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Abundance Farms LLC develops community and commercial Farms and e-Markets by using vertical aeroponic technology to grow living produce that is safe, healthy, nutrient dense, uses 90% less water & land, locally grown and available 12 months of the year.

 ,   Matthew Dominick, a flight engineer on the International Space Station, shared on Monday a captivating timelapse sh...

, Matthew Dominick, a flight engineer on the International Space Station, shared on Monday a captivating timelapse showcasing the moon setting among vibrant red and green auroras.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6tWh2OhfKw

08.08.2024 = 08.08.08FACEBOOK FRIENDS!For security reasons I will need to say GOODBYE at least for awhile. I will not po...

08.08.2024 = 08.08.08
For security reasons I will need to say GOODBYE at least for awhile. I will not post and may need to deactivate my account.
My friend and may still be occasionally make his Abundance observations on my Abundance Farms LLC. Friends and Family who know my other contact addresses will still be able to contact me.
Live Blessed in Abundance,
Gary Sorensen

KINGDOM FRIENDSHIPS AND COVENANT RELATIONSHIPSI am sounding the Quiet Trumpet of Abundance to see who is now Awake to Ki...

I am sounding the Quiet Trumpet of Abundance to see who is now Awake to Kingdom Abundance and who to add to the Collective of Abundance Authors. Our next collaboration of Abundance stories is Kingdom Friendships and Covenant Relationships, Teaching By Testimonies. Would you like to join our Collective? I am looking for short testimonial stories.

To give you an idea of what I am looking for I am presenting a copy of the Preface below and introductory draft of the book to show you a handful of stories as examples. Any future proceeds will be donated to our Abundance Research Institute. There is no deadline but I will e-publish as the collection reaches a critical mass and then updates periodically. The book will also be available on Amazon.com and Apple iBooks.

If you have any questions or need clarifications, please feel free to contact me at DrGarySorensen+[email protected].

Collective of Authors

Preface: Teaching By Testimonies

How do we make and build friendships? Wikipedia defines the process as the following.

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an "acquaintance" or an "association", such as a classmate, neighbor, coworker, or colleague.

In some cultures, the concept of friendship is restricted to a small number of very deep relationships; in others, such as the U.S. and Canada, a person could have many friends, and perhaps a more intense relationship with one or two people, who may be called good friends or best friends. There are many forms of friendship, certain features are common to many such bonds, such as choosing to be with one another, enjoying time spent together, and being able to engage in a positive and supportive role to one another.

However, a Wikipedia search for Kingdom Friendship reveals zero results. The same is true of Webster’s Dictionary. The same zero results are also true for searches for Covenant Relations resulting from Kingdom Friendships.

As I have discussed Kingdom Friendships and Covenant Relationships with people who I have found are awake and aware of such friendships and relationships existing in their lives, they could not offer accurate definitions but they could offer testimonies of stories describing what they have experienced.

Most of the initial testimonial stories were revelations from looking back at the circumstances that were involved in establishing and developing the Kingdom friendships and how they are different than secular friendships. The very few covenant relationships were developed for specific and sometimes seasonal assignments, but almost all started with Kingdom friendships. Only now with Kingdom awakening are some people aware of expectations for Kingdom friendships to cross their favor path and are looking for Kingdom introductions to align with others assignments.

Therefore, we will use Teaching By Testimonies to explain and explore the importance that Kingdom Friendships and Covenant Relationships will play in building the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth NOW.

Live Blessed in Abundance,


Gary L Sorensen, PhD
Professor of Abundance, Kingdom International University
Dean, KIU School of Entrepreneurship
Co-Founder and CEO, Reborne Global Trust, https://reborne.us/
Co-Founder and CEO, https://www.AbundanceFarms.live/
Co-Founder, http://www.AbundanceResearchInstitute.com/
Co-Founder, https://NewKingdomGlobal.com/
Partner, https://garysorensen.towergarden.com/

 ,  55 years ago on the Moon.

55 years ago on the Moon.

 , Silent Seer by Gary Although I did not know that I was a Seer until I was 35, looking back now I realize that my firs...

