Inugoya Rehoming & Rehabilitation

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  • Inugoya Rehoming & Rehabilitation

Inugoya Rehoming & Rehabilitation An experienced foster home, with a focus on GSD's and Rottweilers, in the Niagara Region of Ontario.

The washer and dryer has been generously covered (thank you!), but I haven't received a single donation today towards th...

The washer and dryer has been generously covered (thank you!), but I haven't received a single donation today towards the debt. I desperately need to get these payments sent. Please, please, please share. It's okay if you don't have a dollar to send, but your shares are what get my posts seen. And the rescue can't move forward if I keep dragging this debt on and on and on. Please help me eliminate it before years end ❤️


It was another slow day yesterday, but a couple donations came in, thank you! I was able to pay for Sunshine's meds, and also pick up some canned food, for general feeding, and for hiding those pills, lol, and some more groceries for her, to keep her mother's pudding production going, to keep her calcium and milk production up for her little chunkers. She is keeping up with their demanding appetites and not further losing weight so I call that a win. But I am looking forward to when they start to wean in a couple weeks, so that the demands on her body will be much less. But I keep the support going as best I can, because mom's milk is always best, and as long as she's comfortable and happy, and the puppies are comfortable and happy, will keep it going.

Unfortunately I am still trying to gather funds to make the payments on our debt. I desperately want to raise $600, $200 each, to get back to my minimum goal. Please, please keep sharing ❤️ To check out finer details, please see our GoFundMe here:

ALSO! Last night, awesome supporter Danielle MacFarlane reached out, to let me know she was upgrading her washer/dryer set in the new year. The old set works very well, and she'd love to give the rescue first shot at purchasing the pair. The price is $300, which is very fair, for a set that I know works, and has been well taken care of. This would be a wonderful Christmas present, to me, and the rescue ❤️ If you would like to donate towards their purchase, eTransfer to [email protected] and put washer/dryer in the notes. EDIT: The Washer and Dryer have been covered!! Thank you P 🥰🥰🥰

We have many awesome fundraisers still going, so please give them your love, and shares! Check them all out here:

And our amazing adoptables are all still waiting. Please share their profiles here:

Today is all about caring and sharing!! Please help my little rescue get seen ❤️

Let's Get These Tickets Sold!!I want to get this box under someone's tree! Please share, so we can get these tickets sol...

Let's Get These Tickets Sold!!

I want to get this box under someone's tree! Please share, so we can get these tickets sold ❤️


We need to put money in the bank, to pay our bills, and upcoming routine vet expenses. Selling the rest of these tickets needs to happen! The mystery box is starting to look amazing, and it's going to be well over $500 😱 It's a fantastic prize!!

Tickets: $100
ETransfer: [email protected]

50 available!

Yes, you can go halvsies with a friend!

Prize: A giant mystery box of dog goodies! Worth a minimum of $500!!

I will be collecting and adding to this box over the entire month until December 1st. It will be stuffed with all manner of wonderful things; some from our small business supporters, others that I pick up and purchase along the way, and some gift certificates too! It's going to be awesome, and huge, and full of love and gratitude from Durian, all the dogs, and myself. It's going to be the best present your dog ever got under the Christmas tree! AND will be shipped directly to you, so you dont have to worry about pick up 😊

Ways to support:

- Buy a ticket! Tickets are $100 each, with 50 available. As these are more expensive tickets, I'm allowing you to split the cost with a friend! The two of you will share in the goodies when they arrive :-) Don't have a dog? Win and consider donating to your favorite rescue organization! Again this prize can be shipped directly to them. Please note, if you're planning on sending this box across a Canadian border, please let me know as certain (treat) items cannot be shipped out of country.

- Donate an item for the box! If you would like to help stuff the box, please message the page with what you would like to contribute and I will arrange to collect it from you. Brand new items for this particular prize only please. Gift certificates also work well!

- SHARE! Sharing is the number one thing you can do. Will you help us make this happen?

Entry List Below:

1. Darlene Morin
2. Brenda Aarts
3. Brenda Aarts
4. Reyka Shepherd
5. Patricia McDermott
6. Diana Morris
7. Diana Morris
8. Rod Olliver
9. Julie Carpenter
10. Brenda Bakker
11. Jennifer O'Brien
12. Lauren O'Neill
13. Dawson Ross
14. Dawson Ross
15. Catherine Crooke
16. Patricia McDermott
17. Marlene Bosco
18. Faith Brown
27. Stephanie Mercier
42. Stephanie Mercier

Please Share!

