For those of you that don’t know, I’m undertaking additional studies to become a Diploma Qualified Feline Nurse. *heartfelt personal story incoming*
Cats hold a very special place in my heart - when I was 8 years old, I picked up my cat and put it next to a neighbour’s cat because I naively thought they would become friends and I would get kittens! Very quickly, I could see he wasn’t happy, so I picked him up and he scratched and bit my arm incredibly deeply. My family at the time decided to take him in the car and abandon him somewhere because he was considered a danger. I never saw him again.
It was only this year that I realised that the reason I have such an affinity and such a deep passion for cats was because of this very situation. That realisation was a confusing and emotional roller coaster.
Cats are very misunderstood creatures and situations like this occur all the time. My utmost goal in life is to prevent these situations from happening as much as possible, and change people’s view and understanding of cats.
I have felt pretty educated about cats for several years and have educated many people about many wonderful things, but two months into this course, I have been astounded about how much I have learnt, and I very much look forward to sharing some tips with you over the next couple of years!