FuzzButts Foster Home

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I’m almost positive Pike thinks I tuck her in exclusively because I want her to be comfortable. She’s not completely wro...

I’m almost positive Pike thinks I tuck her in exclusively because I want her to be comfortable.
She’s not completely wrong. Her comfort is about 13% of the reason I make sure she’s tucked in when she sits on the couch with me. The entire other 87% of the tucking in process is related to the fact, if I cover her up, the nice fleece blanket will hold in her farts and I will continue to have breathable air quality in my general vicinity.

But don’t tell Pike the numbers. She doesn’t know what they mean, but she will use the info against me anyway. Because she’s a cat.

I love her. But she’s smelly.

Pike claims this same spot in the bed every night. Cuddled right up against me, and keeping her ears pointed toward the ...

Pike claims this same spot in the bed every night. Cuddled right up against me, and keeping her ears pointed toward the door so she can be on guard. She may only be the size of a Costco rotisserie chicken (not a sponsor), but she’s my night time protector. She’s the sweetest little cuddle bug.

Is Pike super adorable? Yes. Does her breath smell like the kind of farts lactose intolerant people get when they just *...

Is Pike super adorable? Yes.

Does her breath smell like the kind of farts lactose intolerant people get when they just *have* to get cheese on their burger? Also, yes.

She’s a feast for several senses, honestly.

I love her even though she’s a bit smelly.

Pike: “hey, ma. I heard the new foster really loves baked salmon. I bet if you make her some baked salmon she will be yo...

Pike: “hey, ma. I heard the new foster really loves baked salmon. I bet if you make her some baked salmon she will be your best friend. And if you make enough baked salmon, maybe there will be leftovers and you can, you know, toss a little baked salmon in my kibble dish too.” ::WINK WINK::

Me: “Pike, is this by any chance, your first time winking?”

Pike: “yeah, why?”

Me: “N-…no reason.”

Pike: “so anyway, back to the baked salmon, like I said, Amelia spoke to me and said she loves baked salmon, so how about you make some baked salmon?”

Me: “Pike, say ‘baked salmon,’ one more time…”

Pike: “baked sal-….ohhhh wait, you’re being facetious aren’t you?”

Me: “yes, Pike. Well done.”

So anyway, I made some baked salmon…

FuzzButts Foster Home New Foster Alert!Meet Amelia! Amelia is an absolutely petrified little girl who needed to bust out...

FuzzButts Foster Home New Foster Alert!

Meet Amelia!
Amelia is an absolutely petrified little girl who needed to bust out of the shelter environment really badly. She is scared, confused, and uninterested in what I have to say right now. My heart breaks for her.
As is not uncommon, I have no idea what situation Amelia has come from, I just know she needs a quiet place to decompress, and a lot of love. Having obscene amounts of peanut butter on hand is not a bad idea either.
Because of Amelia’s unique needs and anxieties right now, she is most likely going to be a long term project, provided she continues to do ok with my resident fuzz butts and existing foster kitten.

I’ll be giving Amelia lots of space and time, but also working with her to help her learn people are good and are here to help her. I’ve had some really nervous fosters before (one of them is my Nelly who I foster failed and who is now thriving), and we usually make it work pretty well. And it’s nice to have a foster dog again after having so many kittens!

Something tells me Amelia is used to a more outdoor kind of life. She doesn’t know how to walk on a leash, and she’s very unsteady on any floor that isn’t carpeted, or outside. Poor girl needs time to get used to the indoor lifestyle. Luckily I have a nice fenced in yard, and the weather has been nice, so Amelia will get plenty of yard time so she can romp around and play with my dogs.

A spoonful of peanut butter has been administered and even though she was hesitant, Amelia did seem to enjoy the treat. She will be well spoiled here, I can assure you.

As you can see in the photo, Pike has introduced herself to “the new kid,” and has promised to “show her the ropes.” There are no ropes, but I’m not in the business of bursting big kitten bubbles, so I’m gonna let Pike have this one.

For now, Amelia is up in the room formerly known as “the kitten room,” where she can be alone. We have low lights and we pump in soothing music (but no Muzak), to help promote a calming atmosphere for Amelia. She has food which she’s already sampled, plenty of fresh water, and some stuffed toys she’s so far confused by, but hopefully will figure out before too long. We also have the camera set up to keep a remote eye on her.