, Silent Seer by Gary

Although I did not know that I was a Seer until I was 35, looking back now I realize that my first experience was during my Vacation Bible School the summer between 3rd and 4th grade. As a third grader I had achieved a reading level that permitted me to read certain simple passages from the Bible. After I read my selection aloud to the small class, I was then asked what I thought it meant. My mind was flooded with pictures. I simply told the teacher and class what I was seeing. I received stares and no one said anything. Being in a traditional Lutheran church there was no one who could say what I was seeing was prophetic nor encourage me to continue. So, although I continued to read the Bible and see pictures and visions, I did not tell anyone and kept the meanings to myself. I was silent.

By the time I reached the 6th grade, I became aware of famous architects that seemed to see visions of pictures of the future. My conclusion was that perhaps I was going to grow up to be an architect. Later in high school I discovered visionary engineers and urban planners. At least I was beginning to have an avenue to express to others some of the pictures of the future I was seeing in my mind, without telling them the meaning of what they meant. It was like I was interpreting what I was seeing without offending others.

In my late teens and twenties, I found that as I met people, I could use the pictures I was seeing about people’s future to give them compliments that they seemed to like. As I began my university teaching career at age 25, I would often talk to some of my students and they would ask me about what they should do about plans they had. I would see visions of where they should go, who they should talk to, who they should collaborate with, etc. I would simply offer them advice by interpreting what I was seeing, but in a very low-key manner.

Often students would seek me out after summer break and come tell me in the fall that they did what I suggested they do and it worked! I would often meet former students several years later and they would say they remembered the day I gave them advice and they had become very successful following my advice. Ironically, I also saw pictures and visions of myself several decades in advance that I stored away to see what actually materialized.

My story now jumps to age 35. During the previous 10 years I had gotten married, started a family, lost my first wife to a sudden illness, was a widower with 2 young children, and remarried a good friend of mine. My second wife was also raised in the Lutheran church but was recently born again in the Baptist church. We were both awakening to the Spirit and although we were attending both a Lutheran church and a Baptist church, we started to joke about “Are we ready to try that crazy charismatic Methodist church in town.” One Sunday morning we woke up and said “Let’s try crazy today” And we did.

My wife was immediately excited about the service of contemporary music and even dancing in the aisles. As the music and service started, I was flooded with overwhelming visions. After the service was over, I was exhausted and immediately went home and went to bed and did not wake up until Monday morning. For the next few weeks, we tried again with both of us having the same results as the first week. My wife finally concluded that we needed to go talk to the pastor about what was happening to me each Sunday.

Upon attending our appointment with the pastor and describing what was happening to me during and after the service, he jumped up and said “Can you come with me to a deliverance service going on right now?” Not knowing what that meant, we said Yes. What we discovered was we were being invited to a home church deliverance service. As I participated in the service, I felt a heavy fog of oppression being lifted off me. We talked after the service and the pastor asked me to attend the men’s prayer service the next Sunday that was for the pastor the hour before the Sunday services.

I did attend the men’s prayer service. At the end of the prayers the pastor asked if anyone had anything else to say. I meekly raised my hand and said that I had seen a vision. He told me to feel free to share the vision. The gist of the vision was “I saw injured birds in our community using crutches to walk into our church and injured wings with bandages fly weakly into our church. Inside there was a bonfire of bright blue starlight. The birds would enter the blue light and come out healed and carrying a small stone of the blue light. Then they would fly out through a special opening in the roof and fly over the community and surrounding territory and drop there stone, which ignited small campfires for other birds to come for healing.” The pastor passionately told me to write down that vision and bring it next week when we were going to have a guest pastor speak.

The next Sunday the guest pastor attended the men’s prayer meeting for our pastor. My pastor introduced me to the guest pastor and indicated the two of us needed to discuss the vision I had last week. We chatted briefly and then I told him my vision. When I finished, he simply looked at me and said “You are a Seer.” The guest pastor was a prophet named Chuck Pierce. He then told me what my vision meant and then explained what it meant to be a seer. He explained that I have had the gift of a seer most of my life and that the gift would become stronger and stronger now that I understood its purpose and application. He said a Seer was a Prophet that could see what the Lord was doing in the lives of individuals and groups of people.

