
Woopie Woopie hero comes to Earth

How to determine the portion size? 😻To determine the correct size of a portion of dry food for a pet, several factors mu...

How to determine the portion size?
To determine the correct size of a
portion of dry food for a pet, several factors must be taken into account:👇

🔸 Age For example, a puppy or kitten should be fed often but in small portions, adult animals - less often and in larger portions.
🔸 Weight. The more the pet weighs, the larger the portion it needs to saturate the body.
🔸 Size and breed. For example, small and large breeds of dogs need different amounts of food, so the norms will differ.
🔸 Mobility. If the furrier is active, the portion size is larger than in those who lead a more lazy lifestyle.
🔸 Calorie content of feed. When calculating the portion size, this indicator should be taken into account so that the pet does not overeat high-calorie food, or vice versa - consumes enough low-calorie food.

And how much feed do you give your pet?👇

What do you know about a dog's nose?🔸Each dog's nose has its own unique imprint, like human fingerprints.🔸Dogs don't hav...

What do you know about a dog's nose?

🔸Each dog's nose has its own unique imprint, like human fingerprints.
🔸Dogs don't have a wet nose because they have runny nose problems. There are special glands in the nose that produce fluid to lubricate the nasopharynx and enhance the sense of smell.
🔸Dogs have a special nose structure. They have a dense membrane in their nose, and two channels that are independent of each other. One dog breathes, the other sniffs.

Know other features!?💌

😻Every pet owner has his own story of getting to know him😻Friends, write in the comments how you found your four-legged ...

😻Every pet owner has his own story of getting to know him😻

Friends, write in the comments how you found your four-legged friend👇

When the h**p was collected, they immediately began to conduct experiments.🐾Woopi and Nina wanted to help the animals. R...

When the h**p was collected, they immediately began to conduct experiments.
Woopi and Nina wanted to help the animals. Returning to the shelter, they gave the animals h**p treats. Animals greedily ate h**p. And immediately the animals began to live.
Woopi and Nina start making more and more soothing treats for each pet in the shelter. And in this way he cured all the animals.
After the superheroes rescued the pets from the shelter, on their way home, they noticed a dark alley with puddles of urine, blackened yellow grass and a strong pungent smell that made it difficult to breathe...

🐾The next day, Woopi and Nina come to the laboratory with great inspiration to create a cure to help the monsters.🐾Woopi...

🐾The next day, Woopi and Nina come to the laboratory with great inspiration to create a cure to help the monsters.
Woopi has never encountered such a problem, so he was afraid that he would not be able to help.
When Woopi fell asleep he had a dream "Woopi smiles and sees the DOG KING picking h**p. The Dog King smells the h**p and relaxes."
Woopi immediately wakes up Nina and Chuck tells her about the dream and immediately they are flying on cannabis.

🐾Woopi gets a message on her phone "Please, we need your help. We're on the brink of death and we need a superhero to sa...

🐾Woopi gets a message on her phone "Please, we need your help. We're on the brink of death and we need a superhero to save us."
Woopi, Nina and Chuck go to the shelter and help.
When they arrived at the shelter, they saw a terrible picture.
Whoopi immediately asked the director of the shelter "what happened to these animals?"
Some are depressed, some just don't want to eat normal food, and some eat cream pies. And we can't every day pamper the animals with cream pies.
Woopi listened attentively to the erector of the prytuk and in response said that he would return if he invented a cure.

One day Chuck called Woopi with a request to cure the animals.🐾Whoopi and Nina set out on the road, when they arrived th...

One day Chuck called Woopi with a request to cure the animals.
Whoopi and Nina set out on the road, when they arrived they saw many sparrows and cats. Whoopi and Nina were shocked to see the animals next to the trash. Walking through the streets, they saw happy animals and it made them smile.
When Woopi and Nina met Chuck with the puppies, they treated them to treats. Whoopi looks at the phone with tears in her eyes.


