Fresh out of the incubator #poults #turkeys
75% Blue Slate x 25% Royal Palm #blueslateturkey #turkeymix #mauve #chocolate
#blueslateturkey #royalpalmturkey
#turkeypoults #blueslateturkey #lavender #royalpalm #waitlist
These last 2 poults are leaving today. We have 5 more hatching in a couple days. 1/4 Royal Palm 3/4 Lavender Blue Slate turkeys
Turkeys and silkies are here! Only a few more left to hatch. Most turkeys are reserved however there is still time to get on the list and more will hatch in a couple of weeks. All silkies available. #silkies #poults #lavenderturkey #chicks
#blueslateturkey #lavenderturkey #royalpalmturkey #poults #firstclutch
The princesses have arrived! Calico Princesses that is. #pullets #egglayers #hoovershatchery
Silkies are hatching today!
Bunch of beggars! #scratch #treats
Rise and Shine! May your day be divine. #happychickens
Squeaky Toy #blacktailedwhitejapanesebantam
Comfortable chickens
Game changer! Plug-in exhaust fan. This fan is priceless! We have it on a timer for 12 hrs during the day and evening to suck the hot air out. A typical fan moved the air and heat and dust (not effective). We were able to find a warehouse deal one on Amazon. Link in comments…
3 week olds, straight runs and pullets
***Lavender Orpingtons and silver laced Wyandotte pullet spoken for.
Coop ready
Pullets!- golden comet and gold laced Wyandotte Straight run- Brahma, Cochin, Silkie, Japanese bantam #happychickens #goldencomet #goldlacedwandotte #rhodeislandred #brahma #cochin
Hatch Day take 2
Hatch Day #2! #happychickens #barnyardmixes #silkies AR Farms
Hatch Day
***Buff silkies spoken for
-Gray, black and paint remain-
Silkie Hatch Day! Pm for details. #silkies #silkiesofinstagram
Silkie Cockerels
This 3 Man Buff Band is up for grabs. Bought from a NPIP breeder. #silkies #happychickens #silkiesofinstagram