Kennel Perfect Image

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Kennel Perfect Image Perfect Image Rough & Smooth Collies. A small scale breeding of Rough and Smooth Collies. We focus and aim for quality, excellent temperament and soundness

Er du interessert i valp så ønsker vi at du fyller ut dette skjemaet, å tar vi kontakt når skjemaet er mottatt for å høre litt om en valp fra oss kan passe inn i din/deres familie.

With no drama and under two hours Estelle gave birth to 6 puppies! 3 tricolor males, 2 tricolor females and 1 blue merle...

With no drama and under two hours Estelle gave birth to 6 puppies! 3 tricolor males, 2 tricolor females and 1 blue merle female ❤️
Birk 7 years helped me during the delivery, while Jaran (11 years) has volunteered his room as puppy room since I am going away this weekend and he watching over Estelle and the puppies (with his dad of course!) Jaran is great with newborn puppies, and has an observant eye and also knows how to deal with most situations ❤️ Our litters are certainly a family project! 🤩

This is an extra special litter as we believed Estelle lost her puppies straight before Xmas. Into the veterinary office, we did a scan and nothing…. Estelle got a bit of antibiotics to make sure she was not developing and infection as well. After new years we did a scan just to be sure there was nothing left and what a happy surprise- she still had puppies inside her with small beating hearts 🤩❤️

I nattens ro og mørke fødte Estelle 6 valper på under 2 timer. Hennes første kull og alt foregikk uten noe dramatikk. Estelle var utrolig flink! Birk 7 år fikk være med som jordfar, og Jaran 11 år tilbydde rommet sitt som barselstue mens valpene er nyfødte da jeg skal jobbe på utstilling i helgen. Jaran har både tatt imot flere kull og er usedvanlig dyktig med nyfødte valper med sitt observante blikk 😊 Kullene våre er uten tvil familieprosjekter , de med valp herfra kan skrive under på at hunder herfra eeeelsker barn 🤩

Dette kullet er ekstra spesielt da vi trodde Estelle aborterte hele kullet rett før jul. Inn til veterinærene ingen ting på ultralyd og litt antibiotika så hun ikke skulle få noen infeksjoner. Vi var svært lei oss alle sammen, og trodde håpet var ute… Derimot tok vi en ekstra ul for sikkerhetskyld over nyttår og oi! Enda levende små valper inni henne med små bankende hjerter 🤩

We have another very special litter expecting! I was a bit back and forth on wether to mate or not, but due to age and o...

We have another very special litter expecting! I was a bit back and forth on wether to mate or not, but due to age and our older girls have their season only once during the year and time running out for us as Molly has not had a litter yet the answer were simple - we had to do it!

This litter is special as we choose a Rough Coated male for her. This litter will be the first Rough X Smooth puppies born in Norway since the regulations changed and inter mating rough and smooth are now allowed. We believe crossing these lines will give us some much needed genetic diversity and also believe these two are well matched for each other. I am aware that It will not be enough genetic diversity in the long run, but it is a start 😊
We opted for a male from our own breeding who I knew very well. He has a strong character, not afraid of anything, very social and energic. Some traits I do not want to loose in my smooths collies 😊 Molly is the sweetest girl alive. She is Birk 7 years house dog, and most important heart dog. He picked her out at birth and since then it has been the two of them against the world. She is the dog he takes with him on adventures and god knows how many «Lassie moments» Molly has been included in (and also prevented accidents🤣) Mollys other special trait is that her tail is wagging 24/7. She loves the world and the world loves her.

These will be fabulous family dogs ❤️

Some changes in the air! 🥰We have just had a (for me!) significant change from Perfect Image Rough and Smooth Collies to...

Some changes in the air! 🥰
We have just had a (for me!) significant change from Perfect Image Rough and Smooth Collies to Kennel Perfect Image.
Why? It doesn't feel right anymore. We have already had Shetland Sheepdog litters, we are planning a Border Collie litter and a Miniature American Shepherd litter this year as well so it was time for some change... 🤩
Collies are still our main breed, but we might as well have some fun with our other breeds as well ❤

Our brilliant energic little Bailey - Enchanting Queen Junassminis became ✨Most winning puppy 2024✨ in our breed club! S...

