📰🚨Heckin Good Dog News: Special Report🚨📰
It’s cold out, and Dio’s part heckin husky! Of course he doesn’t spend an obsessive amount of time menacing his herding ball😤
*later reporting found the above statement to be categorically false*
#canineenrichment #itsonlyenrichmentifthedoglikesit
A little (lotta) bit of happy on a too-hot Monday afternoon
This is an unsolicited love letter to my @hightailhikes long line 💌
It’s been through years of hard work, through mud and pollen and those stupid oak pods all over the ground in Austin rn. Through pups who can’t aim 💦 Through more hikes than I care to count. Through just about every Adventure Walk I’ve ever done.
And I take it home, give it an unceremonious bubble bath in bucket every few weeks, and that baby is GOOD TO GO. I freaking love this thing, and I half wish it would wear out so I could justify buying more colors to add to my collection. 😆
If you’d like to have an absolute workhorse of a long line (or any other leash tbh), check out @hightailhikes right this immediate second. Feel free to use my code HECKINGOOD for a discount, too!
Happy Sunday folks! Come troubleshoot a training session with me!
Honey (pictured here in the most adorable hot pink speedo, thanks to her time of the month) and I spent this morning working on calling her inside from the backyard. This is something I’ve run into with a lot of my clients, actually, and it makes sense! There’s so much more going on outside than inside our homes. Why would they want to leave those wonderful smells behind to come and fall asleep in the house?
We worked on this together, in what was probably a 10-15 minute session. Honestly, editing the dang video took four times as long as the actual training session depicted in it!
But I wanted you all to see the process of noticing changes in a dog’s behavior, altering small pieces of it to help them win, and how dang important treat delivery can be!
What do you think? More like this?
You deserve love like this
Poppy thinks the flirt pole is aces! She’d probably think you were aces too, if she met you 🥰