The events of those 10 days opened my mind to the gifts of the Spirit and began to give me confidence that what I was seeing was worth saying. I began to befriend others in this new church of ours who were also exercising their spiritual gifts so that I could learn by watching and learn by doing.
A few months later I was attending a conference where my pastor was the main speaker. During his opening remarks at 9 AM he stopped and pointed to me in the audience and said that if anyone wanted to know what plans the Lord had for them, they should come speak to me. A small group immediately gathered around me, so I was instructed to relocate to a quiet space backstage. I had a couple of people act as intercessors and I began to have individuals come and sit with the three of us. As I would have a vision for them, I would say what I was seeing and they would record it to take with them. Three hours passed and it was lunch time, but there were as many people waiting as when we started at 9 AM. So, someone brought me some lunch while I continued to minister. The afternoon passed and it was time for the evening meal, but again the line was no shorter. The same person brought me some dinner as I continued to minister. Finally, the daily conference was ending at 10 PM, when I finished with the final individuals.

In the 40 years that have followed I have occasionally ministered in small group congregational gatherings but the vast majority of my Seer encounters have been in private personal and business settings. For some people I have seen them in a robe with ornaments, badges and jewelry on them that turned out to have very specific and valuable meaning to them. For others I have described a very specific looking house that they were desiring to purchase but were afraid to make a decision. For some I have describe a business partner that would lead both of them into a successful lifetime business collaboration. For one woman the Lord saw her as a mother of the lost children of a small community and He wanted to give her favor to establish a foster home for them. Currently He is showing me which people should develop Kingdom friendships which will lead to covenant relationships to Kingdom assignments to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth. He is introducing those with the plans to those who have resources. By Saying what I am Seeing, the visions are the magnets to attract the provisions.

We all appreciate hearing stories of Holy events happening on Holy ground that dramatically changes the direction of lives. Looking back over my lifetime, I have mostly stayed on the Favor Path on Holy ground and have encountered a series of Holy events that have accumulated to guide my direction. The Lord used my Silent Seer youth years as training for what was released in my mid 30s when within a few weeks He opened my eyes to my role as a prophetic Seer. Certainly, the declaring word of prophecy and encouragement from Prophet Chuck Pierce increased my confidence for my gift but also helped prepare me for my Kingdom assignment 30 years later. As a bonus, having my wife growing spiritually with me from Chuck Pierce onward has allowed her to be very supportive and encouraging for me in my assignments.

  Transcript from my 2016 video recording entitled "Grace & Favor in Business".Grace & Favor in Business by Dr. Gary L. ...

