Royal Anthem Kennel

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Royal Anthem Kennel We are a small town breeder of Pembroke Welsh Corgis, it's not a hobby of ours but a passion.

So Nova is doing much better. She's been on her antibiotics and is no longer making noise congestion wise, and her nasty...

So Nova is doing much better. She's been on her antibiotics and is no longer making noise congestion wise, and her nasty rash she had is completely cleared. Having done all I could really do, breeder reporting wise, I have not much other choice besides moving on basically. It's a very touchy subject all around for everyone I'm sure.
Anyway, looking forward, I had mentioned what drew me to her, was her looks. Below is a photo, on the top left is a picture of Kyle when he was 8 weeks old. Under that is him as an adult, doing what he always did, smile. On the right is little Nova. She's of no relation, and yet she looks just as he did as a baby, and was conceived when Kyle left us. I won't make this about religion or spiritual, but fate, and maybe even Kyle, sent me this puppy. She's got oddly the same mannerisms that he did at her age, and the same weird quirks and charms. A little spitfire with a smile. I hadn't even been looking or wanting a puppy but I got what I didn't even know I needed. She's wrapped herself around all my family's heart, and most the crew, Corgi wise, has already accepted she's a member. So far her favorite toy is a silly empty water bottle, and she absolutely hates her bubblegum smelling medicine. She's been good at not going potty in her kennel, and not too bad about potty training inside the house (have I mentioned I HATE carpet with dogs...). She definitely hasn't been worked with on bite inhibition, so we are working heavily on that. She also hasn't been used to a lot of the "in house" sounds, cause there's a fair amount that overly scare her. Not to mention the collar was literally a torture device apparently, as she literally curled into a ball, face in the corner of the wall, and refuses to move as she cried once I put the collar on her. Weirdest response I've ever seen from an 8 week old puppy, but I assume she's never had any type of collar on. Overall we're doing great here, and will update more maybe this weekend with more pictures. She's given me a chance to hit some topics coming up in relation to all that this experience has been.

I'm going to make this very long winded post, only as a reminder to everyone to please make sure you ask all questions, ...

I'm going to make this very long winded post, only as a reminder to everyone to please make sure you ask all questions, have a list of criteria, and when in doubt, ask friends about breeders you're looking into! Two weeks ago I had seen a breeder post that she had puppies she was needing to find homes because of a medical emergency. I had not been looking for a puppy but inquired out of curiosity and wanting to know what prices even were anymore. The pup was advertised as AKC champion bloodline (which.... is often only a selling "feature" meaning nothing important). What got my attention was the female left, looked beyond identical to my Kyle that just passed away this year. Not only did the two look identical, but in the timing she was conceived close to when Kyle passed. I felt the world pulling me to this puppy. So we agreed to get her. We got there and the world became more dire. She was coughing and congested and raspy sounding. I put on the biggest lie I've ever had to mask on, cause like hell was I not leaving with that puppy. First she told me it was that she got water in her nowe. Come to find out she had used essential oil spray on her, as well as bleach and chemicals to clean thier cage and barn. There were so many problems with this and I can't believe she is a "suggested" breeder with AKC inspected! She didn't believe in health testing, and the puppies were not vet checked. She's been breeding for 16 years and all we got, was a sick puppy, a very non-detailed record stating she was dewormed and had one puppy shot. No dates for deworming, so bare minimum at best, as well as a plastic sack of a few scoops of puppy food. That was it. 16 years of an AKC inspected and "suggested and highly rated" breeder, who doesn't believe in health testing, doesn't do vet checks, uses bleach and chemicals to clean puppy areas, uses essential oil spray ON the puppies, and most all of her dogs live outside in a dirt pen with fans for 100 degree days. These are the people that make $$$ but for some weird reason the breeders that do the right thing, struggle cause we don't make any money on our puppies. I paid $800 "discounted" for a puppy that she did nothing with but fed, chemically cleaned, and took photos of. I didn't receive her papers, as they weren't "mailed back" yet, and at this point it doesn't matter as she's a pet anyway. So everyone meet Nova. She may have a long journey of life ahead with things, but for now, she's Kyle's gift to remind me that I put my heart and entire soul into my family, and every single puppy that has ever been in this house IS FAMILY to me! I will post more about her (the good, bad, etc.) in coming days.