🎬Part 2!
Nina and Woopie set out on the road, when they arrived they saw many animals. Woopie and Nina were shocked when they saw the garbage with the animals next to it. They met with Chuck and had treats. Woopie looks at the phone with tears in her eyes.
A notification has been received
"Please, we need your help. We are on the brink of death and we need a superhero to save us." Woopie and Nina immediately go to the dog shelter and see a terrible picture.
When Woopie asked the shelter director "what happened to these pets?" he replied that many of them were overcome by depression. They have lost their senses after losing loved ones or other traumatic experiences. After listening to all the stories of the deretor, Woopie promised to return. Woopie was very upset because the animals had mental problems, but Woopie didn't know what to do or how to cure it.
When Woopie fell asleep, he had a dream that with the help of h**p you can cure animals. Woopie and Nina went to collect h**p and sat down to conduct experiments. When they made the medicine, they immediately went to the shelter to check whether the medicine was working.
Woopie and Nina start making more and more soothing treats for each pet in the shelter. And in this way he cured all the animals.
After the superheroes rescued the pets from the shelter, on their way home, they noticed a dark alley with puddles of urine, blackened yellow grass and a strong pungent smell that made it difficult to breathe.


One night Woopi had a dream that he had invented a chewing gum that cured severe animal diseases.
When Woopi told his parents about this great idea in response, he heard that he would not succeed. But Woopi was not even upset, as it was his dream, he was ready to prove that he could invent medicine.
Without thinking, Woopi went to the pharmacy for the necessary vitamins and immediately began to work. Woopi did not leave the thought that he should invent this medicine as soon as possible. When Whoopi came up with the formula and got acquainted with vitamins, he went for a walk around the city. Woopi came across a wounded patrolman and decided to help him gave him a chewing gum and the Sheriff immediately got to his feet.
The sheriff was very surprised! The sheriff appointed Woopi to provide all the animals with medical care. The whole city thanked Woopi for saving the animals!
The mayor called Woopi on the phone. A resident of the planet Earth called Woopi Chuck. Chuck praised Woopi for his heroism and invited him to his planet to help animals. Woopi is a real superhero who agreed to help the second planet!

A dog is man's best friend. The only living being that loves you just for who you are. We continue to consider the reaso...

A dog is man's best friend. The only living being that loves you just for who you are. We continue to consider the reasons why you need such a friend.

6. New acquaintances and social circle of dog breeders
Your social circle will expand, because you will need to discuss with someone the problems of raising and training a pet. You will get acquainted not only with people who, like you, do not have deep knowledge in keeping pets, but also with experienced dog breeders, cynologists, and veterinarians. Among dog owners there are people of various professions and ages. You will be able to make new acquaintances, find friends and like-minded people with whom you can share the problems and successes of your relationship with the dog.

7. A true friend with whom you will not get bored
The dog will always be there, it will become your true friend, with whom it is interesting to spend time. Pets quickly become attached to the owner and remain faithful to him until the end of their lives. You will not get bored with them: they are always ready to join the game, they are happy to pose for family photo shoots. With them you can travel by car, play football, relax in nature - any of your activities with a dog will become much more exciting.

8. Dogs save lives
The advantages of a dog are not only in its natural sociability and openness, but also in developed instincts. These animals have a subtle and sensitive scent, which is why they are used in the work of saving people after disasters and earthquakes. There are thousands of cases when they helped find lost children, and warned about fires and floods. In pets of service breeds, such abilities are more developed, however, after special training, guarding skills can be taught to any dog.

9. New knowledge
To properly care for a dog, you will have to learn a lot of new things: how to feed the animal, how to protect it from diseases, how to train and socialize. The owner is responsible for the behavior of the pet, so every dog owner is advised to enroll in training courses and learn how to control the dog. The more you know about the habits and physiology of pets, the faster you will establish contact with your dog, win his trust and love.

10. Close-knit, friendly family
It is believed that in families where there is a dog, there are fewer conflict situations and domestic quarrels. Thanks to a pet, family members communicate more with each other, are united by common interests and care for the animal. Caring for a dog helps to realize the responsibility for her life, to understand how important the attention and love of people are for her.

15 reasons why you should get a dogOften people become pet lovers unexpectedly for themselves: having adopted a homeless...

15 reasons why you should get a dog

Often people become pet lovers unexpectedly for themselves: having adopted a homeless dog, succumbing to the request of a child. Whatever the reason, becoming the owner of a dog, it is impossible not to be imbued with love and respect for these animals. There are many reasons that push people to get a dog. We have identified 15 of them, and we will gradually disclose them in the posts. After reading them, you will definitely become the happy owner of a beautiful pet.

