Mountain Blessings

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Mountain Blessings ☆☆☆ Mountain Blessings Homestead ☆☆☆

Nestled in the foothills of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, lies our beautiful homestead "Mountain Blessings".

I am blessed beyond words. Thank you Lord for guiding me on this new journey.


Here you'll find links to selected suppliers of solar viewers and filters that you can be confident are safe when used properly. These include companies and organizations with which members of the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force have had good experience as well as other companies and organizations that...

Help a girl out… My presents expire in 14 hrs.  I just need 2 new people to Temu just to accept my invitation. Just $4.0...

Help a girl out… My presents expire in 14 hrs. I just need 2 new people to Temu just to accept my invitation. Just $4.00 away from getting my free gifts. I can’t pay the $4.00 with money. Have to have people accept my invitation!

I promise not to bother you about something like this ever again! I’m so close!!!!! Thanks in advance! Lori Haga 🥰.

Click the link now and participate in this event.

Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything is coming back to life. New life is beginning. So excited to see my garde...

Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything is coming back to life. New life is beginning. So excited to see my garden waking up with beauty.

Enjoy a journey through my garden!

🌱🌱🐥🧅🌱🔨🌱🐓🦌🐣🌱🌱⚒Been a busy week. Learning about seeds and all the stuff that goes with it to start growing my own plants. ...

Been a busy week. Learning about seeds and all the stuff that goes with it to start growing my own plants. I’d been in a garden program for the last 3 years and had been getting my plant from them. But now it’s time to learn to do this on my own.

Worked on my raised beds, adding drip line and planting veggies as we go along. Adding wire on top of beds to keep the chickens from digging up my seeds and adding drip line.
This is temporary, until I can figure out what’s next to keep the chickens from digging up my garden and the deer eating everything.


Time to eat and drink🥰
15 hens a 1 rooster.
I like raising 1 baby rooster with my baby hens, then he grows up learning to take care of his own flock of girls. I have 3 adult roosters who each have their own flock of girls to care for. For me this works out the best since my birds like to free range in different areas from each others flock, and that way there is a rooster watching out for them at all time. My roosters don’t always get along, but they do a good job with all the girls !!!!

Our baby girls have arrived safe and sound 🐥🐣

Our baby girls have arrived safe and sound 🐥🐣

🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱I’ve been trying to grow my own peas for the last 3 years. This year I have success!!   Mind you that I’m...

🌱I’ve been trying to grow my own peas for the last 3 years. This year I have success!! Mind you that I’m a cIty girl learning to grow my own garden and learning old fashion ways.
🌱It was so exciting seeing peas growing in my garden, enough for me to pick them and learn what to do with them next.
🌱My pea harvest filled 1/2 a Lowe’s little 2-gallon bucket. Then it took me about an hour and a half to figure out how to shell them, and try to get the peas out faster.
🌱I ended up with about 2 cups of peas.
🌱Then steamed them for about 15 minutes and then cooked 5 min in butter.
🌱They were so yummy, much better than store canned peas that taste like there’s nothing in the middle. My fresh peas were full of goodness.
🌱Definitely worth the work.


When I wear a mask in public:
🔵 I want you to know that I am educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
🔵 No, I don’t “live in fear” of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
🔵 I don’t feel like the “government is controlling me;” I feel like I’m being a contributing adult to society and I want to teach others the same.
🔵 The world doesn’t revolve around me. It’s not all about me and my comfort.
🔵 If we all could live with other people's consideration in mind, this whole world would be a much better place.
🔵 Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid, or even “controlled.” It makes me considerate.
🔵 When you think about how you look, how uncomfortable it is, or what others think of you, just imagine someone close to you - a child, a father, a mother, grandparent, aunt, or uncle - choking on a respirator , alone without you or any family member allowed at bedside.
🔵 Ask yourself if you could have sucked it up a little for them!!!!
Copied and posted. Can you do the same?


**** SORRY LONG 2 WK READ ****
***MAY 16-17 2020--FORGOT TO POST***

Another beautiful weekend!! Was able to get most of my veggie plants planted. The others will have to wait a little till I can build another raised bed and fill it using the hugelkultur method. And get the watermelon/ cantaloupe/ pumpkin areas set up.

