Joy in a Box

Joy in a Box We are here to spread the love ans joy of the festive season to our 4-legged friends who cannot speak or fend for themselves.

We kindly ask our animal lovers to pledge a gift box filled with certain useful items to our shelter animals.

Please people, educate yourselves. Pets cannot give you COVID 19. It is human to human transmission. The best thing to d...

Please people, educate yourselves. Pets cannot give you COVID 19. It is human to human transmission. The best thing to do is stay at home and love your pets.

URGENTLY SEEKING ADOPTION: Please spare a moment and read Mea's story.My name is Mea. A kind lady who has been  feeding ...

URGENTLY SEEKING ADOPTION: Please spare a moment and read Mea's story.

My name is Mea. A kind lady who has been feeding me named me Mea, as she does not know what my owners used to called me. I wasn't always a stray. My owners did not sterilize me, so I became pregnant. It wasn't my fault, there were so many male dogs chasing after me, some were strays, some had owners. When my owners realised that I was pregnant they did not want to take responsibility for the puppies on their way, so they put me in the car and drove to a place I didn't know. They let me out the car and drove away. I ran after them, but the car was to fast. I waited for them to come back, but they never did.

A kind lady came one day to feed some other strays and I was so happy to see her. I wanted to go home with her, but she explained that she cannot take me home. She promised to come back every day to feed me and give me some love. Two weeks after I met the kind lady, I gave birth to 4 puppies. It was raining a lot at that time. The kind lady tried everyday to make sure that my pups and I could keep dry. She covered us with her umbrellas, which helped a lot, until someone stole them. She then found half of a pet crate and covered us again, but that was also stolen after a while. Luckily my pups got bigger and the rain didn't come as often anymore.

Some people came and took my pups. It wasn't the kind lady, because she was looking for them when she couldn't find them. She said she hopes that some good people took them and are treating them well. She hopes that they are loved and cared for and not chained up all day.

Once my pups were all gone, the kind lady came to fetch me and took me to PAWS to get sterilized. I am so happy now, knowing that there will no longer be packs of male dogs chasing me down to make more babies. The bush is no place for pups to be born, it is a hard life on the streets.

I am a good girl and I would love to have a forever home of my own. It is difficult living on the street. There is wind and rain and storms that the humans call cyclones. We have very little place to seek shelter and some humans in the area don't like having us around. The kind lady built us a shelter when the 1st cyclone warning came, but someone broke it down and stole the things that she used to build the shelter. There are also some humans who aim fireworks at us and try to hit my friends and I with it. This is very scary for us and we have no-one to keep us safe when this happens.

I heard the kind lady say that she is starting to fear for our lives, as there are people deliberately trying to hurt us. Today I got hurt on my head and leg. The kind lady said she will fetch me in the morning to take me to a vet and have the wounds treated, my leg will need stitches, she says.

I am praying that there is someone extremely special, who will read my story and fall in love with me to give me a warm and loving forever home, where I will have food and water daily and all the necessary treatments that I need to keep me safe and healthy. I would love to be an inside dog and treated as part of a family because I love to cuddle and I know how to behave well. I know the kind lady will miss me terribly, but she says that my safety and wellbeing is more important. Please special human, pick me to be your forever companion.

Today was another joyous day. It feels so great to give. Today we drove to Vocoas to deliver the last items from our Joy...

Today was another joyous day. It feels so great to give. Today we drove to Vocoas to deliver the last items from our Joy in a Box Christmas campaign. This was received with open arms by Pretty Saachi- "Rescuer of Animals in Distress", who was asking for food donations on facebook, just this morning. She showed us the huge amount of rice that she cooks twice a day to feed all the hungry strays she looks after. Well done Pretty and thank you for what you do for these animals. If anyone could help Pretty with donations, please get in contact with her.


It is so crucial for more people to realise that sterlisation is the only way to make a difference and to reduce the stray population. I have managed to convince my cleaning lady to have her 2 dogs sterlised soon. She didn't think it was necessary because it is a male. I explained to her that her male is the reason I end up bottle feeding stray puppies at my house, because he escapes from her yard (which is a problem for her as he jumps the wall). He then finds multiple female strays to mate with, he will never stop until he is sterilised. If we all can only try to educate the people we are in contact with and once they understand about sterilising, then ask them to educate others also. Word of mouth is extremely effective. Every effort towards sterlisation helps, every single dog that gets sterlised means 16 less stray puppies being born each year (this is from only 1 female) and males are a bonus as they male with multiple females. Please spread the word and encourage sterilisation.


Something to remember for those who deal with pregnant or lactating females.


Good to know this


Mauritius Cyclone Updates

Cyclone Warning Bulletin Mauritius (English Version)- Mon, Dec 30, 2019 - 16:10 hrs

A cyclone warning Class III is in force in Mauritius.

A cyclone warning Class III is in force in Mauritius.