Transcript from my 2016 video recording entitled "Grace & Favor in Business".
Grace & Favor in Business by Dr. Gary L. Sorensen 30 March 2016
"Howdy! That is how you greet people when you grow up in Texas. My name is Dr. Gary Sorensen and I did grow up in Texas.
As you can see I am not in the early stage or even middle stage of my career. I am in the Third Act, if you will.
My first 20 years was spent in academic and consulting business. My bachelor degree was in Civil & Environmental Engineering, my masters in City, Urban and Environmental Planning and my doctorate in Architecture and Environmental Design. My research was in Materials and Environmental Sciences, and my consulting included all the above plus Environmental Health.
Do you see a trend? I liked the Environment or God's creation.
In my second 20 years I left the university and became an Environmental Entrepreneur and businessman. At first it was a poor transition but through experience and hard knocks I became better. I am currently a minor owner in a cutting edge water treatment company for the most difficult wastewaters and primary owner of a revolutionary solar and heat transfer company.
Now into my 3rd twenty years my focus has changed to that of an Environmental Philanthropist, mentor and investor in emerging disruptive technologies in four key areas: Energy, Water, Life and Living. My nonprofit Reborne Global Trust is already working with inventors and visionaries whose embryonic technologies could well be valued in the $trillions.
Because of my background, as I look at the environment, the earth, the created universe and the Kingdom I see systems and processes, equilibrium and balance of forces. Today I want to talk to you about the balance of two forces, GRACE and FAVOR in Life and in Business.
Rather than start with the 14 dictionary definitions of GRACE or 15 for FAVOR, I want to begin by planting revelation seeds in you by way of my experiences with GRACE and FAVOR. They are no more important than yours and probably less dramatic than many of your experiences. However, if you are taking notes, I would like you to jot down what experience are triggered in your memory so that we can collectively explore some revelations.
My story of from THEN to NOW begins in April 1916, a hundred years ago. In a small rural town of North Dakota, USA a child was born that was 2 months premature. Now even today 2 months premature is a concern but 100 years ago in a small town with no hospital and no critical care unit, there would be much concern for such a child. Because of GRACE and FAVOR that child did survive and eventually grew up to be, MY FATHER. 1
First lesson to note is that GRACE and FAVOR can be GENERATIONAL. When Noah found FAVOR in the eyes of the Lord that FAVOR extended to his first and second generation. That FAVOR brought 80 years of hard work, ridicule by his neighbors and scoffers, self-doubt and perhaps questioning his FAVOR. What kept him going, not taking offense, not becoming resentful or bitter? GRACE. What protected him from himself? GRACE
How far back in your genealogy do you have to go to see that you are alive today because of GRACE and FAVOR?
Let's move on to the summer of 1951. My family and one of my uncle and aunts family lived about 250 miles apart, us in Texas them in Oklahoma. In the summer we would often meet at a resort or lake in between our homes so that the four cousins could play. I was 2 1/2 years old and this is my earliest memory. We were at Lake Texoma at the beach. The lake was roped off for wading and swimming. I now know the reason for the ropes and floaters. I was wandering and wading. I was outside the ropes when I stepped into a deep hole. I remember reaching straight up with my arms and my hands but could not reach the surface of the water. I could not breath and just as I was fading out and could not see a very strong hand grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the water and placed me on shallow ground. I looked around and there was no one there. I saw my family and cousins far away inside the ropes. They were not close by, but when they saw me they soon were close. I tried to explain as best as a 2 1/2 year old could about someone pulling me out of the water, but no one had seen anyone. Looking back now I believe this was my first experience with grace and favor. I remember being calm during the entire event and to this day I have a very calm spirit around me.
Young teenage Joseph found FAVOR in the eyes of his heavenly father and his earthly father. I believe both saw Joseph as a gift of visionary FAVOR for his family and nation. But his brothers jealously only saw competition and favoritism not FAVOR. Joseph found himself placed in a hole by his brothers, but God's GRACE lifted him out of that hole and His FAVOR prevailed to elevate Joseph in Egypt and His GRACE prevailed to keep him from becoming offended, bitter, resentful and revengeful toward his brothers and when the time came his position allowed him to save his nation and family from famine. We often don't see either the FAVOR or GRACE immediately and often it appears to us to be the opposite happening.
In the 4th grade we had an open ended project to make a model of a house. I had a picture in my mind to make a free form earthen house that looked like a mound with (solar) lenses for windows and the nearby sidewalk and roadway were all the same material. I made a village that looked like it had been carved out of the ground. I remember explaining that everything was sprayed with a miracle glue to hold everything together. See where this story goes in college.
The Lord can implant FAVOR by giving pictures and glimpses and visions, even to the very young. In the 6th grade I discovered my first hero that was not a sports star. I did a report that include American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who was probably the most famous architect of the 20th century. A few months later my father had a conference in Wisconsin so we took our family summer vacation there. We were able to visit Talesin East which was the home, office and studio
