Look HOW BIG Zeke has gotten! He was HALF as big as his sisters at their 7 week checkup and now he's the SAME SIZE 🥰. 12 weeks old!
Zeke and Hadley are going home this week and poor Maple won't know what to do 😥.
But Zeke is going to Traverse City and Hadley is going to be a Jersey girl! Both going to their perfect families 💓💓
frenchton Bulldog puppy playtime ❤
Puppy playtime in the puppy room! 8.5 weeks old and full of themselves 🤪
Hadley, the harlequin merle fawn female, is still available and everyone else is waiting for pickup 😁
Frenchton Bulldog puppies are rowdy after their vet visit! Pardon the hay on the ground, everyone had to potty in their litterbox when they got home so I had to quickly sprinkle new down so other pups didn't step in it!
Another puppy video! This one was taken MOnday I believe. Weston has since STOPPED screaming, and overall with THIS litter the behavior is amazing! Maple is still screaming a bit . . . you know that stuck up girl in elementary school that thoght she was better than everyone? Yeah . . . that's Maple, lol. She KNOWS she's staying, and likes to rub it in EVERYONE'S faces . . .
The amount this group had already learned with behavior is exciting! Right now we are learnng on NOT chomping on Mom during sit and snuggle time. I run puppy litters a bit like a daycare, where they have time outside to play (length depends on the weather), time inside to play, snuggle/song time and lots of various stimulations. And of course nap and feeding time!
Puppies LOVE chewing on everything . . . including YOU! When puppies begin to chomp I either yelp (like the puppies do) or say "ouch!" and both are followed by a stern "no bite", then puppy is removed from my lap and placed away from me. If they choose to run back and jump back into my lap, they are allowed, but if they bite again, they are once again removed and set away from me. We repeat this as much as it happens. It doesn't take long for them to realize their ideal snuggle spot was just taken by someone else and they do't want to risk losing it again by more biting :)
We do NOT let puppies jump, bite or claw at our faces . . . REMEMEBER, they are SMALL NOW, but bad habits learned as pups turn into awful habits done by FULL SIZE DOGS later.
** ALso at the end that's BRODY, not Miles! I don't usually get those names mixed up but I must have looked over at Miles quickly and his name was stuck on my brain, lol!
Last week's first day out in the puppy yard!
Pardon Grandpa's relentless barking, he's had a LOT of visitors with the house build and re-learned bad manners :P
I did take video yesterday and will try to get that posted as well!
Pups are doing AMAZING with potty outside. We are learning what the bell is, and basic commands with potty training!
They are also VERY adept at potty in the litterbox, but pee is still 50/50. Likely because they prefer to do each in different locations ;)
vet visit is Friday, everyone will receive 1st round of vaccines and be tested for worms and have nose, nares, throat, hips, knees, heart and lungs checked!
Reach out with any questions!
2 left - frenchton Bulldog puppies 3 weeks old!
Pups came out today to play on the floor! They went from crawling to running in a few days, and now off to cause trouble!
Also a live video on YouTube, link in the comments!
Puppies are 3 weeks old and starting to move and groove! They are starting to chew on each other and see who has the biggest mouth!
Updated photos coming this weekend for the website!
Frenchton Bulldog mom Dittie comes back to find Grandma Ginger sneaking time with her grandpups!
How will the confrontation end?
Grandma Time! Frenchton Bulldog Ginger sneaks in to the puppy pen to snuggle her grand pups for a bit while mom is out going potty!
(I had walked in to quickly change the puppy pad - each morning when Dittie runs out to potty - and found Ginger instead)
2.5 week old Frenchton Bulldog Puppies dreaming, crawling and sleeping!
Plump pups are growing like crazy!
Zeke is our only boy not reserved, and one of the twins Hadley and Sadie is still available 😊
Everyone else is reserved!