Are You Forgetting to Brain Train Your Dog?
Many owners are not aware of this, but idle minds are the devil’s workshop when it comes to dogs. Yet many owners are happy to leave their dogs bored by the fireplace all day, leading to untold behavior problems. The simple secret to a well-trained dog is engaging their mind and getting them thinking.
Before domestication, dogs would spend much of their lives performing tasks necessary for survival in the wild. Even in more modern history, dogs had special roles to perform in their relationships with humans. You can still see these natural drives in dogs today! For example, you will notice how beagles love to follow scents, how some terrier breeds love to dig, and how treeing coonhounds bark upon noticing prey up a tree. Unlike humans who perhaps dread the 9 to 5 grind, dogs actively WANT to work, and when they do not, they become prone to behavior problems, disobedience, and poor psychological well-being. Many owners spend THOUSANDS on dog training when the solution could be as simple as providing Rover with more mental stimulation!
Fortunately, The Airplane Game is one solution to this problem. Download this free e-book and learn a fun way to train your dog today.
Free e-book to train your dog with a fun game to play