Misfit Canines

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Misfit Canines šŸŗ balanced approach canine training
>> obedience + behavioural rehabilitation
āš”ļøā€leadership is loveā€

We believe that every dog is unique + that there is no one size fits all or right answer to training. Through collaboration we find out how to best communicate with your dog, teach YOU how to set them up for success + ultimately build a relationship based on trust and respect.


This is everything. šŸ¤Æ

Itā€™s hard to even put into words how incredible this walk felt - it was literal perfection.

Melo *could not deal* with Lakey beforeā€¦
and now they can enjoy long, stress free walks together multiple times a day, when he is here for boarding.

The right tools and prior training play a huge role in making this possible, as does my energy and expectations. The work is worth it when you have the privilege of witnessing how life changing this can be, for both the humans and dogs.

On our walks, both dogs wear an e-collar, a prong collar and a muzzle - but none of these were ā€œusedā€, not even once. Without request both dogs walked in a beautiful heel position, just like this, for well over an hour.

Success looked like:
āœ”ļø having slack on their leashes 100% of the time
āœ”ļø not resisting their proximity to one another
āœ”ļø no growling, nipping or lunging from melo
āœ”ļø zero corrections for either dog
āœ”ļø smelling the same spots nose to nose
āœ”ļø relaxed body language
āœ”ļø not attempting to remove their muzzles

To an outsider, the tools they wear may look intimidating and their ability to walk together may seem like nothing out of the ordinary.. but all of this was worked for and all of this is necessary, at this point, for both safety and continued progress.

šŸ’™ Melo[Melon.]ā€¢ Cocker Spaniel x PoodleAt 1.5 years old Melo had developed *significant* behavioural issues - vocal reac...

šŸ’™ Melo
ā€¢ Cocker Spaniel x Poodle
At 1.5 years old Melo had developed *significant* behavioural issues - vocal reactions to unexpected noises, explosive aggression towards dogs that were larger than him/unbalanced energetically, and physical redirection on people who attempted to correct him. Like so many (small) dogs, he was allowed to get away with seemingly insignificant behaviours and he was attacked in a dog park as a puppy - these two things compounded all too quickly resulting in mental instability and a *need* to overcompensate. He was always on alert, ready to take on the world.
- - -
After 6 months Meloā€™s old behaviours are almost undetectable:
- He can be in the vicinity of other dogs + not react
- He is engaged with his handlers + is happy to comply with commands
- He no longer barks to get out of his crate or as a reaction to every sound he hears inside
- He doesnā€™t growl at or bite or defy his owners
- He can settleā€¦ fully; he has learned that his people are in charge and he doesnā€™t have to be the leader/protector
- - -
This took timeā€¦ 6 months and counting. To some extent it will always be a work in progress. A 10 day intensive Board + Train, several one-on-one sessions and a lot of consistent daily work from his parents got him here. Undoing his old habits and reactions required patience, practise and possibility. We canā€™t undo what was done but we can build a different experience for him moving forward.
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Above all Melo needed boundaries, consequences and someone who was going to stand their ground and follow through when he decided that his teeth were the answer.
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Melo comes to stay with us for Boarding on occasion and though he isnā€™t best friends with Lakey, theyā€™ve come a tremendously long way. From exploding at the sight of her (then), to muzzled playtime in the backyard (now), he has proved that all dogs have hope.


Proper Integration šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼

Winston became a permanent addition to our pack yesterday, after his family decided they could no longer support his needs with the continued health scares of a family member.

To set all of the dogs up for success, we slowly and intentionally (re)integrated him into our household by:

- Keeping the dogs separate to start through the use of crates/gates/doors (seeing/smelling before meeting)
- Allowing the new dog to smell/explore the areas they will interact with daily, on a leash and without expectations (go at their pace on a loose leash)
- Introducing one dog at a time through a controlled means (crates/leashes) in an open and neutral space if possible (gives dogs an opportunity to create distance if they desire + you can deter unwanted behaviours)
- Separating all dogs at meal times (crating other dogs; one inside, one outside, one on ā€œplaceā€, etc.)
- Keeping all toys, bones and possessive items hidden away (reintroduction may be possible)
- Crate/ā€œplaceā€ for 15 minutes minimum right after walks/outdoor play to assist in lowering indoor energy levels
- Limiting the amount of time they have to roam around together or alone (too much freedom too soon = failure)

All of the above are optional but are strongly recommend, especially if you do not know the temperament of the new dog and/or how your dog(s) will react. In some instances it may take days or weeks to introduce dogs to one another - there is NO RUSH. If you want to do it right, do it slow.

Welcome (back) to your forever home Winston. šŸ’›

šŸ„ø Alfred[Alfie. Bug. Little Piggy. Sq**rt]ā€¢ PugAlfie was the first dog we had the opportunity to train, outside of those...