SHARING SUNDAYIt was another slow day yesterday, but a couple donations came in, thank you! I was able to pay for Sunshi...


It was another slow day yesterday, but a couple donations came in, thank you! I was able to pay for Sunshine's meds, and also pick up some canned food, for general feeding, and for hiding those pills, lol, and some more groceries for her, to keep her mother's pudding production going, to keep her calcium and milk production up for her little chunkers. She is keeping up with their demanding appetites and not further losing weight so I call that a win. But I am looking forward to when they start to wean in a couple weeks, so that the demands on her body will be much less. But I keep the support going as best I can, because mom's milk is always best, and as long as she's comfortable and happy, and the puppies are comfortable and happy, will keep it going.

Unfortunately I am still trying to gather funds to make the payments on our debt. I desperately want to raise $600, $200 each, to get back to my minimum goal. Please, please keep sharing ❤️ To check out finer details, please see our GoFundMe here:

ALSO! Last night, awesome supporter Danielle MacFarlane reached out, to let me know she was upgrading her washer/dryer set in the new year. The old set works very well, and she'd love to give the rescue first shot at purchasing the pair. The price is $300, which is very fair, for a set that I know works, and has been well taken care of. This would be a wonderful Christmas present, to me, and the rescue ❤️ If you would like to donate towards their purchase, eTransfer to [email protected] and put washer/dryer in the notes. EDIT: The Washer and Dryer have been covered!! Thank you P 🥰🥰🥰

We have many awesome fundraisers still going, so please give them your love, and shares! Check them all out here:

And our amazing adoptables are all still waiting. Please share their profiles here:

Today is all about caring and sharing!! Please help my little rescue get seen ❤️

RIPPLE (BROWN)So I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're only thi...


So I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're only this little once!! Unfortunately the sweater came in XL 😅🤣 But it fits Sunshine, so I'll get photos of her later! The Santa suit should fit them perfect right about 2 weeks, at the rate they are growing! For now, a single sneak peak shot of each! To see all their photos, join our Patreon!! Just $1/month gets you all this squish 🥰

To make a one time donation to their care:

ETransfer [email protected]

SPRING (SPRING GREEN)So I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're o...


So I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're only this little once!! Unfortunately the sweater came in XL 😅🤣 But it fits Sunshine, so I'll get photos of her later! The Santa suit should fit them perfect right about 2 weeks, at the rate they are growing! For now, a single sneak peak shot of each! To see all their photos, join our Patreon!! Just $1/month gets you all this squish 🥰

To make a one time donation to their care:

ETransfer [email protected]

AURORA (PINK)So I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're only this...


So I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're only this little once!! Unfortunately the sweater came in XL 😅🤣 But it fits Sunshine, so I'll get photos of her later! The Santa suit should fit them perfect right about 2 weeks, at the rate they are growing! For now, a single sneak peak shot of each! To see all their photos, join our Patreon!! Just $1/month gets you all this squish 🥰

To make a one time donation to their care:

ETransfer [email protected]

GREEN PUPPYSo I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're only this l...


So I had ordered an XS Christmas sweater, and Santa suit, to take photos of the squishes; they're only this little once!! Unfortunately the sweater came in XL 😅🤣 But it fits Sunshine, so I'll get photos of her later! The Santa suit should fit them perfect right about 2 weeks, at the rate they are growing! For now, a single sneak peak shot of each! To see all their photos, join our Patreon!! Just $1/month gets you all this squish 🥰

To make a one time donation to their care:

ETransfer [email protected]

Please keep sharing ❤️ Only 16 shares today 💔 I want to believe that more of you will care & share 🙏https://www.facebook...

Please keep sharing ❤️ Only 16 shares today 💔 I want to believe that more of you will care & share 🙏


Again I have ended a week, not meeting the minimum $100 payment goal for each of the 3 remaining debts. Nevermind trying to catch up on the missed payments last week 💔😔 It eats away at me, and I desperately, desperately want to get it cleared. It's a lot of money, but it isn't insurmountable if everybody pitches in and does their part. I know everyone is struggling, and I know it's not an exciting thing to contribute to, but it 100% impacts the future of the rescue. Dragging this into 2024, for yet another year, just sets us back even further. Please help me reach this goal, to clear this debt by years end, so that we can finally start a year fresh, and out of the red. I promise, if we each do our small part, we can totally achieve this goal. It is doable.

