Hi all
Times are tight right now for most of us, but if you can the pets (and their owners)of Edinburgh need our help. Many are making great sacrifices to ensure their pets well-being, I know I have made some changes myself, and we want to help any we can reach.
The EDCH are collecting fir pet food banks, but we want to make it more local and accessible at the same time. To this end we have a wonderful group of businesses who are running drop off points for any food, treats, toys (or anything) - with some being available for collection as well.
If you, or someone you know is at risk just pop along to one of the locations listed below and ‘ask for Ozzy’ you will be treated with respect and anonymity and helped (if needed we can arrange doorstep delivery, but depends of volunteers - pls msg).
Any and all excess will go to EDCH or local food banks (if you run one message the page), although this is a winter appeal it would be nice to keep it going on a smaller scale.
If you run a business and wish to have a drop off point, wish to donate or help in any way (I’m not exactly Sicial Media savvy) pls message the page and let’s talk.
All we will have on this page is a list of drop off points, with those allowing collection marked. Currently we can cover Slateford through to the meadows, with a great jump to Restalrig! but if people want to help, please do.
Drop off points (will be updated where suitable)
North Merchiston Club
Star Dogs Grooming Salons
Fetch Eyewear UK
The Fountain.
To be continued…