Then my daughter and I planted 10,000 lavender seeds in my employers lavender beds...and we need more seeds to finish the job...shew 😳. They raise bees and lavender honey is soooooo good.

Still working on my rose bed....darn stinkin' rocks....just so many of them. I hope to finish tomorrow. It's supposed to rain the rest of the I got to get it done!!

***THIS WEEKEND*** MAY 23-25, 2020***

This week been doctoring a not so nice sunburn, from planting. Found some UV shirts on POSHMARK...don't want a repeat of that!!

Rained everyday this week..still not done digging all the clay dirt and compacted large and small rocks out of the rose bed...ugh. Auger won't even move compacted. Pick ax & shovel = very sore muscles feel they should be HUGE...not

Love that the rains are soaking my raised beds❤...then I don't need to deep water them. Thank you Lord for what you give!! drills messed only goes in reverse. Hard to put screws reverse...doesn't work. 😭 We got A LOT of work out of that old screw driver...I'd say 15 yrs worth...and the last 4 years it was used almost daily building lots of stuff on our homestead. RIP Mr dedicated helper.

So the plan to build the greens vegetable raised bed...but now has been delayed till I can get to Lowes for the Dewalt they have on sale.

Sunday, was beautiful!! Getting closer to the end of that rose bed.

Finally!! Monday I made it to the end of the bed..... dug out so many rocks. Started adding topsoil, compost & native dirt back into hole.....



*** Today's super quick project ***
For years I have been buying toilet paper in bulk on Amazon. 80 rolls for about $45.00 lasting a family of 3 about 3 months. It was time to order in Feb and I got my normal. Then Covid-19 came into the pic so I wanted to order another case. Well wouldn't you know it....they where out...and other brands where way higher. So I thought why not the large rolls of paper they use in businesses. The best price I found was at Sam's. Knowing it would not fit in my holders...I looked for cheap priced deep oval shaped buckets...tall enough to let my paper spin. Bought 2 in. around PVC pipe. Then cut it about 1/2 it would sit on the pail edge. Put 1 or 2 rolls on and that helps hold the PVC down. you go😁 Your


Lots of rain last week..interrupted the rose bed progress. Of course we are still digging out lots of rocks...lots and lots of rocks.... BIG rocks.

We have clay soil and the last time I planted rose's, I didn't know a whole lot about our dirt, and the location I planted they didn't survive long. This time I'm trying thing differently.

I have a small section left to dig rocks out of.... then I'll be ready to mix in more compost and plant my rose bushes.

Tried to get Misfit to dig out a BIG rock for me while I rested...but ...well...she had chicken stuff to do.

Had lots of hummingbirds flying around me while I was digging. Think we counted 5 or 6 at once? Male seemed to be romancing the


Moving day for (24) 7-10 wk old chicks. They out grew their brooder box pretty room to run. I built this chicken tractor fall 2018...and was using it as a prison to break my egg eating chickens bad habits.

My lil'gals seem confused...but they'll figure it out and get used to it. Checked on them after dark and they haven't figured out the roosts yet and are all on the ground sleeping or in the food bowl sleeping. Work on getting them on the roosts tomorrow evening.



Such a beautiful, peaceful, productive weekend. I love spring!! Everything comes back to life ❤. All my critters are laying in the sun napping. Smell of fresh cut grass. Romeo my rooster is carefully eyeing my every move....Him:"why am you using that noise saw again." Me: "I've got projects man.... I've got projects to get done go take care of your harem of ladies!!!"

This weekend I wanted to work on getting the goats p**p catch box started. I was able to complete building to frame box, getting it mounted. Screwing in supports underneath and boards for bottom of box. The next day it's not raining this week...I will add walls and tin on outside. Then a side door and lid or flip-up door on top.

While building behind my house...I saw my first Blue Jay & Hummingbird. Mrs. Hummingbird was in my face checking me out...probably wanting to know when her supper of sugar water would be ready. We got you fixed bring your family❤

We prepped all our hugelkultur raised beds with compost & some dirt....ready for plants. ❤Added compost to lavender & mint.

Lastly, we prepped the bed in the Zen Garden for rose bushes that should deliver this week. That auger is the bomb! Makes easy work of digging & mix up dirt. But still got to dig those darn rocks out....ugh.




