I am so blessed that my Tower Garden is completely self-sustaining and I can utterly neglect it and it still does just fine and I go out and find all these babies.
This HUGE tomato plant is actually COMPLETELY LOADED with these huge tomatos. I think they are German tomatos- a baby plant that I bought at Lowes. LOL. The peppers I grew from seed from ORGANIC GREEN PEPPERS from H-E-B. I feel so cool! 😎
I am not eating tomatoes right now because while they are excellent for preventing cancer, one of the best things, they are not really good for stopping the growth of cancer once you have it. So, yes I am constantly begging Anna to make salsa and use up my tomatoes. PLEASE!! Peppers are awesome, though, for stopping the growth of cancer so I am eating a lot of peppers now. They have a high anti-angiogenesis effect, especially Cayenne pepper and their seeds.
I am feeling pretty good today. BH. I hope this means that the cancer cells are being beaten back, but I just have no way of knowing for sure. I can only gauge things by how my cervix feels and hope it is a good sign. Either way, I am super grateful when I am not in agony and torment. I will take it!
Anyways, wish I could do more with my Tower Gardening but I can't right now, so at least its self-sustaining.