#adoptdontshop #jaderabbitrescue #youcanmakeadifference #BunnyRescue Jade Rabbit Small Animal Rescue
Could you be Rogue’s forever home? While this sweet girl waits for her forever family she’s snacking on yummy Fuzzy Bunz treats. 😍 #adoptme #sweetbunny
🐇 Sending warm and fuzzy holiday wishes to our incredible rabbit-loving community! 🎄✨ May this Christmas bring you moments of joy, surrounded by loved ones, and may the New Year be filled with hope, happiness, and, of course, plenty of bunny snuggles. 🎁🌟 Thank you for your support—it means the world to us! 💚🐰
#MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #RabbitRescueFamily #JadeRabbitRescue
🎉🥳 Guess who’s jumping for joy?! Mama Henry and Fennel! They are such awesome and clever little buns that their foster home decided to keep them forever! These are some happy bunnies who will always be loved and cherished. Henry went from an auction house to being queen of the castle! 😍😍
We love a happy ending!
One of the best ways to find your special some-bunny is to foster. We provide all the supplies and vet costs, you provide the home, love and attention. We still have two lion head young female bunnies waiting for a foster home, a funny male Dutch bunny and we also have three babies and a mama needing a foster home! Please reach out and become rabbit obsessed like we are. 😂❤️❤️🐇
#jaderabbitrescue #fosteringsaveslives
🥬🫐 It’s Trader Joe’s Friday! ✨ We just want to give an awesome shout out to the Corvallis Trader Joe’s for helping out the rabbits in our rescue! The bunnies LOVE all the donated goodies and Fridays are now every-buns new favorite day.
We encourage everyone to support your local Trader Joe’s which works hard supporting their local community.
Thank you Corvallis Trader Joe’s!!! 💕🐰
For your enjoyment I’ve included a video of Mama Henry and Fennel loving the tasty treats from Trader Joe’s today. Mama Henry went back and even licked the bowl clean looking for more! BTW these cuties just got spayed and are searching for their forever home!
#youcanmakeadifference #adoptdontshop #jaderabbitrescue #corvallistraderjoes #traderjoes #helpyourcommunity
Here is a video from the Holiday Sweets litter the foster mom sent for some baby bunny cuteness for our followers. ❤️❤️
Amazon wishlist:
To donate towards their care for hay, bedding, vet care, etc:
Venmo: jaderabbitrescue (8296)
✨️ Available for Adoption ✨️
Rogue is available for adoption! Come meet this adorable little lady. 😍 She is spayed and RHDV2 vaccinated. She is such an amazing bun and she loves her treats! Thanks to Fuzzybunz for the amazing treat donations!
Adoption Application:
Buy yourself or the rescue buns some treats!
🚨Emergency Foster Needed 🚨
I was contacted by the manager of a gas station in Salem, OR which has 3 Lionhead rabbits that were dumped. This is a video that one of the employees took. I went out to this gas station last night after work at 2am to scope it out for trap placements and spent the early morning attempting to catch by hand and successfully caught one of the three rabbits at 4am (picture in comments, it's a girl!).
I absolutely do not have room for these buns but they need help ASAP. This is an extremely busy gas station on the corner of two MAJOR roads. They are living in tiny bushes right next to roads. It's only a matter of time before they get hit by car as they are completely trapped with no where to go. On top of that they are double maned lionheads, they absolutely cannot live outside at all with their extremely long coats that are already beginning to mat. This would be the equivalent of a toy poodle living outside in front of a gas station 😓.
I am partnering with Little Critter Crew to try to get these buns caught! They graciously agreed to take one under their rescue but they are also super full. Please consider opening your home to a foster bun! 💜 We both need foster homes, please contact them or us if you are interested in fostering. We provide all needed supplies, pay for all needed vet care and all you have to do is give love and know that because of you we got save a rabbit in need!
[email protected]
🍂Happy Thanksgiving 🍂
Happy Thanksgiving from everybun here at Jade Rabbit Small Animal Rescue! All the buns got a nice big green feast this morning. Here is a video of Annie and Deigo enjoying their feast (they are still available for adoption!). 💜
We are very thankful for everyone who supports our rescue. We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with joy and family.
🌈Binky Free Sweet Calcifer🌈
I woke up this morning and Calcifer had passed away suddenly. I have no idea why or what happened. I am really sad he didn't get to live a longer life but I am glad I was able to give him the best life possible as a sanctuary resident.
I remember when I got the message that someone had found a rabbit in the middle of the street in Salem who they thought had a head injury. He was in really rough shape as he couldn't hold himself up and constantly fell. Over time he became less and less wobbly as his body become stronger. He was my first disabled rabbit as a rescue and he taught me so much. I took him to many different vets and they didn't know what caused his condition, West Hills believed it was a spinal injury or nerve injury. He always scratched the ever living piss out of me because he couldn't control his limbs. I am glad I have a massive scar on my chest that I can look at and remember you by. 💜
I hope you can finally do a binky now.
Oh happy day! It’s BUNNY BUTT FRIDAY!! 🐰🍑🥳🥳 Put your BBF photos in the comments just for fun!
We have many wonderful buns available for adoption and are always in need of foster homes and donations! Visit us online or message us for more information https://www.jaderabbitrescue.com or donate at:
Venmo: jaderabbitrescue (8296)