-June and Sept-November.