Good morning everyone.
On Monday 6 of our dogs were transported to Winnipeg to go on a transport to NFLD , with K9 Advocates. Unfortunate issues arouse , with the transport, and our dogs are coming back to Manitoba and so are all the dogs for K9 Advocates.
The who, what and why, of what happened to the transport , are not important at the moment.
What is important is that Lexi's Relief Rescue and K9 Advocates are in need of emergency fosters that can take in these animals , care for them and hold onto them until they workout details on another transport.
Ladies and gentlemen if you ever wanted to do a good deed this is the time.
If you can help foster an animal for either of our rescues please fill out a foster form and we will be in touch.
If any other of our partner rescues can help us out we would be grateful .
All food and supplies will be provided by the rescues , you provide the love , the safe place and assistance for some battle weary rescuers.
Negative comments will be deleted because at the moment we need HELP not BS.