To donate:

ETransfer [email protected]


Niagara Falls Animal Medical Centre 905-354-3827

McCleary Animal Hospital 905-822-1644

Please share 🙏❤️

THANK YOU NICOLE!!Nothing beats a good sale on one of our favourite toys! Thank you for sending these our way 🥰If you wo...


Nothing beats a good sale on one of our favourite toys! Thank you for sending these our way 🥰

If you would like to send some supplies to the dogs, please see our Amazon wishlist here:

I am currently most in need of:

- 1 more sturdy expen, to make a proper sized area for when the littles become super mobile
- towels
- blankets
- the donut bed would be nice for Sunshine as she likes to curl up outside the puppy pen
- an electric clothes dryer
- paper towels
- toilet training station for puppies (I tried the litter box method last time, and was not very successful. I have been recommended to try this way, to house train the littles, and am excited to try!)
- canned puppy/dog food
- Royal Canin Puppy Starter

But all items are welcome!

THERE ARE ALWAYS MORE URGENT DOGS IN NEEDYesterday I shared a post about a fellow rescue trying to find a spot for six G...


Yesterday I shared a post about a fellow rescue trying to find a spot for six German Shepherds that were extremely urgent. I'm pleased to say that those particular dogs all have spots, although two of them are only temporary and they are still looking for permanent safe spots. However this is not a rare occurrence. This is an everyday occurrence! This is yet another rescue with a massive waiting list of extremely urgent dogs. And again dogs that are likely to be shot or otherwise euthanized, if spots aren't offered in the time frame that meets the demand. So if you can help, reach out to them directly. They are always looking for fosters. And if you can adopt, then definitely start the process, as there are always dogs looking for homes. And if you're looking for a German Shepherd, or a Rottweiler, then I am ALWAYS accepting applications. Every application that comes in, is considered for every dog that I know exists. Whether already available through the rescue, on my waitlist, or on the many waitlists throughout the rescue network for dogs desperate for a spot. So many of them never see the light of day. And it's all because applications aren't coming in. Instead of criticizing, screaming, pointing the finger at others, step up and be part of the solution. These dogs need homes at the end of the day, they can't be warehoused forever. Step up and adopt today.

SUNSHINE UPDATEThe good news: her 4DX was negative, yahoo!The bad news: her f***l came back positive for Coccidia. Thoug...


The good news: her 4DX was negative, yahoo!

The bad news: her f***l came back positive for Coccidia. Though I'm not too worried about her, and she will start treatment, it IS something that is very risky to the puppies, and they can't safely take any meds until they are at least 2 weeks of age. But, we dealt with this with Nala's litter, and I am feeling confident we will get through it with Sunshine's litter 💪 Puppies can change at a moments notice, however, so diligence is key.

To donate towards the meds, and our ongoing costs:

ETransfer [email protected]

Martindale Animal Clinic 905-682-5551

PLEASE HELP!Again I have ended a week, not meeting the minimum $100 payment goal for each of the 3 remaining debts. Neve...


Again I have ended a week, not meeting the minimum $100 payment goal for each of the 3 remaining debts. Nevermind trying to catch up on the missed payments last week 💔😔 It eats away at me, and I desperately, desperately want to get it cleared. It's a lot of money, but it isn't insurmountable if everybody pitches in and does their part. I know everyone is struggling, and I know it's not an exciting thing to contribute to, but it 100% impacts the future of the rescue. Dragging this into 2024, for yet another year, just sets us back even further. Please help me reach this goal, to clear this debt by years end, so that we can finally start a year fresh, and out of the red. I promise, if we each do our small part, we can totally achieve this goal. It is doable.

To donate:

ETransfer [email protected]


Niagara Falls Animal Medical Centre 905-354-3827

McCleary Animal Hospital 905-822-1644

Please share 🙏❤️

WE WANT TO GO HOME!Okay guys, I need your shares! We need to make this post go viral, so we can find their familes! My y...