1. Socializing with animals reduces stress
For many people, companionship with a dog helps to cope with stress and fatigue. During active games with a pet, blood pressure normalizes, the blood supply to the brain improves, due to which a person feels an emotional upsurge. Dog owners are more organized, so they endure psychological and physical overload more easily. There is even an opinion that dog breeders live longer than those who do not have warm feelings for pets.

2. Reason to move more and start exercising
Dogs love their owners not for their appearance, talents and success at work, but simply because they exist. The selfless and boundless love of your pet is a great incentive to start playing sports. When you bring a puppy home, you will have to take a walk in the fresh air every morning to walk the dog, keep fit to play with your pet; take care of your health, because in case of illness there will be no one to take care of your animal. Use the arrival of a dog in your home as an excuse to get active.

3. Nanny and friend for children
Listing the advantages of dogs, one cannot ignore how carefully and jealousy they treat children. A four-legged friend will become a caring and attentive nanny for children: she will look after a sleeping child, play with him or, conversely, calm him down.

4. Raising responsibility in children
Communication with a dog teaches children responsibility, sensitivity and patience. Caring for a dog helps a child gain self-confidence and self-esteem. With his pet, it will be easier and more interesting for him to do household chores and school assignments.

5. Reason to change your lifestyle
When a dog appears in the house, you simply cannot be irresponsible and lazy. You will have to change your lifestyle, daily routine in order to take your pet for a walk on time, feed, educate and train it.

The dog will not be obedient if it is not taught discipline from childhood, to maintain health and physical activity, it needs frequent walks and adherence to the feeding regimen. To ensure comfortable living conditions for her, you will have to adapt to her “biorhythms” and temperament: get up early, walk in the mornings and evenings, do not stay at work if the pet does not tolerate loneliness.

Hile such news envelops the Dog-Cat World, the story of Woopie’s heroism also makes its way onto the other planets. Broc...

Hile such news envelops the Dog-Cat World, the story of Woopie’s heroism also makes its way onto the other planets. Brock, who was loved by his masters, got injured while saving them. After all their efforts, the doctors could not get him walking up again. He had loyally served his time with the Drugs Enforcement Agency. But he had nothing to do now. One day, when he was on the brink of hopelessness, he opened a link that led him to the story of Woopie. Now, he could see it, the saviour of the dogs and cats. He wrote down a long request and mailed it to Woopie, telling him how the dogs and cats of the pet world were suffering from all kinds of physical and mental disorders and how badly his help was needed there.

When Woopie returns home after his interaction at the radar, the mail perfectly balances the situation. He decides it. He will go and serve them. Two days later, Woopie appears in the central square, the biggest gathering place for the town and bids his farewell to the town. That day he was seen in his superhero outfit with a proud tail and alarmed ears. He stood in the manner of the Dog King.

The great journey is covered in a brilliant spaceship, and Nina sits beside Woopie. Their first goal is to get to Brock and heal him. ''Maybe he can provide us with some assistance as well; after all, he has worked with the authorities,'' as Nina is uttering these optimistic words, Woopie is numbed by a horrible sight. Right before his eyes, a hyena injures a cat and runs away with her baby. Woopie unfolds his scooter and starts chasing the hyena. After a couple of minutes of struggle, he catches up to him.
A fierce battle ensues between them. At first, the hyena throws a gruesome punch at him, but Woopie heals himself after every attack. He finally defeats and returns proudly, carrying the kitten on his shoulder. Nina and the mother cat are both delighted beyond their senses.

Before the sunset, Woopie and Nina arrive at Brock’s place. ‘‘ I can't believe my eyes, you actually came, God,'' Brock was stunned. He escorted them to the drawing-room, and it was there they treated until the dinner time hit. Woopie told Brock about his intentions. ‘‘ Team. A time is what you will need down here. I have done much service for the humans, so I will work with you. We can get hold of a couple of good guys and propagate our holy mission. If we can use your super energy, everyone can be saved,'' proposes Brock. Woopie and Nina look toward each other and silently smile. That night as Woopie lies down, his heart went up with the motivational energy. He plans to present his plan to the dogs and cats at the dawn break and struggle to achieve the physical and mental well being of all cats and dogs.

When he returned home, he saw the same old smile on his aged father's face, and he knew what he was going to say '' Reme...

