This is how pretty much how Porch4Pets will look. We have one more small part left to design, and Porch4Pets will become available for presale! (The wood you see is the display stand for this video, it isn’t part of Porch4Pets)
Here is the first view of Porch4Pets! This is one of the steps to installing Porch4Pets into an opened window. You can install Porch4Pets in less than a minute usually. 😎
Just a short demo of one of the installation steps for Porch4Pets. (You’ll be able to install it in less than a minute after you do it a few times 😎!
Porch4Pets. Your indoor pet 🐈⬛🐇🐭🐹🐰🦔 will ❤️ this!!
This is one of the issues which can be fixed very easily! We will show you the simple solution soon.
The fabrics will be easy to install and remove. You will be able to put the canopy onto the net enclosure (where your pet will go) by buttoning it on like this!
Hi! We finally got the first parts of Porch4Pets for testing! We discovered some small improvements which will be in the first drop of Porch4Pets