A great fellow breeder sent me this and it explains it perfect. We love breeding aussie bulldogs the kids learn alot from it. The joy when someone picks up their new addition makes all the hard work worth it.
When a person says I want a puppy how much ?
When someone says I just want to spend 2k or want a puppy to breed next to nothing .
WELL before you inbox any breeder asking for them to lower pricing ,just for your pocket understand this.
For you to have that puppy to take home, this is a breeders cost.
- Female pre check up consult $80-$100
- Stud fee paid up front to stud owner $3,000-$10,000 and if importing semen with exceptional lines $5,000 - $30,000. Depending on semen vials , quarantine, country regulations.
- semen collection . Transport of semen if within Australia (chilled or frozen ) $150-$300 for flights
$130-$300 Ai
- progesterone tests to lead up of ovulation $55 per test
- if required a c section ($1,200 - $3,000)
- anti inflammatory and antibiotics ($130.00)
- ultrasound or xray $120-$200
- Worming every 2 weeks until 8 weeks when puppies leave $50 per fortnight depending on how many puppies
- vaccinations $40-50per pup
- microchip $40-50 per pup
- DNA parentage $50 per pup
- DNA full health record $150 per pup
- registrations $20-$50 per pup
- puppy pads supply $60
- supplements for nursing mums $50-$100
- nursing mum food $300
- heaters , incubators , heat lamps electricity used for the first 4 weeks out of 8 weeks $1,200 - $2,000
- 4 weeks of around the clock care to make them
Independent. Feeding every 2 hours
Making sure mum does not lay down on puppies and squash them. By there side constantly.
Lucky to see 2 -3 hours sleep If you have someone to take over from you.
Puppy formula and food for the 8wks around $600
Cleaning products around $150
Puppy packs around $100-$200 per puppy
Collar , lead , bed , food , blanket, toys, treats.
Advertising of puppies , time wasters who constantly message you wanting puppies but then don’t buy or want a puppy but haven’t spoken to their landlords or partners.
Finding the right homes who will love this puppy you have raised, toilet trained , socialised and prepared for it to go into its new home.
There is a lot of cost involved to have a litter.
Sometimes breeders can lose a whole entire litter due to no fault of their own. $$ thousands of dollars gone.
You generally lose at least a pup and a half in costs just for the litter and that’s not counting all the time you put into raising them. So if you plan to keep a puppy and sell the last puppy. Say it’s a litter of 4. You only come out with the price of one pup that you make profit off.
It is not always about profit in breeding.
a lot of ethical breeders see the red (negative) the ones breed to retain a puppy or their program only, don’t see the prices that a breeder who has many puppies a year does ,for supply and demand.
To make money in breeding after all expenses , is if you are blessed to have a big litter to cover your costs.
So the next time you message a breeder telling them you only want to pay this much and barter them down on pricing . Understand when they say no and won’t budge on the price, is purely because they will not hand a puppy away.
You get what you pay for. If you want quality and a breeder who has spent every dollar spared to ensure the puppies have the best homes , life , linage and temperament then you pay to have that quality.
If you want a puppy for next to nothing, then don’t get offended when you end up with a mutt that looks nothing like the standard it’s breed for. Health problems and any other issue that was thrown in just so you could have the puppy for nothing and they will just breed for the next supply.
You want a Ferrari you pay for it , if you want a Hyundai getz then you get what you paid for.
No person can dictate to you what to pay or why you won’t get a quality puppy for next to nothing.
Family homes , affection is what we breed for.
If you message me and say I want a dog it will live in the backyard or I have a kennel. Please do not message me.
A dog is no different to a child.
You love them , you raise them ,you spoil them ,you discipline them.
Know the difference or worth and as breeders , we know our worth.