It's been over a month since we've posted, and as per what seems to be the usual, we've mostly just been dealing with ch...

It's been over a month since we've posted, and as per what seems to be the usual, we've mostly just been dealing with chaos all around. My grandfather (human wise) seems to be doing very poorly these days and we are worried we are on limited time. Take that with trying to survive the summer heat, save money for a long 2 week trip this fall, and keep up with the regular things around the house and all that needed maintenance. The dogs have all been doing well, and it's still oddly somber and quiet around here most of the time. Still missing Kyle a lot, and struggle at times when we find some of his things we haven't yet to need to come across before he passed. We do still plan to do some public events with some of the dogs, so hope to see our local pup parents if we come across each other! More on that to come. We took Harley this year to a 4th of July festival and she did ok until kids started lighting firecrackers, so work is in progress. Here's some photos of our better moments of the outing!

Summer isn't officially "here" quite yet, but it already feels like it for sure! With that a reminder that concrete and ...

Summer isn't officially "here" quite yet, but it already feels like it for sure! With that a reminder that concrete and asphalt heat up very quickly and can easily burn paw pads and skin! If you live somewhere with a lot of those, or metal structures, be sure to plan for walks in the cooler part of the day and check paw pads often. We also have firework season upon us, so make sure your pups are secure if they get scared and make sure collar tags are up to date, or microchips! We will be taking Tourni to a few firework shows, but she doesn't get scared like most dogs do, so I don't advise doing it with yours unless you know they will be ok. We've also got some big plans ahead for us to be traveling down to Florida in October, and some localized pet events, so maybe we will get to see some of you all out and about! We're doing ok here, just staying busy and trying to get through my most unfavorable time of year (I don't do the heat lol). 7 years ago miss Harley Quinn came to live with us! Can't believe it's been that long.

A Facebook memory today came across and it was of Kyle teaching our first litter of babies how to explore the great big ...

A Facebook memory today came across and it was of Kyle teaching our first litter of babies how to explore the great big world (yard), and it made me tear up a little. He loved his babies so much and was the best "uncle" they never knew they needed, but definitely got. Tourniquet is my only other child that somewhat enjoys puppies it seems, and as she's getting older she prefers more moderately behaved older pups only. Kyle was so special... there will never be anyone close. I miss you old boy ♥️ I also apologize it's been so quiet here and I've not had time to really be on both ends. We've had a whirlwind of a past month, and it's taken me by surprise. We do hope to keep updating and posting here and there though and as always are here if any puppy parents ever need us! We hope everyone is doing well and sending love to you all.

We waited until today, as to not ruin anyone's holiday weekend... we know many of you loved Kyle when you got to meet ou...

We waited until today, as to not ruin anyone's holiday weekend... we know many of you loved Kyle when you got to meet our family here. Unfortunately Kyle said his final goodbye last Friday. It's been so quiet and feels brittle without him here. For 17 years he stood by my side, always catching whatever may fall, me included. He ushered in wisdom and taught most every puppy that came to be here. Getting to meet the newborn babies and really little puppies was his favorite things to do, beside eat and roll on his back for belly rubs. He was my heart dog through and through, and had been there for all my biggest accomplishments and all my biggest failures. It's going to be hard, for a long time...

Wanted to get on here and wish everyone an (early) Happy Easter. We are doing ok here mostly, with some struggles poppin...

Wanted to get on here and wish everyone an (early) Happy Easter. We are doing ok here mostly, with some struggles popping up. Kyle is not doing well these days and we've been focusing our best efforts with him and his time left here with us. These last few years have really kicked us where it hurt the most, and trying to recover from it all is still a work in progress. We keep hoping by some miracle we can find a way to keep a dream, and not let it completely die. Most of everyone we know is having difficulties right now, and we just want to tell you that we GET IT! Our love is sending all your way in your battles and remember there is sunshine again, on one new day after a week of rain. We hope you all enjoy your holiday weekend regardless of how it is, or is not, celebrated. Young Ghastly decided to share some photos with you of how big he's getting!

Happy Valentine's Day! We wanted to wish everyone a great day regardless how you spend it, be it alone or with someone s...