Stay tuned for updates on this terrified but super sweet girl, as we get her feeling better and more comfortable with people.

I’m not saying I would’ve  joined the cuddle puddle, but it would’ve been nice to have been invited, at least. But that’...

I’m not saying I would’ve joined the cuddle puddle, but it would’ve been nice to have been invited, at least.

But that’s fine. It looks sloppy, anyway.

When you used to live on the streets, but now you have a foster mom who will wrap you in a fleece blanket and hold you l...

When you used to live on the streets, but now you have a foster mom who will wrap you in a fleece blanket and hold you like a baby while you sleep, you get fancy wet food AND kibbles, and every toy in the house automatically belongs to you because you say so.

It’s safe to say Pike has left her outdoor life behind, and is more than happy to be a proper house cat. I’m so glad this sweet girl has a new family lined up already! She is going to transition from foster home to forever home quite easily, I think!

When you’re not supppsed to play video games until you’ve finished your chores, but you don’t do chores because you’re a...

When you’re not supppsed to play video games until you’ve finished your chores, but you don’t do chores because you’re a kitten (not that you’d do chores even if you weren’t a kitten), so you skip right to the video game playing. Which means your foster mom has to do ALL the chores, without help (what else is new?).

She better not mess up my stats. I’ve got over 1600 hours on RDR2.

Welcome to: “Monday Meow-tivations, with Pike!”Pike says, “Don’t sweat the petty stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff!”...

Welcome to: “Monday Meow-tivations, with Pike!”

Pike says, “Don’t sweat the petty stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff!”

That’s good advice, for us all!

We hope everyone has a tolerable Monday, and we hope the petty and sweaty stuff bypasses you completely, so you don’t have to bother trying to figure out if Pike’s message has any hidden meaning. It doesn’t. She’s not that deep. But she’s clean and she has good teeth.

Pike is a Grade-A Couch Purrtato! I swear she spends time awake sometimes, too. Not as much time as she spends asleep, b...

Pike is a Grade-A Couch Purrtato!

I swear she spends time awake sometimes, too. Not as much time as she spends asleep, but it does happen. It usually happens when I’m sleeping, and she likes to come in my room and shout at me, for reasons I’m sure she thinks are appropriate.

Pike: “Oh good! We’re sitting down! Let’s watch tv! I vote for Survivor, who’s with me? Let’s get comfy!”Me: “Pike, I ju...

Pike: “Oh good! We’re sitting down! Let’s watch tv! I vote for Survivor, who’s with me? Let’s get comfy!”

Me: “Pike, I just sat down for two seconds to put some background noise on. I have chores to do, we’re not watching tv right now.”

Pike: “I’m just gonna…if you could move your arm ever so slightly, I’m just gonna skooch right here…”

Me: “No…Pike, I’m not staying here. I have dishes, and laundry. It’s not tv time, and your placement is inconvenient. You’re adorable and I love you, but now is not the time”

Pike: “Sound, I think Survivor is on Paramount + (not a sponsor), and we’re on season three. ::scoffs:: Those chumps don’t know nothin about REAL surviving!”

Me: “Pike, I have things to do and you’re…”

Pike: “SURVIVOR!!!!”

Me: “Ok you know what, we can watch ONE episode, then I have to do my chores.”

Pike: “LOL, we’ll see about that.”

Last week, Pike would’ve had to fight to find a dry place, to wait out the storm. She would’ve been cold, wet, and scare...

Last week, Pike would’ve had to fight to find a dry place, to wait out the storm. She would’ve been cold, wet, and scared. Today she can watch the rainfall through a properly nose-printed pane of glass while being safe, warm and dry, with a full belly and access to a scratcher pad that is just begging to be clawed.

Pike is grateful she was rescued from her life on the streets. And I’m grateful I get to foster this sweet little soul. She’s an absolute dream, and a total love bug.

We hope everyone is staying safe and dry, as we anticipate some strong weather heading our way!


Pike says watching tv is cool, but hanging out in a cat house shaped like a tv is WAY cooler!

Pike says watching tv is cool, but hanging out in a cat house shaped like a tv is WAY cooler!

Pike enjoys spending rainy days, watching MewTube.

Pike enjoys spending rainy days, watching MewTube.

