Vestibular disease took my baby boy. First he was sick, then wobbly then fell over and kept trying to wee but couldn’t do it, then the nystagmus (eye shaking) then it got so violent his head shook and tilted. He had a peaceful journey in the car to the vet as we rushed him in, on my lap holding his head on the open windowsill of the car to keep his head still in the sunshine. They rushed him to the back straight away but they felt he wouldn’t improve, they said I was right diagnosing vestibular disease onset in only an hour and very violently, they said it wasn’t anything to do with his ears, they said it could have caused a blood clot in his brain and that we could try him with an injection for a week to see if he improved but they felt he would struggle only having 3 legs and falling over forward as his head was twitching and heavy. I said it was time to let him go, the vet then said yes that’s the second option and the one we’d reccomend and that it was horrible but I should be proud for not letting him suffer just for more time. They sedated him and gave him something to stop his head tremors so he was more comfortable but they were so bad he couldn’t close his eyes. They gave him the long sleep sedative and he lay in my lap for about 10 mins just snoring away as it took effect. I lay him in my arms on the table, holding his head and the cannula was put in. Still snoring I picked him up and held him close as they injected the euthanasia drug in. Part of me died with him. He went without a movement or a peep. I couldn’t let his body go, I held him for close to an hour before I could lay him in the blanket on the table. As I supported his head I heard one final snore as I lay him down on the table, he was gone but he left one little snore to leave me with as I lay him down on the table in the blanket. I kissed him over and over on his silky little head and I WAILED as I left. I ran back in one more time, screaming with pain. I couldn’t control the raw emotion coming out. 14 years, my special little man. They said they’d never met a frenchie as old has him, all of mine lived to 13/14 apart from Yoda who had cancer and was put to sleep at 8 after losing an eye to glaucoma and a leg to cancer. Vader is at peace with Yoda Leia Callie and Lilly now. He truly was his pedigree name “brave bull” to the end. I’ll miss you my son ❤