Chickens can be so It's taken me a week or a little longer to get my 4 dozen eggs that we hard cook and keep in the fridge at all times. Quick protein snack during the day.

I cleaned their coops out last week, removing 6 months of nastiness and p**p. Where is the gratefulness ladies?? I'm thinking cleaner living space equals an egg from every hen everyday...23 eggs girls...daily!!! Not 6 one day ...then 13 another day...then 8. Really girls !! We got people in line...orders for 4 doz & 1 doz.




Build 2 hay feeders::

Next on To Do list::
Build p**p catch

Hoping to work on that tomorrow if rain stops after work.




Over the weekend we cleaned out 5-6 months of goat p**p...packed down about 8 inches deep on the floor of goat barn. Not fun😷 Having been using pine pellets... thankfully the smell was not as bad as what it smelled before. Relieved that chore's been tackled. Now to get in habit of more frequent clean ups.

Finally, ready to work on the next project for the goat barn revamp. Building new hay feeders to install on the covered goats can eat on porch when raining. I was able to get one built and installed by dark tonight. I have 1 more to build and install tomorrow after work.



Baby girls are growing so fast!



You think I'd learn from my errors & mistakes...but I did it again. Procrastination is not productive. Cleaning chicken coops isn't really a fun task...and so ...the last time I cleaned my chicken coops was 6 months ago. I use sand, pine pellets & Sweet clean up is not scooping a litter box. Scoop out daily or several times a week and good to go.

Last year was a hard year for me. My health not up to par and procrastinating happened A LOT! But now since I'm starting to feel better my old self...I'm working hard to getting stuff done and finishing my projects.

So tonight I completed the task. Chicken coops & runs are clean!! Horray!!

🐐Next ...procrastinated to-do the goat's been like 5 months. So....that is the plan for Friday.

No's just p**p...stinky chicken p**




***forgot to post Sunday***

Strolling through my garden....I see my asparagus made it through the winter. 😍 Still have 2 more years to grow before it gives us food...trying to be patient!! 😅

My Egyptian Walking Onions survived ...🌱

Seems most of my herbs survived ...going to move and replant to lower areas of my beds.

Friday...we picked up veggie transplants & seeds from our Grow Your Own garden class...getting excited to start planting and growing !!!





**** Late post...weekend April 3-5 ****
Phone Camera editing issues
Thank you Lord for the beautiful weekend! Thank you Lord for your work on my health. I've felt pretty good lately to want to do stuff again, and get all these unfinished projects done around here. 🤗

Last 2 days (Thur /Fri) have been very productive here on our homestead. We finally got the roof on the 🐐 goat porch !!! Still some more to do...add wire to the porch walls.... add new hay a p**p catch box on boys side of porch, for easier cleaning of stalls. I hope to work on all that this week.

Yesterday(Sat), was a super busy packed day. We cleaned up our donkey Roscoe's lot. Getting all the cut up logs..branches & twigs out to use in my hugelkultur raised beds. Packed the truck Lots of cuddles with Roscoe!!

Then, we finally tackled getting our 7 apple trees planted!! 🍎 I had intentions of getting this done last fall, but..... We used an auger to make super fast digging of holes. Love that new toy! So many plans to use it!! Next step is to train the trees to grow on the fence...called Espalier. This way of growing the trees has been around a long time...Egyptians used this method. I have limited space for apple trees in my food this keeps the trees small..and easier to access apples. Soon I'll be adding wire to fencing for tree training.

Then we had steak, taters and italian green beans for dinner to celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary. Hubby is the master of some tummy steaks😋.

Sunday night we ate supper on back porch...Romeo and his harem came by to see if we needed any help eating our supper.

Daily checking of our chicks, they are growing fast! We have 15 female chicks 2 weeks old, 9 female chicks 4 days old. 10 male roosters 4 days old. Along with 24 adult hens & 1 adult roosters....shesh that's a lot of chickens 😜.....p**p...😷😝

Good weekend!!!




They are finally here!! They are so cute and sweet. God is amazing! To think, that tiny chick hatched out of the same size eggs we eat. Small tiny life..that grows up and helps to feed us daily. Thank you Lord for all you give us!