Pike had an AMAZING first night here at FuzzButts! You’d never know this sweet little girl has spent her whole life livi...

Pike had an AMAZING first night here at FuzzButts!
You’d never know this sweet little girl has spent her whole life living on the streets. Pike LOVES to be with her human(s), and I don’t know if her purr box even has an off switch.
It was recommended I keep Pike in solitary confinement for a couple days to keep her away from my pets and allow them all to get used to one another. That’s something I do anyway with my fosters, just to try to keep a certain level of zen in my house. That’s a delicate balance even without a foster because I am dangerously outnumbered by my own resident pets, each of whom has uniquely inconvenient demands on a daily basis. I am exhausted.

I set up Pike in the big bathroom with all the amenities I assumed a kitten could want, and I left her to have some decompression time. The only thing that decompressed was her lungs as she screamed to be let out in to general population.
I’m a well-known sucker for animals and kids, and even bigger sucker for animals who are kids (please don’t use this against me, I’m weak)- so I was no match for Pike’s cries. I let her out of the bathroom and kept her in the den with me where she got to play with some toys, and look out the window. She met my resident dogs who she seems to really like so far, and she briefly met my resident cats. That last intro was less friendly and more hissy, but that’s normal around here because my cats are the territorial sort. But fear not. I know my crew VERY well and I recognize their body language. Hissing is fine, but there is no real aggression shown among any of them.
Pike was separated for her evening meal, which is more about making sure my clinically obese cat Figs, and my greedy dog Ramsey didn’t get ahold of it. Cat food gives my Ramsey horrible gas, and if you’ve ever been “Dutch-ovened” by a dog, you’ll understand my concern. Pike ate really well and then was released for more play time.

At bedtime Pike insisted on sleeping in my bed with me, which was delightful for me, but caused some civil unrest with Ramsey as Pike “took his spot.” She didn’t take his spot. She was nowhere near it. He just likes to have something to complain about because he thinks he will get extra consolation cookies. He’s still pouting about it.
Anyway, Pike got to learn what it’s like to sleep in a comfy people bed, and I got to learn what it sounds like when a kitten falls into a trash can at an ungodly pre-dawn hour, because Pike is still a cat and that means she’s nocturnal. It also means my cats are already being bad influences on her and tricking her into doing naughty nighttime behaviors. If I had to guess, this was probably some sort of initiation ritual my girls planned, for Pike. I’ve scheduled a meeting with the three of them to discuss appropriate nighttime activities like spider-hunting, and rearranging the area rugs. I’m less enthused with that last activity but it’s better than some of the alternatives. I’m not holding out a lot of hope for results from this meeting, but oh well. That’s showbiz, baby.

Please enjoy this photo of Pike, who looks quite smart against this rug. And please tolerate this photo of my Ramsey, who is still wearing his pouty face in an attempt to garner sympathy from a wider audience. 😑

When I went to the shelter today to collect my new foster (Pike), I asked how my sweet boy Edgar was doing and I was goi...

When I went to the shelter today to collect my new foster (Pike), I asked how my sweet boy Edgar was doing and I was going to stop in and give him a little love.

I didn’t get to see Edgar, because about an hour before I arrived at the shelter, he was ADOPTED!!!!!

I am so pleased to know my sweet, handsome little guy found his forever home today! I hope his new family know how lucky they are to have this boy in their lives!
Way to go, Eggy my boy! We’re wishing you fair winds and calm seas as you navigate your brand new life with your brand new family! Mind your manners, and don’t scratch the furniture!

FuzzButts Foster Home is pleased to introduce our newest foster kitten: Pike! Pike was found and rescued from a Starbuck...

FuzzButts Foster Home is pleased to introduce our newest foster kitten: Pike!