Okay guys, I need your shares! We need to make this post go viral, so we can find their familes! My year long Christmas wish was to find the remaining dogs their homes, and pay off our debt, and I'm failing on both accounts 💔

11 awesome dogs in need of forever families, 9 ready to go, and 2 taking apps, for when they are ready. All of them awesome, and deserving. Please, please PLEASE share this post. Let's get them home!!

All adoption info, and bios can be found here:

Niagara Region, ON

HELP!Yet again I am here begging for support. Unfortunately today, on $5 Friday, only two donations have come in :-( Not...


Yet again I am here begging for support. Unfortunately today, on $5 Friday, only two donations have come in :-( Not a single raffle ticket has been sold. And we don't have the funds to make payments on our outstanding debt from years past that I am still struggling to clear 💔 We weren't able to make payments last week, so we desperately need to make sure it happens this week. I know it's a struggle for many people right now, but your shares are everything. Please, please, please share. And if you have a dollar or two to donate, please send it today ❤️

ETransfer [email protected]

Or via our GoFundMe:

Hi Everyone, Lizz here, and I'm starting a new gofundme. We have been struggling … Lizz Wilson needs your support for Inugoya: Clearing the Rescue's Debt

DOGS STILL WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO GIVE THEM A CHANCENot one of these dogs has received any interest. These are just a *t...


Not one of these dogs has received any interest. These are just a *tiny* sampling of the countless dogs in need, desperately waiting for a rescue spot. I can't assist, without adopters. If you are 100% ready to add a dog to your home, please, PLEASE reach out for an application.

The dogs in this album are not yet safe in rescue. They are available for Foster to Adopt placement. Please read each bio for information on the individual dog. As I have NOT met and assessed these dogs yet, there WILL be unknowns. These dogs need 100% dedicated families to work with them through the transition. Many dogs will not have foundation skills: house training, crate training, leash training, basic obedience, socialization, and behavioural issue correction.

All dogs are placed under the rescue umbrella and applicants are subject to the regular screening process. As always, dogs are placed by best match ONLY, not by appearance/photo.

Inugoya will provide their initial vet care which includes: Intake exam, vaccinations (DA2PPv, Bordetella, Lepto, Lyme, and Rabies), Age appropriate wellness blood panel, f***l test, 4DX (heartworm and tick disease test), microchip, spay/neuter, hip xray, and flea/tick/heartworm prevention. Any medical issues will be addressed as discovered.

All adopters are require to attend formal dog training within 2 weeks of acquiring their new dog.

All adopters are required to obtain, and maintain pet insurance for their new dog.

All Inugoya dogs come with: A full bag of Royal Canin dog food, nylon leash & collar, biothane leash, collar, and training line from MyLeash, Training collar appropriate to the dog, a PuppyLED illuminated collar, the current seasons worth of flea/tick/heartworm prevention, and a coupon for Two Dogs Up Collars.

Inugoya will facilitate the meet & greet of approved applicants. I will ALWAYS be here for support, and to guide you through the transition. Please remember, this takes TIME, and LOTS OF IT.

If you are ready to add a new dog to your home, please message the page for an application to start the process!

WILL I GROW UP IN RESCUE TOO?I knew it would be slow, but I didn't expect *zero* interest 😔 Not a single person has reac...


I knew it would be slow, but I didn't expect *zero* interest 😔 Not a single person has reached out about me 💔 I would love to be starting to bond with my forever family, and learning about my next adventure. I am a TON of fun, and super smart! Fast, athletic and lithe! And small, so easy to take everywhere! Please consider opening your home to me, I promise, I'm a really good girl!!

Adoption info, and details here:

Niagara Region, ON

I've been told that one stocking is full, and four stockings have treats in them, thank you! If you're able to help fill...

I've been told that one stocking is full, and four stockings have treats in them, thank you! If you're able to help fill a stocking for an Inugoya dog for Christmas, they would be very grateful!


I am again partnering with the amazing Allison of Peninsula Pet Supplies to fill the dog's stockings! A full stocking is $70, but items start at just $5 🥰 And you can stuff them as much as you want! 2 crate mats each is perfect, for washing rotation! And they can never get too many treats and toys 🤣

There are 12 dogs in rescue at this time. Should someone get adopted during this time, I will send their stocking directly to them! Dogs looking for Secret Santas are:

Durian (Durian will have veggie appropriate treats substituted)

Please contact Allison directly to purchase the item(s). *DO NOT USE THE REGULAR RESCUE ETRANSFER * Payment can be sent via eTransfer to [email protected]

Thank you for making the dog's Christmas special 🥰

IT'S $5 FRIDAY: NEW RAFFLE ALERT!The amazing Alicia, RMT, has donated not 1, but TWO prizes of a 1hr massage. I don't kn...


