2024 was definitely a different sort of year
2024 was an challenging year for me. Getting hit by a freight train, having my van destroyed. Trying to buy another on line and doing whatever I could to get up and running. All this while trying to train a new employee. The van is up and running. The new groomer passed three certification courses in September and I keep getting calls and telling me what a wonderful job she did on peoples pets. Also cards, letters, and phone calls and text messages from customers telling me they care meant more to me than you will ever know. My business is not what it was please tell friends and neighbors to help me grow and flourish. I was at my vet's the other day to be told one of their customers (who had been one of mine) had been telling everybody I retired. You would think I know if that happened. Told them not yet I have a van to pay off and a mortgage too. I love me customers and my four legged clients. Also training Valerie made me better, I corrected a few bad habits I had developed she also made me re realize some of the important things about this career. I am a CRAZY CAT LADY sorry if that offends you. I want to make all of your cats happy, healthy and looking good. I hate to say it I am going to raise prices in 2025I am also going to iron out a few kinks in my business plan. The 215-945-4624 phone number is the one to call to book, reschedule or cancel an appointment. I also answer questions and the dispatcher loves to talk to most people.