I ordered 25 female chicks..and they gave me 2 free mystery ones. I wonder what they will be🤔...most likely roosters. I've learned my lesson with only need 1! We shall see.

So ..bringing the chicks into their new brooder home didn't start out well. I introduced them the the water by putting their beak in it...then went inside to get my phone..not even 5 min. Come back and there are about 7 chick that are soaked with water. I forgot to add glass marbles to the waterer...keeps chicks from falling in and drowning or sitting on the water like mine did. The 7 chicks started laying down shaking...I was think I was going to lose them. I grabbed all and brought them inside and used my hair dryer and defuser to warm them up. Next thing they are perking back up acting like when they first arrived.

The 2nd attempt to bringing them to their new home went better. I added the glass marbles to the waterer...and they did much better not falling in. Fixed up their temporary box warmer. Added a heating pad inside an old towel and used Press n'Seal to cover it ...for easy clean up of bird p**p.

So far so good...hoping all will make it.



My daughter and I dug out all our flower seed packets. 10 different kinds of sunflowers, 1 chamomile & 1 wild flowers. Never got around to trying the few packet I bought last year & purchased some tonight at Lowe's. You don't think that 288 little flower plants is too much??? Lol



🌻🌼Spring is on the way!!! 🌼🌻

🌹I love spring... when the world comes back to life with lots of beautiful colors🌺🌸 and all the baby animals🐣🐤🐐.

🌱I started my 2nd year in the gardening class Appalachian Sustainable Development. So excited to get started, growing herbs🌿, fruits🍎, veggies🌽, flowers🌺 and more. I found double plant boxes of blueberry, blackberry, raspberry & lilac bushes @ Sam's club. Can't wait to get them going!

🐛🐛And along with Spring comes bugs...yuck... wreaking havoc in my garden and with my animals.🐛 As the weather warms up, the ground warms which activates the parasites and worms.🐛 Goats eat grass and sometimes dirt... and unknowingly they ingest parasites & worms. 🐛If infected the goat can get sick with diarrhea. Even if you can catch the goats early on with signs of sickness and treat them according to vets can still lose your sweet babies. 😢 When they say "The moment you see diarrhea or sick goat, act quickly because they can decline fast". This is the hardest lesson I've had to learn with couple of our babies.😢

So..I am going to be vigilant in making sure we don't experience that pain again! Today we wormed our🐐 3 Kiko goats and🐐 5 Nigerian goats. Boy was that a challenge!! Those little guys are strong, strong willed and determined to NOT do what we But we where finally able to get them wormed! We checked them over. Good pink eye color, no signs of a worm problem. Good berry formed p**p, no diarrhea. Usually worms🐛 aren't an issue in winter...but spring is when you need to jump on getting them wormed. I have learned this the hard loosing some of my sweet babies.

Also, gave them their yearly dose of copper. Now I need to tackle cleaning out the goat barn of p**p and finish putting the roof on the goat barn porch. Maybe get to that this week....between the sprinkles they are forecasting. We'll see.🐐


🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐

********* UPDATE 12/28/2019 ********
Another nice day today...built front porch wall to girls side and their door. Needs wire and tin & door needs hinges.


🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐 🛠 🐐🐐

🛠Temp's in the 50's this week...much better outdoor working weather.

🛠May the building of the goat porch begin. 1 side wall complete just need tin at bottom. Other side wall needs tin on bottom and swing open doors on top.

🛠more to come...yippy 😜


🐱🐈 ***** UPDATE ***** 🐈🐱
******* PINE PELLET CAT LITTER ********
🐈🐱******** REVIEW ********🐱🐈

It's been 7 weeks. Just finished using up the 1st bag of pine pellets. Cat litter was used up about 3 weeks ago. They are using only pine pellets now.

I am really like them!! They have a slight pine smell which for me, is nice! It works really well for covering urine smell... sometimes cat urine in cat litter can still stink....I don't have this issue at all now !