Happy Valentine's Day! We wanted to wish everyone a great day regardless how you spend it, be it alone or with someone special. Please remember to be kind to yourself and love yourself no matter what! ♥️

We would like to announce our new family member, lovingly named after a game we enjoy, Ghastly! With retiring and having...

We would like to announce our new family member, lovingly named after a game we enjoy, Ghastly! With retiring and having rehomed our previous breeding lineup dogs, it felt kind of lonely for Kesha to not have a "boy toy" to argue with, as she doesn't prefer the company of females outside. So my husband got his "Christmas present" this little brindle boy. Yes he is a mixed breed, no I do not advocate or will I push to get mixed breed dogs for the price of good genetic tested purebred dogs. I simply did not pay purebred price for him, nor a ballpark of anywhere close, and I do not reccomend his breed mixture to those that haven't dealt with headstrong dog tendencies. However, I HAVE had lots of experience with this breed mix, and likely lucked out on his temperament being quite well balanced for the time being. Mr. Ghastly is a lover and enjoys playing with his toys, favorite being his rubber ball, and likes to harass (verbally) the cats on the front porch. Everyone has taken quite a liking to him and he fits in well. We made this choice, as to let Kyle be able to usher in the new man of the house, since sadly he is not doing too well these days and I'm afraid to say a long hard decision will likely soon be coming. For now, enjoy some Ghastly pictures!

With the new year upon us, we have decided to go ahead and make our "hard decision" post and get it out of the way... we...

With the new year upon us, we have decided to go ahead and make our "hard decision" post and get it out of the way... we had hoped with taking a few years break maybe it would settle and we would be able to come back to Royal Anthem with a fresh start and a new lineup for possible future litters, but unfortunately that's just not in the cards. With as terrible as the economy and inflation is, it's affecting people's abilities to afford pets, and as a result the amount of dogs being rehomed, abandon, and turned into shelters is beyond an all time high. Unfortunately covid also created the "ability" for people to decide to start thier own breeding practices and the amount of Corgis being bred right now is incredibly high, which is not a great thing! People are breeding and not testing, or taking into consideration health and temperament. We also have another factor to play, which I will not fully get into because to a degree it's somewhat hypocritical of me to do so, but the people breeding the now popular mix of "American Corgis", which I'm not fond of as a whole due to past rescues we've had of this mix. So sadly from here out we simply will be switching our page over from a business to a fan page, where we will post updates on our own dogs, help advertise rescue / etc., and updates on our past pups as we get them as well. We do have a new family member introduction to make later this month, but for now we wanted to make the call as we've had new likes and followers recently. ♥️

We hope everyone has a Happy New Year however you choose to celebrate it (or not, we don't judge!) Looking into the next...

We hope everyone has a Happy New Year however you choose to celebrate it (or not, we don't judge!) Looking into the next year with best wishes for everyone!

❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜While it's a tad bit early, we also know that Christmas is a special time to spend with family, friends, or in ...

While it's a tad bit early, we also know that Christmas is a special time to spend with family, friends, or in the memory and thoughts of loved ones maybe past, or far away. We wanted to take the time to send our best wishes to each and everyone of you, regardless of where you are, or how you spend your Holidays. From everyone of us here at Royal Anthem Kennel, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- Kyle, Harley Quinn, Kesha, Tourniquet, Eevee and the humans, Aria & Andrew

We hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays so far! We have been hanging in there with the crew here, poor Kyle is having ...

We hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays so far! We have been hanging in there with the crew here, poor Kyle is having a rough time, and Eevee has been on and off of restriction resting. How is everyone else doing? Feel free to share or send me updates. Romance's new family sent an update on him just today, he's doing great and has a new feline friend... but isn't too sure about sweaters and Christmas photos lol! ♥️ Much love to you all!

I'm sure many of you have either seen on social media, on the news, or posted / articled somewhere about the strange dog...

I'm sure many of you have either seen on social media, on the news, or posted / articled somewhere about the strange dog illness that has popped up in several of the United States recently... we want to take a minute to remind everyone to make sure your pup is up to date on thier vaccinations and to be mindful of what your plans are with them. Many of the times during holidays people will board thier pup when not home, or do a doggy daycare, or dog sitter, and we want to make sure that everyone is taking precautions! Make sure to ask places what they are doing as far as extra measures to keep an eye on pups and what thier "sick" protocols are if a pup starts acting off thier normal. Ideally keeping your pups at home and away from doggie playmates and outings for right now would be the best option, but we know that's not always possible either. Hoping everyone stays healthy and well for the holidays!