When he returned home, he saw the same old smile on his aged father's face, and he knew what he was going to say '' Remember what I told; you were meant for greater things'' He could see his old mother unwrapping a pie that contained his formula. That night they had a happy dinner. The Dog City lived more harmoniously afterwards because they started using those products regularly. These products generated an unprecedented level of happiness in the Cat-Dog community. A statue of Woopie was erected beside the Dog King and the Queen Cat, which declared him the superhero of both dogs and cats.

But Woopie was destined for more service and name. After he had served in the Dog-Cat World, he talked to the Mayor and explained to him that he aspired to serve other animals now. He had established the dynasty of happiness and prosperity in the Dog-Cat World, and now he wanted to serve the pet dogs and other animals of the World.

Just a week later, when Woopie is just tossing around the wrapper of an energy chewing gum, he receives the Mayor's call. When he goes to the radar station, something's on his mind too. Everyone is certain of the responsibility it arouses. The immediate headline on the Dogs-Cats channel spreads an emergency ‘‘The pet dogs in the human World need our help; they have managed to send some signals that surely cannot translate their grief and misery. What will be the next move. Will the Mayor do something? Can we count on Woopie to go there after all?’’ were the words on everybody’s tongue.

As Nina and Woopie were baking just another pie, they heard the news on the radio. The Mayor of Dog City declared the vi...

As Nina and Woopie were baking just another pie, they heard the news on the radio. The Mayor of Dog City declared the victory and appreciated the efforts of Woopie by naming him the war hero of the Dog City. ‘‘If it were not for the healing powers of Woopie and his brilliant ideas, we would have lost the war by now’’ was his tribute to Woopie.

Two days later, the city administration held a victory celebration and invited Woopie as the chief guest. He was wearing the same orange suit, with a red cape and shoes, his one ear erect and the other lying down as usual. He was awarded the highest heroism award ''The Dog King Award''of the Dog City. In his address, he stated that '' When I grew up, I was only told that the soldiers and police dogs were the heroes. I grew up in the hopelessness that I would fade away, unable to do something for the dogs and cats of this city. Even when my powers were first discovered, I had a little hope only. But as time passed, we witnessed that the supreme power was not to fly through the air or breath fire through his mouth. It is belief and faith in the collective good and his aspiration to do something for his folk and neighbourhood. I stand before you to declare that I am not the only hero, my fellow Nina, who not only inspired me but also helped me in executing this plan.’’

As he returned from the ceremony with Nina, she burst out from the first seat, “ Woopie, have a look at that billboard. Is that not you in your orange hero suit.'' Woopie stared out of the window and saw himself on every city billboard on their way. He requested Nina to take the route of mountains. After all, that was the last scene in his meaningful dream.

Just before four o clock, the alarm beeped heavily on his table and woke him up. He woke up and instantly dialled the nu...

Just before four o clock, the alarm beeped heavily on his table and woke him up. He woke up and instantly dialled the number of Nina.

''Nina, I need your help. Can you come to the lab right now'' said Woopie running from one cabin to the other of his lab. After half an hour, Nina entered the lab. Woopie told her what he dreamt and said he had a brilliant idea. They would utilize her skill in baking with his superpower of creating vitamins. They would produce food for the entire population of the Dog City. ''Imagine, we can heal everyone by doing nothing. All we need is a huge bakery or maybe multiple of them'' spoke Woopie in his excitement. '' But I do not have such a huge setup.''

''Do not worry, Nina, I have already called the Mayor. The facilities of the entire city are at our disposal. He is just coming here to meet us, and we can begin the ex*****on of our plan.'' After some moments, the Mayor came with a smile of happiness on his face. He told them he had already arranged it with all the bakeries. On the same day, Nina and Woopie shifted to the largest Bakery in the city and started producing gums, cakes, pies, and different sorts of treats for the people.

For this special event, day in and day out, they worked there. The ambulances, police cars, and vehicles only fulfilled the purpose of delivering cakes, pies, and gums. The fallen soldiers recovered within a few days, and the war-torn people healed quickly. A few days later, the full division of the dogs and cats army defeated the raccoon platoons. They conquered their states and subdued them.

The Mayor called upon Woopie every day to check the status of vitamins, but to his dismay, the number of vitamins produc...

The Mayor called upon Woopie every day to check the status of vitamins, but to his dismay, the number of vitamins produced every day was even less than half of the required numbers.

''I wish there is any other way out of this, but you know well that the technology of those damned raccoons surpass ours. We can only rely upon you to come with some solution'' was the Mayor's request while he was shedding tears.

