Make Sure You Read And Hear God's Speech At The Vatican
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion Article from All-Creatures.org
Arthur Poletti
Thank You Pope Francis For Planning To Be The Host When God Visits You At The Vatican So God Can Personally Explain How God Intends To Stop Humans From Recklessly And Continually Destroying God's Precious Animals And God's Precious Earth
God’s first visit to Earth, and first speech in recorded history, will be communicated throughout the World, revealing God's unwavering love and concern for the future health and welfare of all human and animal life, and the health and welfare of the Earth.
The words I wrote below were inspired by several of my dreams and my continuous intuitive communications with God, animals, and the Earth.
Please imagine that Almighty God is making the following speech that is much like the actual speech that God plans to make at the Vatican.
God's Planned Speech
Good morning to you Pope Francis, ladies and gentlemen in the Vatican audience, and everyone watching or listening throughout the World.
The purpose of my first visit to Earth and my first speech this morning is to make absolutely certain that most or all mature, rational, compassionate, open minded people in the World know, and are made fully aware of my demands outlined below, revealing each of the urgently needed changes that must happen soon. In order to permanently stop all humans from continuing the, repulsive uncivilized barbarous acts, of destroying the lives of millions of MY precious animals every hour of the day, and permanently stop humans from continuing to destroy MY precious beleaguered Earth, before it is too late to salvage.
I placed humans on Earth to protect and care for the Earth and all the creatures that dwell here, not to torture and kill millions of precious animals every hour of the day, and not to poison and destroy the Earth's soil, the Earth's forests, the Earth's oceans, and the Earth's atmosphere.
It was once said that the prophets who wrote the Bible related what they saw and heard in human language, but their message came directly from God.
Let me make it perfectly clear that I did not inspire or ordain any of the words in the Bible that support or promote any type of dominion over animals. Words that were intentionally written by, and for the benefit of some disingenuous, deceptive, self serving prophets, and not for the benefit of MY precious animals, or My precious Earth.
The evil of dominion is that it grants man the right to control, dominate and destroy MY precious animals. A right that I did not grant or authorize and will never authorize.
For all of these reasons I have ordered that the Bible be amended, beginning as soon as possible, removing all verses containing reprehensible words like the words that follow.
Which are lies that I am completely opposed to.
Genesis 9:1-3 The fear and dread of you shall rest on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the air, on everything that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; into your hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and just as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
Dominion over precious animals must and will end.
Furthermore, because there are no factory farms or slaughterhouses in Heaven, like it should be on Earth, and no animals are ever harmed for any reason in Heaven, like it should be on Earth, the following changes must be made soon on Earth, beginning as follows.
The dreaded words of Genesis 9:1-3 and all the other similar words in the Bible must be permanently abolished and be replaced appropriately by words that reveal and express the ancient and magnificent no harm doctrine of AHIMSA (1) which teaches and promotes no harm of any kind to animals, humans, or the Earth.