Pike was found and rescued from a Starbucks parking lot, after being enticed into a vehicle with cheese sticks. I know from experience, cheese sticks are exactly what would entice me into a vehicle if I were in her position, so I can’t say I blame her for being easily won.
When completing her intake questionnaire here at FuzzButts, Pike explained she was at the Starbucks because she heard they were hiring for a purrista and she wanted to throw her hat in the ring, for consideration.
Couple of problems with her plan: 1) Starbucks may have been hiring, but the position is BARista, not PURRista, 2) Barista-ing requires thumbs, which Pike does not currently nor has she ever possessed and, 3) Pike doesn’t have a hat to throw into the ring. She’s actually completely naked except for the fur coat which is a bit overdramatic for this heat. But anyway…

Rampant unemployment issues aside, Pike is actually doing quite well, and has a solid future ahead of her! Not in the workforce or anything. But she does have a forever home lined up and ready to give her all the love and attention she can handle once she’s had her little lady surgery and has been fully vaccinated! In order to get her used to a home environment versus a parking lot environment, she will be crashing at my place until that time. A “Pike Place,” if you will. See what I did there? Please don’t unfollow me.

Anyway, In the tens of minutes I’ve known Pike, she has shown me the power of her purr box, and her biscuit-making abilities! She’s clearly already quite comfortable with an indoor life. Shes the adaptable sort. Unfortunately she brought some of her cheese stick related gas with her, so we had to ride with the windows down on the way home, but a couple days on some good cat food ought to clear her of the noxious fumes.

I’m excited to hang out with this super sweet little girl until she can get her surgery and move on to bigger and better things!

Please enjoy this photo. I asked her to smile and this is what I got. Apparently she’s doing her best. She may be a bit un-caffeinated at the moment. Same, Pike…same.

Anyway, have a good day and don’t forget to Espresso yourself!


We don’t like to go too long without a baby around the house!

Tomorrow evening I’ll be picking up a new foster! A singleton little girl kitten whose name is “Pike,” as she was found and rescued from a Starbucks parking lot!
I don’t have any photos of her just yet, but I’ll get some posted as soon as she’s here at FuzzButts, and has time to settle in a little!
I’m told she’s bold and confident, so I’m expecting she will adjust fairly well, and she will definitely get lots of love and play time while she’s here.

This foster won’t be with me too terribly long, as she is just waiting for her spay surgery to be scheduled- but we are looking forward to meeting her and sharing her with you!
Stay tuned!

Everyone is a little sleepy this morning, but they’re all feeling good! The girls were a bit more active than I’d have p...

Everyone is a little sleepy this morning, but they’re all feeling good!
The girls were a bit more active than I’d have preferred overnight, but kittens gonna kit.
They’ve had their brekkies and morning meds, and in about an hour we will load up and start making kitten deliveries! From Richmond to Northern Va, these little girls will be making people happy all around the state.

And so will end my time with Brie’s babies. I will never forget them!


I have three VERY groggy kittens home with me after their spay surgery. All the babies did well today, and im happy to have the girls here to rest before they go to their new homes tomorrow. They’ve had a little something to eat, and I’m trying to get them to settle down and rest, but the effects of the anesthesia are still making them want to wobble around a bit. They have the most glorious little shaved bellies, and their incisions look good. They should all heal up nicely and quickly. The challenge tonight will be keeping them still and quiet! They have fresh warm blankets, calming music, and low lighting for a serene atmosphere. They’re not in any pain, and once they get the wobbles worked out, they should settle down for a good long nap.

No pics of the babies for now, as they’re not feeling their best and I think it’s fair to give them a bit of a break from the camera. But I promise they’re all still adorable.

This morning my beautiful babies go to the SPCA to have their little lady and little man surgeries. The time has finally...

This morning my beautiful babies go to the SPCA to have their little lady and little man surgeries. The time has finally come.
Yesterday the babies reached three months of age, and I’m stuck in a place of feeling like it took us ages to get here, and also wondering how we got here so fast. 

This evening I’ll get to pick up the three girls to help facilitate getting them to their new forever homes, and I’m so happy I get a little more time with them. The only boy, the prince- Edgar, will stay at the SPCA where he will be available for walk-in adoptions. We’re hoping he gets chosen by his new family this weekend, so he can go right into a new life and continue being the sweetest boy there ever was.

If you or anyone you know are interested in meeting Edgar, or any of the other adoptable kittens, cats, puppies or dogs at the SPCA- stop by between 12-6p for walk-in adoptions or check out their website for more info!

If you’re looking for Edgar specifically, please reference his government name which is Pickle.
Edgar is the sweetest little baby boy cat! He’s playful and curious, social and outgoing. He is ok with being held, and he loves pets! He has the sweetest purr and he’s protective of his sisters which tells me he will be protective of his new family- whoever they may be. Edgar deserves the best new family, and I can’t wait to see where he lands! He doesn’t mind if his name gets changed, but he does sometimes answer to “Eggs.”