The amazing Alicia, RMT, has donated not 1, but TWO prizes of a 1hr massage. I don't know about you, but I could really use one ☺️😌 This is valid for her service location, in Kitchener, ON.

Tickets are $5, or 5 for $20. Draw will be Saturday, Dec 16th.

ETransfer to [email protected]
Make sure to put that it's for the massage raffle!!

Please Share!!

P.S., check out all our active fundraisers here:

**COUNTLESS URGENT DOGS** Everyday, every rescue, shelter, and Humane Society across Ontario is inundated with requests....


Everyday, every rescue, shelter, and Humane Society across Ontario is inundated with requests. Most of these requests cannot be posted publicly, and are on a very short timeline. One of these dogs was Remix (photo), and I was able to help her because someone said yes! There's another dog that reminds me a lot of Remix, that is on the short list, and needs a Foster to Adopt IMMEDIATELY. If you're looking to add a dog to your home, please message the page for an application. Wishy-washy, half committal inquiries are not needed and are extremely unhelpful. If you are 100% ready to adopt a dog TODAY, and take them home almost immediately, then please request that application. This is just one of the countless dogs in my inbox, hoping to make it out before their euthanasia deadline. Dogs of all breeds, shapes and sizes. Though my focus is on Shepherds and Rottweilers, I'm happy to match any dog to a home, if I have an application in hand. Adopters are urgently needed. If you are looking to add a dog to your home now, get that application in. Absolutely no discussion will happen until an application is in hand. Please don't waste my time or yours.

What is known about said dog in question:

1-2yrs. M
Initial Observations: Barked excitedly at the front of the kennel. Very friendly, and bouncy, excited to see us.
Handling: No issues assessing his body, happy for attention and affection. Pulls on leash but not unmanageable.
Resources: No resource guarding seen. Took treats gently.
Dogs: Met a calm and balanced spayed female that we brought with us. ***** was very interested in meeting her and pulled on leash. Sniffed and walked away, was happy to do tandem walk together. Unable to test with other dogs.
Recommendation: Lovely boy! Knows sit and wants to be your best friend. Absolutely deserves rescue. A yard would be awesome for his zoomies.


MESSAGE THE PAGE for an application. All dogs are placed by best match according to their needs, and the prospective families lifestyle. Absolutely no dogs are placed by appearance or aesthetics.

(And a reminder that the photo, is of Remix, who has been adopted ;) )

Niagara Region, ON

WHERE ARE OUR HOMES??9 faces, all still waiting, for someone to want them. Until they are adopted, and my surgery happen...


9 faces, all still waiting, for someone to want them. Until they are adopted, and my surgery happens, I can't actively help, unless I have an approved home waiting. My energy wanes, and I desperately want to get these deserving dogs home. They have been waiting far, far too long. Please help me find their people!!!

All profiles and info can be found here:

Niagara Region, ON


THIS is why SO MANY rescues won't adopt to homes with kids, because the adults in the home are putting their lives at risk!! Dogs are NOT plush toys!! They are predators, and living beings with needs and boundaries. ADVOCATE FOR YOUR DOG!!

ADOPT ME!Just a handsome, young dog, growing up in rescue, hoping that some day, someone will want me 💔 I was just 5 mon...


Just a handsome, young dog, growing up in rescue, hoping that some day, someone will want me 💔 I was just 5 months old when I arrived, and now, I'm coming close to my second birthday. Another Christmas in rescue, another birthday in rescue...that's not how I envisioned my life. Will you please share my photo, so I can find my forever family, and break the cycle of being unwanted? I'm a little extra effort, but I promise I'm worth it!! Check out all my details through the link, and please message the page for an application, if you can make my dreams come true!!

All details and info here:

Niagara Region, ON

ANYONE WITH A TRUCK OR VAN FREE TOMORROW?There is a food pick up tomorrow, with the wonderful Gladys and team, but unfor...


