❌Emergency Fundraiser ❌
Screaming HELP ‼️‼️‼️
0️⃣ is left needed on first findraider
3️⃣5️⃣7️⃣5️⃣ needed for medical for the second fundriaser for the second vets
A BABY horse 3 months old has been attacked by a stud, the babies neck is ripped and torn off, and flesh everywhere,‼️‼️ horrific, mom is no where around.! The baby is in severe distress.
this baby needs emergency medical attention!! No one has stepped up yet to get her the attention needed and people are waiting on photos? Theres no need to wait on photos ? All that matters is baby needs vet?! I messaged the lot and no one had stepoed up for baby yet, so i said " get that baby to vet first thing in am!" Theres bo need to wait on photos , ! We don't care about papers, breed, c**t or filly ?? If shana says it needs medical it needs medical ?? Its that simple! Border horse team is needed NOW !!! A baby needs our help ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
The funds for the baby, vet care, transoort to vet, transoort out of vets, medical care will prob be in house care, and medical board needed. We need all vet care now not just the deposit !