for Wright who had just pasted away the previous year. It was my first chance to see the working studio of an architectural genius. In the studio I found out that only 10% of what this man designed was ever built. Then I saw it, one of the unbuilt designs, A VILLAGE THAT LOOKED LIKE IT HAD BEEN CARVED OUT OF THE GROUND. I recognized it from the 4th grade.
The Lord can link FAVOR together with common visions. His GRACE showed me for the first time in my life that my visions as a 12 year old might be important.
Two very important FAVOR events happened when I was 16 that would shape my career. First, I had begun to think about where I wanted to go to college and what I would study. I had narrowed the choice down to 5 Universities. My first choice had the largest civil engineering department in the free world. Without my knowing it one of my teachers had recommended me for a special National Science Foundation summer program for science and engineering at this first choice university. There were only 32 slots from our state. At the graduation service at the end of the program the President of the University happened to be available to present our certificates. In his closing remarks he stated "You are the type of student we want at our university and if you apply we will accept you." I did and I was.
I was walking in FAVOR in high school and someone who could grant FAVOR used GRACE to recognize FAVOR in me and placed me into a higher level of FAVOR. Than an authority figure who had GRACE to extend (increase) my FAVOR declared these are the conditions for you to partake of additional FAVOR and we have seen that you measure up and because of my authority I can extend to you FAVOR of your first choice of a university. Many people are part of the FAVOR process and they interlink at the appropriate times.
The second event that happened when I was 16 that impacted my late future life happened when I attended a major youth conference of about 10,000 people. The featured speaker was a chemist who had been nominated for the Nobel Prize in science. He was speaking on the vibration and frequencies of life. At the end of the talk he asked for questions to be submitted on the cards the ushers handed out. I submitted mine. Later that afternoon I received a response at my hotel room. The note said to meet him for breakfast at the hotel dining room. When we met the next morning he began by saying he had spoken to hundreds of thousands of youth and college students the past 20 years and no one had ever asked my question. The question was "Can I meet you for breakfast to discuss your work?" He then began to tell me the secrets of his Nobel work on atomic theory, vibrational mechanics and the frequency of the universe. Those seeds planted would come to fruition 40 years later in my company ThermoNeutronics.
Sometimes FAVOR is there for the asking, if you are not intimated.
The last semester of my senior year in college I was selected to work with a new construction material. It was a new "Miracle glue" that could hold shaped earth into any shape, from houses to sidewalks to roadways"(my 4th grade project). The only problem it cost $1000 per gallon. If only it cost less or there was another choice. Stay tuned.
Let's move into my early career after college. See if you see FAVOR in this. I had established a design company and was doing work in Houston. I was looking to move there and was reviewing the classified ads for an apartment. Right in the middle of the apartment ads was an ad for a teaching position in the department where I had graduated a few years before. I called for an interview and they said school starts next week, can you start then. I could and I did and my academic career had begun. A 6 month appointment eventually turned into a 20 year academic career of teaching and doing research at two major universities.
In the classroom I was more of a mentor than a teacher. I would often stop to answer a personal business question and tell the student why don't you try this and they would come back after the summer and say they tried that and it worked. For years I would meet students in town or at meetings out of town that would say they remembered the day I told them this or that and they used it in their careers. My teaching and mentoring career has now spanned 40 years and has ranged from 1st grade students to Ph.D. students.
My first twenty years I was an unknowing recipient of GRACE and FAVOR. Now I was becoming a participant in encouraging and passing on someone else's GRACE and FAVOR. After about 20 years the Lord told me "IT IS YOUR TURN".
In the Spring of 1984 I was sitting in my university office preparing for class. My office had a chalk board where I wrote class notes and also tried out ideas. Suddenly the Lord prompted me to go to the board and write the word THERMONEUTRONICS. There was no other revelation then but several hints over the next 30 years until the formation of ThermoNeutronics LLC in 2014.
Sometimes the Lord uses one word to imprint FAVOR in your life. In June 1993 while still at the university, I was invited to a friend's house to hear a "traveling preacher". When I arrived there were over 60 people in his living room and surrounding rooms listening to this man teaching. He was very interesting to listen to. When he stopped teaching he began to call individuals and couples out from the crowd and begin to "tell them their future", as I described it. This was my introduction to personal prophecy. He was about to quit and then he spotted me hiding in a corner. He gave me my first personal prophecy and told me I would be in business and told me I will be a minister of GRACE.