Well our rescue / foster pups have gone to thier new forever homes. It's bittersweet but they are doing amazing! We want...

Well our rescue / foster pups have gone to thier new forever homes. It's bittersweet but they are doing amazing! We wanted to take the time and thank each and everyone of you on this page, as we are very thankful to have such a wonderful following and much of you are considered extended family members through owning a Royal Anthem Corgi! We hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving no matter what or where it may be, and know that we send our love your way!

We will be looking for 2 homes lined up in about 4 weeks for the two rescue babies we have. If anyone is looking for a B...

We will be looking for 2 homes lined up in about 4 weeks for the two rescue babies we have. If anyone is looking for a Border Collie pup that will have first and second round of shots, be dewormed, and doing well on puppy food, let me know! They likely will remain within Border Collie sizes, male and female. Will come of course with proof of vaccines, health sheet, and thier belongings of a crate, a good size bag of food, toys, collar, leash, the whole nine yards we have done with our Corgi pups before them! I'd like to line up thier homes as best I can before the Holidays so I'm also not scrambling last minute and juggling everything else as well. We aren't asking much for a rehoming fee, and if we know you, we'd likely wave it for the perfect home!

EDIT/UPDATE: We have found the cause of the upset in the babies, and working very hard on it, they sadly are absolutely ...

EDIT/UPDATE: We have found the cause of the upset in the babies, and working very hard on it, they sadly are absolutely loaded with worms from the farm they were born on, but little girl has done GREAT today, appetite, playful, drinking lots, very very good day!

We could definitely use some good thoughts, prayers, and wishes... the little girl is sick. We need all we can to get through all this. I just hate it for them, they've already had such a rough start and it just seems to keep coming. We will update as we can, but right now we are very worried.

We have been very busy the last 24 hours here... Last night we went to aid a rescue that was overflowing and needed fost...

We have been very busy the last 24 hours here... Last night we went to aid a rescue that was overflowing and needed fosters for a very very bad situation, an Amish family threatening to "dispose" of 4 week old puppies if they couldn't get them homes. Yes you read that right, 4 week old puppies! They were being fed left over cows milk in a tin pan, and just basically out and about to fend for themselves. So we ended up with two of the babies, and we are working hard to get them up to weight, and begin socializing and the transition to puppy food. They were covered in dirt, burs, and scabs (from what, we don't know...?) but they already have been such good babies it's unreal. We were told mom was Border Collie, and dad was..... mystery..... and they do have lots of traits of Border Collie so we are chalking it up to a Border Collie mix. These babies have already stolen my heart! So we'll update as we can about their progress and all. We have decided to call them Midna and Link, after one of my favorite video games, Zelda: Twillight Princess. Below are photos of when I picked them up, you can see covered in all sorts of mysterious things.

We had so much fun at Pets and Pumpkins! Harley Quinn and Tourni made some new friends, and my parents brought thier res...

We had so much fun at Pets and Pumpkins! Harley Quinn and Tourni made some new friends, and my parents brought thier rescue Corgi, named Lollipop. Lollipop had been found by someone local here, she was tied to a mailbox. She weighed only 10lbs (as an adult!) was dirty, could feel and see every bone in her body, and was covered in what looked to be flea dirt and f***s. She has come such a long way! From what we can tell she was likely a puppy mill dog (American Corgi...) that no longer was useful as her estimated age was about 7-8 years old. Lollipop has been through such a rough time, but we often are local corgi rescuers around here, and have also played dog rehabilitation on our field as well. I check Craigslist often for anyone trying to throw out these poor dogs, and we've had several come through. It's so amazing to get to see thier transformations as they began to shine once more.

Today is Tourniquet's 3rd birthday, and just 4 days ago was Eevee's very first birthday! Happy Birthday to our "Nightmar...