Our brilliant energic little Bailey -
Enchanting Queen Junassminis
became ✨Most winning puppy 2024✨ in our breed club! She managed also 2th best junior and #3 best overall. We are so proud of her 🥰
She has also been hip scored with A hips and 0 elbows 🥰
We will be planning our first Miniature American Shepherd litter in 2024.

Thank you to Julia Junassminis her breeder for our lovely girl 🥰

2024 is over, and we have so many lovely memories to look back on. A lot of amazing wins, many great meet ups, a lot of ...

2024 is over, and we have so many lovely memories to look back on. A lot of amazing wins, many great meet ups, a lot of nice visitors and so many good times with family, friends and puppy buyers. We are very grateful to each and every one of you and the wonderful life you provide our pups.

In December we mated 3 females. 2 rough collies (Minnie and Estelle) and one Sheltie (Selma) unfortunately all of our plans fell through. None of them are expecting. We decided to do a herpes blood work, so see if that could be the reason- but no... Sometimes it just doesn't work out.

But we look into the future! We had a lot of new plans, and around new year I was driving back and forth- and we had some really nice matings! Hopefully we have some exciting news to share in some weeks

Estelle ( Wisewyn Drop Me A Line) has started her season and will be mated to handsome Winter (Perfect Image Winds of Wi...

Estelle ( Wisewyn Drop Me A Line) has started her season and will be mated to handsome Winter (Perfect Image Winds of Winter) ❤️

We are very excited about our last upcoming litter of this year 😊 We are doing an exciting Smooth X Rough Collie mating ...

We are very excited about our last upcoming litter of this year 😊 We are doing an exciting Smooth X Rough Collie mating and hoping for new years puppies 🤩

H litter: Wiley X Luna puppies 6 weeks old G litter: Eivind X Maisies puppies 6 weeks old❤️Who is your favourite?

H litter: Wiley X Luna puppies 6 weeks old
G litter: Eivind X Maisies puppies 6 weeks old


Who is your favourite?

Out little Fame 🔥Perfect Image Fame on Fire 🔥had her show debut in Bornholm and was Best baby all 3 days with great crit...

Out little Fame
🔥Perfect Image Fame on Fire 🔥
had her show debut in Bornholm and was Best baby all 3 days with great critiques ❤️ Best of all was her lovely carefree attitude 🥳🤩

( Diamondfox Gran Turismo X IntCh, EST Ch, LV Ch, FIN Ch, NORD Ch, S Ch, LT Ch, DK Ch, NO Ch, DK JCh
NOJW-17, SEJW-17 Perfect Image Going Places)

Wow! Another Perfect Image champion, just a few days after her 2th birthday 🥰 Perfect Image Zenith of Hope «Sonja» 🤩Cong...

Wow! Another Perfect Image champion, just a few days after her 2th birthday 🥰
Perfect Image Zenith of Hope «Sonja» 🤩
Congratulations owner Siv Kristin Thomassen☺️

Perfect Image Winds of Winter «Vinter»FullcertetHD A AD0Gjennomført MH med 1 i skudd 🥰Ta kontakt med Toril Brynestad ved...

Perfect Image Winds of Winter «Vinter»
Gjennomført MH med 1 i skudd 🥰
Ta kontakt med Toril Brynestad ved avlsforespørsel 🥰
Foto: Madeleine Lundh

En ny uke, og nye ukesbilder. Guttene er fordelt og derav fått sine navn, jentene vet vi ikke helt enda 😊 Nå har personl...

En ny uke, og nye ukesbilder. Guttene er fordelt og derav fått sine navn, jentene vet vi ikke helt enda 😊 Nå har personlighetene kommet og vi blir kjent med de fra time til time. Valpene har fått være med på biltur, oppsøkt nye plasser, møtt forskjellige raser og fått sove på mange nye fang!
Takk til fantastiske venninner, valpekjøpere og naboer for å komme innom å gi valpene nye erfaringer 😊

Our G and H babies have their own names and collars now!  Some better than others, a few were very tired 😂❤️

Our G and H babies have their own names and collars now! Some better than others, a few were very tired 😂❤️

Such a lovely day in the garden with puppies, dogs, visitors, waffles and cake ❤️😊Wonderful day with a bonus; nice weath...

Such a lovely day in the garden with puppies, dogs, visitors, waffles and cake ❤️😊
Wonderful day with a bonus; nice weather as well!
Thank you every one who came by, everyone who helped🥰



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