I still love this. I don't know who wrote it but it's great!
Life with dogs is strange.
You will become the pack leader of a dog that will be ready to do anything for you, as soon as he recognizes your smell and your voice, without anyone who teaches you or tells you how to do it.
Life with dogs is a mystery.
You will be spied by a Big Hairy Brother who will not lose any of your movements, especially when he'll understand where the kitchen and the cookie container are.
Life with dogs is "growing".
You cannot do anything, you cannot stop time because the puppy you hold in your arms will grow up too fast, becoming the great friend who will follow you wherever you’ll go.
Puppies last too little.
Life with dogs is a comparison.
You will always have a look with which measure, you will drown without being saved from the unimaginable depths of a dog's eyes. Where people believe there is no soul.
Life with dogs is true.
You will not need to tell them a lie or made up stories because whatever you say to them, dogs know it. All the time.
Life with dogs is uncomfortable.
You will find yourself in a winter evening, with Northern's wind scratching your face and frost getting to your bones, walking alone with your dog that runs and wags happily, unconcerned about the wind blowing his hairs and the heat you left home.
Life with dogs is funny.
You will talk to a being who will never be able to answer but will listen to every word, with so much attention and interest that you will not find in any other man or woman in the world.
Life with dogs is to come back home.
Nobody like your dog will be happy for seeing you every time that you will appear from the door where he has seen you go off; he will learn your schedules, recognize your step and will be there to wait for you, even when he is old and tired, leaping with joy as if he hadn't see you for a month. Even though you came out to buy only a newspaper.
Life with dogs is renouncement.
You will soon loose that side of the sofa on which you were so comfortable, where you enjoyed to rest and relax after those tiring and boring days.
And the amazing thing is that you will not regret at all for that.
Life with dogs is communion.
You will share your last food's bite with your dog, because you will not be able to withstand his imploring look you unfortunately crossed while you were dining.
Life with dogs is teaching.
They will show you, while running on a meadow or on the seashore, the beauty of a sunny day, and the wonder of being surprised just about simple things.
Life with dogs is love.
What you will try to emulate, and that you will try to return him without succeeding. But testing yourself in this will be one of your most exciting experience.
Life with dogs is a journey.
No mountain path will look the same after you have walked along with your dog: you will remember the scents, smells and colors of the wood that you had not heard or seen before; Just as it will happen to the stretch of life that you will do together.
Life with dogs is a parenthesis.
For you it's a part of your life, a sweet interval between a thousand commitments and years to fill things up, a short walk along with a dog you know at some point will stop and you'll go by yourself. Instead, for your dog your life is everything.
What a hard life, a life with dogs.