Today is Tourniquet's 3rd birthday, and just 4 days ago was Eevee's very first birthday! Happy Birthday to our "Nightmare Before Christmas" litter, and a very happy first birthday to our very first Pokémon aka Eevee 😊 the two still take naps together, but in all honesty Harley has been the most fond of Eevee and absolutely loves wrestling with her as a daily morning routine.

Just a small reminder that we will be Pets and Pumpkins next Saturday! We will have Harley and Tourni there! We are exci...

Just a small reminder that we will be Pets and Pumpkins next Saturday! We will have Harley and Tourni there! We are excited to dress up and enjoy the festivities!

Well it's still pretty warm here with upper 80s currently and some place near by in 90s. While we are much ready for a c...

Well it's still pretty warm here with upper 80s currently and some place near by in 90s. While we are much ready for a cool down, we are making due for now. We did want to invite any / all of our Corgi parents or follows, should they be in the area on the 21st of October we will be at Pets and Pumpkins in the square at Springfield with a couple of the dogs if anyone wants to meet up! We can give you details to the event and all if asked

Someone was awful excited today to get stitches out and the donut off... 🤣Kesha is doing great needless to say, she's he...

Someone was awful excited today to get stitches out and the donut off... 🤣

Kesha is doing great needless to say, she's healed well and can now resume her normal activities of chaos.

Kesha is home and doing well! She isn't a fan of the inflatable cone and already is voicing her unhappiness about how sh...

Kesha is home and doing well! She isn't a fan of the inflatable cone and already is voicing her unhappiness about how she was tortured. For tonight keeping quiet and contained in the bathroom

Kesha got dropped off this morning for her spay. Since we got there a little early we sat in the car, and she definitely...

Kesha got dropped off this morning for her spay. Since we got there a little early we sat in the car, and she definitely let me know she was apprehensive about all that was going on... will update later today with how she is doing when we pick her up

Most who have followed this page, or gotten to know / meet us, know that our old guy Kyle is truly something special as ...

Most who have followed this page, or gotten to know / meet us, know that our old guy Kyle is truly something special as he is pushing into 17 this December. A short few months ago Kyle's only remaining sibling passed to the rainbow bridge, and sadly we just set his father free on Wednesday to join his family at the bridge. My parents owned both Kyle's sister and his father, who was actually my dog before I grew up and moved out. Both had bonded to my parents and thier lifestyle more than mine when I moved out and got married, so they were happy and home there. It's been a rough week and as we go forward knowing it's going to be rough for us with Kyle at some point, but making the best in the meantime. We also ask for some good wishes, prayers, and thoughts for Kesha as she will be getting spayed in the coming weeks. Pictured below was Sergeant, Kyle's dad, he was just shy of 18 years old!

All the dogs have been very glued to me lately. I went in to the ER a couple of weeks ago for what I thought was symptom...

All the dogs have been very glued to me lately. I went in to the ER a couple of weeks ago for what I thought was symptoms of a heart attack, and turned out to be my gallbladder was attacking, so we are meeting next week with a surgeon and doing a bunch of tests, to figure out our next plan. I've been in a lot of pain and pretty sick from it all so they have been extra attentive. We hope everyone else is staying cool with this extreme heat going on and to be safe

Well good and semi-bad news... Good news was that Harley's swelling was not dental related. Bad news is they aren't sure...

Well good and semi-bad news... Good news was that Harley's swelling was not dental related. Bad news is they aren't sure if she got stung or bit or allergic reaction to something random? She got a steroid shot and some medicine but she's home and rolling on the floor currently.

Asking for good thoughts, wishes, and prayers for Harley tomorrow. We are thinking she has a bad tooth and it's possibly...

Asking for good thoughts, wishes, and prayers for Harley tomorrow. We are thinking she has a bad tooth and it's possibly now abcessed. She will be seen tomorrow morning at 8 am.

Tourni went with us today for a 4th of July event. She's gotten belly rubs and kid kisses. Such a good girl! A reminder ...

Tourni went with us today for a 4th of July event. She's gotten belly rubs and kid kisses. Such a good girl! A reminder to all doggie parents that it is firework season and the largest season for dog run-aways. If your dog has not been desensitized to them please make sure they are up and kept safe! TV noise can help and calming treats. Also be sure to do potty times early and be extra vigilant! Make sure collars aren't loose also!




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