‘‘ I will not let you down, Sir.'' Were the only words of consolation he could convey to the Mayor's dwindling heart.

That night, as he was about to sleep in his lab, he thought about all the good times when he used to sleep on the roof. Before this power and this war-ridden city, he could see the sky filled with countless stars. He would try to read their pattern to know what fate had in store for him. Tonight, he silently asked for help from the ancient Dog King to inspire wisdom in his mind and give him one mind-blowing idea. As he slept, he saw that he was at the court of the king, and a huge feast was organized in his honour. The Dog King relished a butter cake that Nina had made. He was talking about the eternal qualities of food that made them so essential for the life of dogs.

As Woopie saw a group of health workers carrying dogs and cats into the ambulances, he thought about the night the inspe...

As Woopie saw a group of health workers carrying dogs and cats into the ambulances, he thought about the night the inspector had come to their home. Woopie did not believe what he said. He had concluded that it was just some maneuvering talk of the inspector to get him into research for the sake of the Mayor's daughter. But he never thought why they kept them afterwards. It was not a question of one dog or cat; it was the city's integrity created by the Cat Queen and Dog King that was at stake.

‘‘Nina, hurry up to the home and do not leave the place until we have a secure footing.’’ ''Okay. And don't take too much upon your head, I will keep a look at your parents in the meanwhile,'' said Nina while closing the door of his lab. ''Now everything is going to centre around me. I will have to take the burden of this war upon my shoulder and produce as many vitamins as I can. But how shall I surpass my power? Surely it is not enough for the entire city. Even after working day and night, I can only save a handful of people’’ were the silent thoughts that seeped through Woopie’s mind. But he was not someone who would give up. After all, the opportunity was what he always wanted; to do something for the city and be anointed as the superhero of Dig-Cat world.

During the war, Dog City presented a spectacle of barren land. The cats formed groups and lived together in hidden zones while the dogs established their life patterns. At any rate, the city was deserted, markets were permanently closed down, and after five o clock, the city was dead. Silence ringed through the skyscrapers of the Dog City.

Two days later, Woopie went to the city hospital. They had already received the initial reports from the Cats Counseling...

Two days later, Woopie went to the city hospital. They had already received the initial reports from the Cats Counseling Centre. They escorted Woopie to an asylum where he met some mentally disturbed cats and dogs. ''That one on the ninth bed is Mayor Mika's daughter. Go and see if you can try your luck on her'' explained the leading dog scientist.

Woopie fed her with a white vitamin, and after a few moments, she came to her senses and was as calm as if she were never diagnosed with a mental imbalance. The scientist congratulated him on this miraculous achievement. Thus began a new era in Woopie’s life. From Monday to Sunday, he would spend his entire time creating little chewing gums for the patients in different wards. He was finally hoping to become somebody famous and the city's savior. The window of his room was substituted with the shelves of different potions.

He wished for the old times, but when he thought about it, he concluded that our wishes change with time, and we must progress and catch every possibility of achievement and prosperity. One week later, as he was showing Nina other chewing gums and tablets that his power had created, he heard the terrible news. The Cats news channel aired news of the outbreak of a horrible war between Dog city and The Raccoon States.

Woopie spent most of his time in his room, looking out of the window, unable to do anything. Now and then, Nina would co...

Woopie spent most of his time in his room, looking out of the window, unable to do anything. Now and then, Nina would come, and they would stroll through the jammed streets of the Dog City, and afterward, Nina would take him to her home and present some yummy treats to him.

Today, as they were walking down Vera street, a criminal bumped into them and snatched the bag from Nina. He was quickly chased by a police dog, Nina and Woopie. When they finally caught him, he dropped the bag and vanished after hurting the inspector. Woopie’s breath was roused; he did not know how to deal with such a situation. His dream replayed in his mind, and he quickly created a rare vitamin that healed back the inspector in minutes.

The inspector dog could not believe his eyes at the Woopie’s powers. He took his name and detailed address. By half-past seven, the inspector rang the doorbell and was escorted to his room by his mom and dad.

The inspector had a brilliant opportunity for Woopie. ‘‘ I have talked to the Mayor about what you did today. He wants to meet you and request the trial of your powers in the City hospital and research centre. If the hypothesis is true, we are on the brink of outright war with the raccoon army. If this happens, we can utilize your powers in almost every dimension,'' said the inspector.
‘‘Sir, if my powers can save the Dog City, then I will fulfil my vows'' firmly replied Woopie.