Eighth cyclone bulletin for Mauritius issued at 1610 hours on Monday 30 December 2019.

All the observations indicate that the severe tropical storm CALVINIA has remained almost stationary at about 90 km off the coast of Mahebourg. At 1600 hours, it was centered near the point 20.5 degrees South and 58.3 degrees East.

CALVINIA is a severe tropical storm of small diameter. Gusts of the order of 130 km/h are expected in a radius of 40 km around the centre. A movement towards the West could bring the centre closer to Mauritius and cyclonic conditions, that is gusts of the order of 120 km/h, could be felt over the island. Thus, CALVINIA remains a threat for Mauriitus.

A cyclone warning Class III is in force in Mauritius.

Active cloud bands associated with CALVINIA continue to influence the weather over Mauritius with intermittent rain. The rain will be moderate to heavy at times with thunderstorms and may cause water accumulation and localised flooding.

The public in Mauritius is advised to maintain all precautions.

The sea will be high.

Ventures at sea is strictly not advised.

A cyclone warning class III is in force in Mauritius.

A cyclone warning class III is in force in Mauritius.

The next bulletin will be issued at around 1910 hours.
Source: MMS


Some motivation for the animal lovers who want to help the strays but don't always know how. Please share this, to motivate more people to help.

I couldn't rest knowing that the strays we feed are out in this terrible weather. I remembered that the stand of our poolside umbrella had broken but the umbrella itself was still in perfect condition. I asked my wonderful husband to take the umbrella and see if he could try and secure it somewhere to make a shelter for them that might keep them a bit more dry in this cyclone. My husband also took our beach mat and this was the result. My heart is feeling much better now.

Previously we had already placed the top part of a animal crate there for them to try and keep some puppies dry, but this was removed by someone after a while. Before that I went there with normal hand umbrellas, also to cover the pupppies in the pouring rain. This was also removed by someone a while later. We will keep trying to keep these strays dry even if we have to do it over and over again.

If you keep your animals inside, be kind and leave your gate slightly open for a stray that might need to seek a safe place to keep dry. If you have old crates or anything really that you can use to put outside for a stray to seek shelter, please do it. Every effort helps. They have no-one to protect them and keep them safe and dry in this weather. Love and blessings to you all.


Remember, class 3 cyclone warning has been issued since 9h00 this morning. Stay safe all and please keep all pets inside. If you are able to, please leave your gate slightly open for strays that might be seeking a place to keep dry. They have no-one to protect and keep them safe. This is the least we can do. Be kind, stay blessed.


Please think of all the strays out there in this weather. If you are able to provide some shelter, try to help them please. My dogs will be inside during bad weather, so it might be worth leaving the gate slightly open for strays to seek some shelter inside my yard.


A cyclone warning class 2 is in force in Mauritius. MCM update coming soon. In the meantime you can listen to the live of MCM.

The MCM Team


We are happy to let you know that, yesterday we were able to put smiles om the faces of PAWS The Vale staff. There were lots of laughs and gratitude and even tears of joy. It warms the heart to see the appreciation from the staff and they expressed how thankful they are that someone also thinks of the shelter animals during the Festive Season and on Christmas. Unfortunately the very dedicated vets, Ishan and Manthana were unable to join the photo, as they were busy with an emergency surgery at the time. To all the PAWS staff, thank you for your dedication to these voiceless fur babies. You are all amazing human beings.

We hope that with our next campaign we will be able to collect enough donations to deliver to more than one shelter, but we are grateful for this amazing start. Once again, thank you to each and every person who supported us and who donated. We appreciate you! Be kind and stay blessed. Merry Christmas to all.


First of all we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. May you all experience endless blessings.

We don't have enough words to say thank you to the amazing people who supported us and donated items towards our Joy in a Box initiative. We had a great response taking into consideration the short amount of time we had to collect. There are some people who didn't manage to get their pledges/donations in before Christmas, but who would still like to support the cause. We are working together to get those last pledges/donations dropped off or picked up in the next week and hopefully we can deliver them before new year. If you would still like to drop off your Joy Box, you are welcome to take it to Animalook La Croisette, they are still willing to help with late Boxes.

Here are some photos of what was donated. Unfortunately for transport purposes some Boxes were combined and therefore we unpacked all items received to show the amazing generosity our fellow animal lovers displayed.

A special Thank You to Vimal and the Animalook team at La Croisette for all their support and help in this initiative. Thank you to Michelle at The Tavern Resto Pub for her help in this initiative. Thank you to Shona at Coco Beanies for putting up our posters at the cafe. Thank you to Stephanie and Toby from Passion Ocean for their generous cash donation to 2 shelters. Thank you to each and every individual for supporting our initiative and for donating, sharing our posts and liking our page. Without you all we could not have done this. We look forward to more fun initiatives during 2020.