Cats urinate on the pellets...pellets soak up urine and puff up....turning into saw dust...taking away ALL urine smell. 😍

Now the p**p💩 It took me a little time to figure out how to deal with the p**p part. I sift cat boxes every other day...dust falling down through to bottom and scoop out p**p. I've noticed if the cats use their boxes that have a mix of saw dust and pellets...p**p 💩 doesn't smell so bad when cats cover with the pellet/dust mix. When the box under the sifter tray gets full....I scoop out and put in garbage. They say you can compost the saw dust you scoop out of the litter boxes...putting it around plants that will not be going in the!!

The litter sifting boxes I got at Ollie's came with 3 sifting trays and a top. What I found that works for me was that I continued using the same covered litter boxes I was using before....and adding1 sifting tray per litter box. The covers don't latch now...but I dont care.

Add a thin layer of pine pellets to the bottom of covered litter box ...then put the sifting tray in... add a layer of pine pellet to sifting tray. Done!

💓Very happy💓



❄Another pre-winter sampling of snow coming? No! Technically it's still fall !!!... lol.

🍂🦃 With the holiday's, changing weather, company, shopping, caring for my new kitten to better health, a few appointments. I have not started building the goat porch & roof. My plan is to start this week. And now rain and snow coming 🙄.

Several weeks ago we had snow ❄ ... we dug out all the heated water buckets for our critters. It is so nice not dealing with frozen water buckets. They are great! The first year we had outside animals ..we hauled A LOT of buckets of water to 4 different lots/pens. Then we dealt with solid chunks of ice and most likely, cracked buckets.

❄We didn't have our little bantams chickens last year, and I didn't think about their water freezing. Well... they don't make small heated buckets for them. So I did some research and I made them a tin can water warmer. About $7.00, took about 15 min. to make. I'm using the OLD 60 watt incandescent light bulb, which heats the tin can, which keeps the water flowing.

❄ It's currently raining and the weather is suppose to drop tonight with we'll see how this goes.



I'm glad the weather has warmed up some. So much easier to work outside.

So...I've been working on several projects all at once throughout this year...seems to be a habit of mine... hmmmm....but I do complete them😅! I can say both of my chicken coops and runs are finally done to my liking!!

Last winter..we experienced a rat issue in the coops🤢😡. I use sand in my coops. I built both my coop run floors with a thick layer of 57's rock..then fencing wire to keep predators from digging under then put down landscaping material, then sand on top. We had been putting the chicken feed in feeders and feeding the chickens in the chicken runs. I'd noticed that they seemed to be eating a lot more feed...didn't think much about it...just kept filling the feeders. Then one day I happened by... and see a rat eating out of the feeders. I'd read that if you see them during the day then you have a real bad problem.

This is SO not cool!! Creeps me out!! We can hear them making squeaking noises(however you describe their chatter) at night in and behind the coops. Freaking out my chickens. My kiko goats where jumping around on logs because the rats where up where I had them. I hate those nasty things!! They made a huge mess of my chicken runs....digging up rocks into my sand ...making HUGE holes.

Researched and found the product "Just One Bite". Baited 4 chicken proof boxes...along with my hubby and some target practice....we soon where rat free.

So ...this past spring and summer I spent time digging out ALL (ugh) the sand and rock in both runs...then adding new smaller hard wire cloth in areas ...and used cement in really bad, big holed areas. They will NOT dig through the rocks and sand now! I hope!😳

Added some tin around the p**p boards for easier cleaning. I'm trying some sand on the p**p boards also ...see if it's easier to clean that way. Like scooping out a cat litter box.

I know that rats may come back....our traps are baited & ready for them!! And some more target complete the goat barn remodel...the inside is done ...need roof over porch and a few other things and it will be done. 🔨🛠



I don't know about you all, but I'm not liking this mini-winter thing we are having!! It's suppose to be fall ya'll !! 🍁 I've got lots of fall stuff to do outside...and when it's 32° out there....ummmm.... it's just not happening!! We had to dig out all the heated water buckets for the critters already😳. So not ready for winter😡

I have finally finished the inside of my goat barn remodel...using pine pellets has made a huge difference... it's easier to check their p**p....making sure we see urine smells ...super easy to clean out their pens. ✔

Next, getting the roof on the goat porch and hay feeder built. Hopefully there is warmer weather on the way ❤🌴

Just a few pics of goat barn remodel...more to come 🐐🐐




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