Peyton Agnew Bob Carlson Jared Ward Ozzy after a month and some change!
Goose at the 2 month mark! Lots of progress for this pup and currently in force fetch. This dude always shows up to work! Thank you Lex Bartlett for the opportunity! Big dog in the making
Knox has completed his basic gun dog program we donated at the 2023 Muscatatuck Ducks unlimited banquet! We look forward to seeing him back for advanced work! Billy Schulz Kelli GanoteJosh Waldenschmit
Labs aren’t the only ones who can drop it like it’s hot. Gander showing he can learn just as well as any old Labrador. Mason Edmonson
Knox was the pup we donated to Ducks unlimited last September as a puppy. We offered 3 months of training with the purchase and man what a nice dog he’s becoming in a couple months! Thanks to Billy Schulz for the donation and Kelli Ganote for the head start program! Josh Waldenschmit got a dandy on the auction!
Working with distractions ✅ Rosie Dylan Lee Cobb
Rainy (Rosie) after being here a month the boss had to see if she was up to par….. with the bird girls back everyone’s on pins and needles.
Looks like we have decided to expand our training services….
Gus is a prime example of what a good dog is. He always is here to work and never gets out of line. I wish all dogs showed this kind of effort in training!
Gus, learning how to go straight to the birds and back without taking the easy route!