This is reality... especially in Mauritius. Think of these poor souls when you are doing your Christmas shopping. How much of what you put in your trolley is really needed. Please spare a few Rupees and add something for a shelter animal to your trolley. Last drop off at Animalook La Croisette by Monday at noon, please. Be kind this Festive season and keep some pet food in your car to feed a hungry stray along the way. Canned food works well. This might be their only meal for days. Spread some love, hope and joy.


Last change to pledge your Joy Box before Christmas. Please drop off at Animalook La Croisette or The Tavern Resto Pub, GB. Contact us if we need to collect. Be kind, they need us.


A big shout out to Ornella and Nishika for their awesome contributions to Joy in a Box. Each item is sincerely appreciated. Please join these amazing people and pledge your Joy Box.


If we are not able to give them a home, the least we can do is give them a small gesture of joy this festive season. Please drop off your contribution at Animalook La Croisette or The Tavern Resto Pub, GB, by Saturday 21 Dec. We are still in need of Joy Boxes to bring some Joy to shelter animals. Be kind, stay blessed.


Anybody out there still doing last minute Christmas shopping, please please add something to your trolley for a shelter animal. There are not even enough Joy Boxes to cover 1 shelter yet. Ofcourse every little bit helps and we are super grateful for the people who have pledged/donated thus far, but we were really hoping to deliver to more than 1 shelter this Christmas. Some shelters are struggling every day to keep their doors open. Please open your hearts to them. Be kind, be blessed.


Please please people, pledge only one Joy Box or even just 1 item to these poor shelter babies. Only a few days left, Boxes/donations need to be dropped of at Animalook La Croisette or The Tavern Resto Pub, Grand Baie, by latest 21 Dec. Please let us know if you cannot drop your Box, we will collect it from you. Have a blessed Festive Season.


Let the kids learn compassion for animals by having them put together a Joy Box for a shelter animal this Festive Season. Teach them to be kind and caring. The world needs more people like that.

Please drop your Joy Box off by latest 21 Dec. Drop off at: Animalook La Croisette or The Tavern Resto Pub, Grand Baie. Contact us on [email protected] if you arw unable to drop off and we will arrange collection.


How precious are Ornella Thathiah's fur babies? She kindly shared this photo of these beauties with us. They all used to be strays but now they are loved. I'm sure they enjoy helping Mommy Ornelle packing their Joy Boxes for those poor shelter babies, who are still waiting for their forever home. Thank you for having a heart of gold Ornella.


Send us a picture of your Joy Box items or even a cute Festive pic of your own pet, that we can post here. This is a fun project which will bring so much Joy to many of our poor shelter animals. Please have your Joy Boxes ready by latest 21 Dec.


Please don't get a dog if you are going to keep it chained up. Rather visit a shelter and play with the many shelter animals who need the love and attention.

Please pledge your Joy Box today. Boxes to be dropped off or arranged for collection at latest 21 Dec.


Sacrifice only 1 gift this Christmas and help our animals.
Drop off your Joy Box at:
Animalook La Croisette
The Tavern Resto Pub
Or send an email to [email protected] to arrange collection.


Remember to pledge your Joy Box for these beautiful souls. It's almost Christmas. Be blessed.

Drop of at:
Animalook La Croisette
The Tavern Resto Pub
Or contact Hanlie Ducasse or Nicolene Ras


Here we go, our 1st Joy Boxes are ready. Dog, Puppy, Cat and Kitten. May many more shelter animals experience the Joy of Christmas this 2019.


UPDATE: Good news, you can now drop your Joy Box at:
Animalook Gblc La Croisette. Thanks for volunteering Vimal Bekharee
The Tavern Resto Pub Grand Baie. Thanks for volunteering Michelle Lew Tin Wah
Hanlie Ducasse and Nicolene Ras can also be contacted to collect or you can drop boxes with them. Thank you for volunteering.

Please open your heart this festive season and make a shelter animal feel loved. There are only a few short days left before Christmas.

We would appreciate it if anyone else would still like to volunteer as a drop off point or to help collect from people who have transport problems. If your Joy Box / donation is ready, send us a private message or email to [email protected]

Think of the shelter animals while shopping and add something to your trolley to donate.

If you are a business and would like to volunteer as a drop off point, please send an email to [email protected].

Remember: The more boxes that are pledged, the more shelters we can serve.

Please note: Cash in an envelope is a personal option, please seal the envelope when adding it to your Joy Box or donate directly to a shelter of your choice. The cash is needed for vet bills, staff salaries and repairing/upgrading, much needed medical equipment to treat and often save the lives of our animals. When donating directly, please please use "Joy in a box donation" as your reference.

There are no rules, you can donate what you can/want. This is a guideline. You are welcome to add more to your box or you can donate single items. Use your imagination.

Be kind and keep some pet food in your car boot to feed a hungry stray when you see one.

Happy holidays and stay blessed.


Joy in a Box's cover photo


Joy in a Box




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