Linepithema sp. (pics 1, 3–8); Tapinoma melanocephalum (pics 2, 9–10)
Two more exotic species from the Yucatan greenhouse!
This Linepithema cf. angulatum (not L. humile since these have some pronotal hairs and humile don't) can be seen on my iNat posts:
They were abundant, traversing on plants collecting honeydew from Coccoidea scale insects.
These yellowish brown ants were just 2-3 mm long.
Tapinoma cf. melanocephalum: GHOST ANTS!
These weren't as frequent as the other two, I found them only on few plants/trees. Very fast, hard to catch. To catch them with my EntoTweezers, I placed some of my saliva onto their trail, which caused them to stop and search for another route, during that it was easier to catch them. They are just between 1 to 2 mm long!
Few years ago, B. Seifert published a paper describing a new tramp species called Tapinoma pithecorum, which is a darker version of T. melanocephalum. Apart from a discriminant made from many measurements (Seifert's favourite 😆), T. pithecorum can be distinguished by smaller scape, 3rd funicullar segment and maximum eye diameter shorter than in T. melanocephalum. Second funiculus segment is very short always shorter than wide.
More characteristics are found in:
SEIFERT, B. (2022). The previous concept of the cosmopolitan pest ant Tapinoma melanocephalum (FABRICIUS, 1793) includes two species(Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Tapinoma). Osmia, 10: 35–44. https://doi.org/10.47446/OSMIA)