As for the girls- they’re all going to AMAZING new homes, and will thankfully be with people I know, so I’m hoping to get an update or two on them.

I’m going to miss these little fuzz butts so much, but I know they all have wonderful lives ahead of them.

Chowder and her big ol belly went to her new foster home today! I’m going to miss the heck out of that little gremlin, b...

Chowder and her big ol belly went to her new foster home today! I’m going to miss the heck out of that little gremlin, but she is going to have an absolute blast with her new kitten foster brother Rhett! They’re the same size, although Rhett is a little younger. Rhett (known in his foster home as Fernando) was also a failure to thrive kitten who was saved by early intervention and antibiotics. He’s doing very well now after a few tough weeks. Just like my Chowder.

It’s a fact kittens do better in pairs. They need the companionship! As much time as I could spend with Chowder on a daily basis, I could never replace the benefit of her being with another kitten. The sadness I’ll feel, missing Chowder, is far outweighed by the joy I feel knowing she is on the path to wellness and happiness.

This last week with Chowder went exactly how I wanted. I was able to help her gain some weight so she’d be more robust and prepared for a friend, and we got her through her infection so she’s healthy enough to share a space with another baby. We got her feeling a lot better and got her interested in playing and exploring. This is the perfect time to give her a friend because she needs a playmate who can help her use her kitten energy in the right kind of way. I know Chowder and Rhett will help each other.
And if all goes well, maybe eventually they’ll even get adopted together and they’ll get to be Best Friends for life. What a pretty thought.

Best of luck to you, my sweet little Chowder Meowder! We’re wishing you and Rhett/Fernando fair winds and calm seas as you navigate this world together.
Please mind your manners and watch your language at least until you get to know your foster family a little. I told them you’re super sweet. Please don’t make a liar out of me.

Per Aspera Ad Astra


Chowder thought this photo of her showing her full belly would be the best photo to use to tell you all she weighed in t...

Chowder thought this photo of her showing her full belly would be the best photo to use to tell you all she weighed in this morning at 1lb 1.5oz!!!

My goodness, but this little girl has found her momentum and she is NOT interested in slowing down!

We also thought this pic shows a good view of some of her beans!

And in case you’re wondering at all- yes, the belly is as glorious in real life as it is in the pictures. Moreso, even. It has been well and truly tickled.

Happy Saturday, everyone!


An updated scale picture of Chowder with an Amazon Firestick remote! What a difference a week makes!

An updated scale picture of Chowder with an Amazon Firestick remote!
What a difference a week makes!

Do these faces look familiar?!

Do these faces look familiar?!

Happy ! Here's an update from Chowder's foster as she works hard to get weight on this baby runt.

"Movie night with these two patooties!
Ramsey (owned dog) is salty because there is no popcorn. Yes, it’s dripping with irony. No, he doesn’t see it. So he checked out pretty early.

Chowder started off enthusiastic but wore herself out pretty quickly, running back and forth to try to read the subtitles. The movie is in English, and also Chowder cannot read."

Anyone else doing movie night with their pets, foster or owned? Chowder and Co. need recommendations for their next film.🗣

Chowder wants to wish everyone a HAPPY FRIDAY! Chowder is especially happy today because she just had her weigh in, wher...

Chowder wants to wish everyone a HAPPY FRIDAY!

Chowder is especially happy today because she just had her weigh in, where she measured at EXACTLY 16oz!!!! She made it to a whole pound!

I am SO proud of the progress Chowder has made! She’s still only about half the size and weight she should be for her age, but her progress over the past week is HUGE!
Her starting weight last Friday was 10.6oz, so she’s gained 5.4oz! I can gain 5.4oz just getting out of bed in the morning, but for a kitten the size of a ham and cheese Hot Pocket (not a sponsor), gaining 50% of her total body weight in a week is a big deal.

Chowder celebrated her success with a nice warm bowl of her special chowdah brekkies and a play session. We also had a good solid cuddle session where at least one of us was purring very loudly. As of now, Chowder is back in her tub, settling in for one of those full-belly naps she’s so fond of having.

Awesome Job, Chowder Meowder! There is NO stopping you!




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