There is a food pick up tomorrow, with the wonderful Gladys and team, but unfortunately I am not available to go, nor is my usual volunteer. This pick up is in PONTYPOOL. Are there any volunteers that would be able to make this pick up tomorrow? Preference for someone with a truck or van. Message the page if that's you!


We are working so hard to get a total of 24 skids for Saturday December 9, 2023

We don’t have an inventory of items yet, but we know we will have dog kibble available and maybe only a few spots for cat.

We will also have exotic bird seed, dog treats, miscellaneous dog and cat items, rabbit treats, mix of small critter food, some dog toys, pine bedding pellets, lots of fish items, dog coats and many more supplies.

Please send an email to [email protected] to book an appointment.


While supplies last!

The Inugoya Rehoming & Rehabilitation Annual Calendars can also be purchased in person here at Martindale Animal Clinic! Only $20 each

Payment by ETransfer to [email protected]

IT'S $5 FRIDAY: NEW RAFFLE ALERT!!I have not 1, but 2 new raffles to introduce! First, an amazing supporter has purchase...


I have not 1, but 2 new raffles to introduce! First, an amazing supporter has purchased, and donated back, a leash holder, and planter set! Second, another amazing supporter has donated not 1, but TWO prizes of a 1hr massage.

Prize 1) Your choice of GSD or Rotti leash holder, and planter ($190 value!). Prize INCLUDES shipping!

Prize 2) 1 hr massage by RMT ($110 value!), in Kitchener

Price 3) 1hr massage by RMT ($110 value!), in Kitchener

Both prizes make great gifts, whether for yourself, or someone else! Tickets are $5, or 5 for $20. Draw will be Saturday, Dec 16th.

ETransfer to [email protected]
Make sure to put which prize(s) you want your ticket(s) to go towards!

Planter & Leash Holder Entries:

- Katie Martin x 5

Massage #1 entries:


Massage #2 entries:


Please Share!!

P.S., check out all our active fundraisers here:



Momma Sunshine had her vet visit with the awesome Dr. Lindsay this afternoon 🥰 And she was perfect 😍 She loved meeting all the staff, and the liver treats were gobbled down. She was very well behaved for her physical, and we had no problems getting everything done that we wanted to ❤️

Today she had her full exam, f***l w/giardia check, 4DX, DAPv first booster, and microchip. She also picked up a dose of Advantage Multi as that's nursing mom friendly. I'll apply it once we get the test results back, 🤞crossed for no surprises 😅 We will do her bloodwork once she's put on some weight (similar to our plan for Nellie), as we can anticipate it will show certain deficits/anemia, and likely a parasite burden. So it's currently scheduled with her next visit in 4 weeks. Aside from being underweight, she has some mild tartar on her teeth, and she does have a bit of a bow legged stance in the rear, typical of most (byb) bully breeds. Mobility assessment was normal. But overall, a good report, and I'm glad nothing else has popped up so far 🤞 I'm expecting parasites on the f***l, as she's still having diarrhea, and given her background, would not be a surprise. I'll keep you posted there!

Afterwards we head across the street to Ren's, as she needed some winter gear, as I don't want her loosing a single calorie to the cold! Thankfully we had a little still in the bank account after the visit, so she picked up a sweater, and coat, to keep her snug as a bug! I had hoped to get you some better modeling shots, but by the time everything was said and done I realized we had now been away from her puppies for the maximum amount of time that was appropriate, so it was best we head back home. But rest assured she'll have more photos coming in future days :-) I think the burgundy looks great on her! She did really well in the store, was slightly suspicious of the artificial dog at the end of the aisle, but she did go up to it and check it out. She was very curious, and loved walking down all of the aisles! And we picked out a few toys for the puppies too.

Momma Sunshine will not be ready to move out until after the puppies are fully weaned, BUT she IS starting to entertain applications! Everything about her is telling me she's going to be an amazing family girl! She has done well with middle aged children, and I suspect would be just fine with younger, and proper boundaries. Dogs and cats with proper intros should be find as well. She's a medium energy girl, that will pry perk up a little once she's got some energy back, but doesn't strike me as an overly demanding dog. She does, however, insist on many pets and cuddles! If you think she could be the lovebug missing from your life, she is accepting applications! Adoption details and info here:

Niagara Region, ON




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