He saw Nina at the bus stop, who was waiting for the bus. And he had already come to terms with the fact that, like her,...

He saw Nina at the bus stop, who was waiting for the bus. And he had already come to terms with the fact that, like her, he would do ordinary things in order to secure a safe future for himself. He asked Whoopi to follow him back to the office. Woopie was feeling hesitant, but he followed the stranger to the office. When he entered, the old cat rose from her seat for the first time since he had first seen her. She told him that he possessed an unprecedented superpower in the Dog City, and that was the most useful power that Dog City would need in the coming days. ‘‘ You can create organic vitamins that have super healing powers. You cannot only heal the physical wounds, but you can also mitigate the psychological oppression. You will change the shape of Dog City, Woopie’’ added the old cat in her excitement.

That day as Woopie was walking down to his home, he could not make up the meaning of her words. ‘‘ That old cat is always useless. What exactly am I going to do with this power? I don’t think I can become a superhero with it. If I could only fly, I would have been the superhero of the Dog City’’ were Woopie’s hidden thoughts. He could not see the immense impact he carried with his regenerative powers.

He had already told them what he wanted to become on his last visit. There was nothing new in the visits, but he thought...

He had already told them what he wanted to become on his last visit. There was nothing new in the visits, but he thought his dream had a meaning, so he just took another shot at it. ‘‘ Is there something you want to tell us before we take another diagnosis of you’’ said the old cat moving her glasses to the tip of her nose. ‘‘ There is actually something I saw last night, but I am still confused,'' replied Woopie. ‘‘Just be out with it; that's what we are here for,'' insisted the old cat like always.

When Woopie narrated his whole dream to her, she dropped back in the chair and took a deep breath. Woopie could sense that something was really up this, so he aroused his ears to listen to her. Before making remarks, she rang her office bell, and after a couple of minutes, the whole counselling team was standing around Woopie. They diagnosed him according to the directions of the old cat, and when they were done, he was sent outside to wait. After the conversation, he sat down on an orange bench and a feeling of annoyance and chagrin swept over him.

As Woopie was closing his eyes tonight, he dreamt himself dressed like a hero dressed up in an orange suit, wearing a ca...

As Woopie was closing his eyes tonight, he dreamt himself dressed like a hero dressed up in an orange suit, wearing a cape. His picture was displayed on the billboards stating ‘‘ The hero of the Dog-Cat World.''

He was a natural healer who worked with doctors and law enforcement agencies. In his dream, he was approaching a unit of defeated police dogs who had been attacked by a herd of raccoons. At once, he produced a healing chewing gum and fed them to the dying dogs. In moments they rose from the ground. After thanking Woopie, they hopped on the car and ran their car towards the city. Woopie went to the mount Sherina and stood there gazing upon the Dog City that needed him.

Mom woke Whoopi in the morning, but he understood that today would definitely bring him good luck. He called the cat's counseling center and booked an appointment. After fetching his breakfast, he ran off to the cats counseling center on Ninth avenue. There he met his friend Nina and shared his feelings with her. ''I think I have hit the point now; I think it's my time”. Excited, he went into the office to the old cat.

Heroes live among us. But only with the course of certain circumstances can their gift be revealed. This happened to our...

Heroes live among us. But only with the course of certain circumstances can their gift be revealed. This happened to our little hero Woopie. he had always wanted to be a police dog power to eradicate the increasing crime in the Dog City? It was his dream ever since he stepped for the first time in the DC cats and dogs school.

He couldn't understand why he was denied. After all, he completed all the tasks. With tears in his eyes, he went to the kitchen. The father of the future hero was always proud of him, and at the moments when his son began to despair, he spoke encouraging words to him: ''Maybe you are meant for greater things, son”.

The Dog City is a wonderful community where cats and dogs live side by side harmoniously. Some years ago, it was recorded that a truce was struck between the ancient cat Queen Jerry and Dog King Mokumok. They united their kingdoms to combine the dog and cat powers against the existential threats constituted by hostile animals. Since then, a hybrid community formed.

The dog and cats in the modern Dog city honed their natural talents and skills in various schools to serve their city. When Whoopie went to bed, he again plunged into his thoughts.




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