I began thinking about turning my research into a business. In September 1994 I met a delegation from Ivanho Power Institute of Russia. The Vice Chancellor I met used to be the head of the Soviet Space Agency. I told him of my plans to form a business to turn coal ash into building and construction materials. He said they have some of the largest coal ash deposits in the world around Moscov and invited me to visit and set up operations. They actually had large traces of silver in the ash if we could recover it. He said he would introduce me to the government, political and business leaders of Russia, then winked and said “And mostly to the ladies of Moscov”. Major RED FLAG went up in my spirit. The Lord spoke to me quickly about MAN’s FAVOR versus HIS FAVOR. I declined the offer.
By Dec 1994 I left the University to start my own business.
The Lord had given me the vision for a technology to turn ashes into construction materials. I assembled a Christian team with Christian investors. I prayed for FAVOR. I had FAVOR with a major utility and a major bank who joined our team. I was installing our equipment at our new facility and was getting close to opening this visionary business. I prayed for additional FAVOR and I was betrayed by our Christian attorney. I prayed for more FAVOR and both our major utility company and major bank went into merger and could no longer help us. I prayed for FAVOR again and was betrayed by Christian investors. I prayed for more FAVOR once more and we were able to sell the company but I lost everything I had invested. GRACE helped me endure.
As I continued to pray for FAVOR I began to cross paths with others with God given visions who had been betrayed by attorneys or investors or major corporate partners. I developed relationships with them and continued to collect more visions, technologies and relationships.
In 2012 a friend sent me a YouTube of a professor who was being interviewed on a major TV network morning show about a new solar technology that I immediately recognized as a solution to a solar vision I had since the 4th grade. I found his email address and sent him a note complimenting him on his technology and said that I would like to meet with him. He returned my email and we set up a meeting. Within 10 minutes we became business friends and began collaborating and did find that we had complimentary technologies not only for solar but also for desalination of water.
Many months later we were talking about that YouTube interview that brought us together. He revealed to me that from that interview he received 1600 invitations to meet with him but only accepted 1, mine. I, of course asked "Why me?" Because I signed my email to him with the expression "Live Blessed, Gary" (which I always do). He said he could see that I was a spiritual man and he was searching and he wanted to talk to a spiritual man. Can you say FAVOR? We were drawn together not because of my expertise or my experience but because of my FAVOR.
Gradually refined FAVOR helped me to develop water and solar technologies for my existing companies. Marcellus Shale Water Group LLC and ThermoNeutronics LLC.
The Lord was talking to me about Legacy visions and bringing together a collection of visionaries by forming Reborne Global Trust. By October 2014 the Reborne Global Trust Evergreen Fund began organizing. By this time I could recognize those individuals who had been through the GRACE FAVOR GRACE FAVOR cycle many times and had been humbled by it. In most cases it took only 5-10 minutes for us to recognize each other and build immediate and strong relationships. We all found that we had networks of visionaries who were bestowed with Godly visions that had been "hidden in plain sight for safekeeping" until the appropriate time and FAVOR relationships were built. It was confirmed that my GRACE and FAVOR role is as mentor for embryonic visionaries.
From my experience and this gathering of Legacy partners, I have collected some thoughts for how you may use GRACE and FAVOR in business. So let's reflect on our collective memories and seeds of revelation.
GRACE and FAVOR are not events but a process that cycles through us. FAVOR is like a stream where we dip our toes in, go ankle deep or “ask for more FAVOR” and are plunged head first into the deep waters and rapid currents. The power of GRACE allows us to survive and then thrive in FAVOR. We can choose to resist or assist. Sometimes we are not the chooser but we are the chosen, the protected chosen. Sometimes we ride the waves of our ancestors and sometime we cut the brush for our family and nation.
1. Do you recognize where you are in the GRACE FAVOR process? It is His GRACE and FAVOR not yours. It does not always look like your plans. What does your genealogy and history tell you? How does He communicate GRACE and FAVOR revelations to you? Are you in shallow water or deep current? Are you assisting or resisting?
2. Do you recognize where others are in the GRACE FAVOR process? Your business partners? Are they in the recipient or participant mode? Your employees? Your vendors and contractors? Your clients and customers? Your competitors?
3. How can being more aware and open to GRACE and FAVOR equip you to be a change agent and participant in the GRACE PROCESS for others?
4. How does embracing the full meaning of GRACE and FAVOR change your view of a successful business?
5. How can these revelations change the course of your life's journey?
I pray that the seeds of prophetic revelation about GRACE and FAVOR today will grow below the surface and then break out and blossom at the appointed time. I pray that these revelations will help you to be aware, to prepare and to declare your walk in His GRACE and FAVOR. I pray that there will be no place for remorse or resentment for mistakes, missteps or missed opportunities to walk in His GRACE and FAVOR. I pray that there will be liberation and excitement and anticipation released in your Spirit. I decree and declare that the Lord's GRACE and FAVOR are now fully active in your life and business. Amen.



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