Ren said, “I’ll sit where I wanna sit, lady!” 🤣🤣🤣
When he hopped up on this small bench I was SURE he would fall… this video doesn’t do justice how beefy this cutie is and how THIN that bench is 😆😆 We have loved being able to work with Mr Ren and train him!! The pitties always have our hearts!! 🧡🤍
2 dogs working on calm on leash… well, does Not Steve count?! 😆
Khailo is one of our new dogs in training! Last week, we introduced him to the art of doing ✨nothing✨while on leash. Needless to say, he looked as relaxed as Not Steve does!! This step of training is super important to lay a foundation in walking, going out in public, and even doing place training! We are having such a blast with Khailo and can’t wait to continue to see his amazing progress!! 🐾
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Before teaching my dog how to do place, this video very accurately shows how my life was 🤣🙌🏻 Now, I have a space for my dog to go to while I’m cooking, cleaning, eating, or even just relaxing on my own for a bit! It has truly been a game changer. My dog can totally relax and be calm on place while I get things done! 💆🏼♀️
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Beautiful day for some training!!! 🐾 We worked around each others dogs, saw other dogs and people walk around, saw bikes, heard sounds, and sniffed allllll the smells!! 🧡🤍
We had a fantastic time the other evening working with one of our dogs in training, Murphy!! We were working with her and her owner on how to handle reactions to dogs and people while on walks and in public. I brought my personal dog, Kiwi, to aid in our lesson! Madeline was able to assist from across the street and talk through Murphy’s behavior, explain the behavior, and how to work through it. By the end of our lesson, Murphy was laying down without a care in the world that Kiwi and I were across the street!! It was amazing!!🧡🤍
Are you looking for help with your dogs while on walks? Fill out our contact form now to get started!