šŸ„ø Alfred
[Alfie. Bug. Little Piggy. Sq**rt]
ā€¢ Pug
Alfie was the first dog we had the opportunity to train, outside of those belonging to friends and family. At 8 months old, his family was struggling to keep his attention and energy in check, despite being experienced dog owners. While his bouncy and defiant personality was cute at first, it quickly became a safety concern as he had zero desire to listen.
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We have the absolute pleasure of working with Alfie, and his two canine siblings, on an almost weekly basis. His family's commitment to his ongoing learning and development, and their willingness to try new methods and tools, have been crucial to his success. From a solid recall that has already proven to be successful in stressful situations, to crate training and manners on a leash, Alfie has proven that stereotypical breed characteristics aren't a reason to lower your standards. The key is finding what *works* for you and your dog - it's always a unique formula!
- - -
He and his family will always hold a very special place in my heart - thank you for taking a chance on us! šŸ’›


how to wear a slip lead 101 āœ”ļø

slip leads are one of my most recommended tools for the dogs and clients I work with, BUT most people donā€™t know there is a right and a wrong way to put them on.

one way supports even pressure around the dogs neck, the other digs into their trachea.

remember: the leash and collar need to make a flat line over the back of their neck, regardless of which side you walk them on.

*this is not a slip lead, this is a dominant dog collar, but it works for explanation purposes all the same.*


Conditioning šŸ‘ŒšŸ»

An often overlooked but key part of your canineā€™s experience of the world is proper introductions and conditioning.

Car rides, crates, muzzles, harnesses, nail clippers, grooming, ear cleaning, etcā€¦ the list of things most adult dogs can be averse to is seemingly endless.

While the goal is to properly expose a dog to (most) everything in life as a puppy, this is often missed, forgotten about or simply not an option until itā€™s too lateā€¦ and becomes a problem.

While true socialization isnā€™t possible in adult dogs, behavioural modification combined with new experiences that build confidence and trust can support a new way of being, for both you and your canine.

Take this muzzle for example.

Lakey doesnā€™t need a muzzle, but we work with a dog that is muzzled and has triggered her to react in the past, so for safetyā€™s sake Iā€™m choosing to muzzle her during these sessions moving forward.

The *best* way to make her comfortable with wearing with muzzle, is to expose her gradually, reward along the way and go at HER pace, not mine.

If you want your dog to be comfortable with something old or new, break it down into the smallest possible pieces and work your way towards the ultimate goal.

This was our third session on muzzle conditioning.

- In our first session I allowed Lakey to smell, touch, and lick the muzzle, allowing her to get comfortable with this new object.
- In the second session I popped a treat in the bottom and let her find it on her own, praising her for choosing to put her face in it.
- In this third session I introduced the command ā€œmuzzleā€, popped a treat in and praised/reaffirmed her with ā€œgood + girl/her name/the commandā€.

There will be several sessions just like this before I will strap the muzzle on.

The goal here is never to force her. If I didnā€™t take the time to conditioner her to it and popped it on right away, she would likely have a negative association and it would amplify any behaviours she had while wearing it.

Going slow now ends up being fast in the end.


After a week of work and tuning..

itā€™s clear that Lakeyā€™s work drive isnā€™t what it used to be. Her obedience skills have diminished and sheā€™s not inclined to work very hard to clean them up anymore.

At 6 years old Lakey has levelled out with her drive and energy. Most people think of the puppy stage as being over by 2ā€¦ but large breeds only become true adults between the ages of 4 and 6. This is when they begin to plateau.

She is a working breed, but she didnā€™t come from a high drive line (police, protection, schutzhund work) - she was bred to be a family dog.

If you know me, you know that I love working dogs and as much as I love Lakey, sheā€™s become a bit boring and too easy. šŸ˜‹

I can get 4 good retrievals out of her and then sheā€™s content to relax in the shade.

This is our new realityā€¦


this is our reality.

Lakey isnā€™t perfect and I always share this with my clients. This may look impressive to some, but for her this is pretty rusty - we havenā€™t ā€œworkedā€ in months.

You shouldnā€™t compare a dog that *can* do this to how your dog acts at home or out on a walk. Donā€™t be fooled - a dog that performs obedience at a high(er) level can be awful in everyday situations too. Lakey can still be reactive on leashā€¦. itā€™s always a work in progress.

Above all else, I make time for two things daily and I recommend my clients do the same:

1. We walk and she gets to be a dog - I let her enjoy the sights and smells of our neighbourhood. Sometimes I work on her leash manners, and sometimes she just roams around on a long line. Itā€™s give and take.

2. I hold her to a high standard on our property. I make the rules and she follows them. I enter and exit doors first, she eats last, she goes to her ā€œplaceā€ whenever someone comes to the door, she must be invited onto the couch/bed and she doesnā€™t beg or whine or bark for any duration of time without correction. Period.

Thatā€™s it. So simple and yet so hard at times.
These two things are foundational for a solid relationship built on trust and respect.
Fancy tricks come and go, but how your dog behaves in your home is everything.

Iā€™ll be making time daily this week to tune her up and will post an updated obedience video next Sunday. ā˜ŗļø

3 Years Ago Today.Kenzie is the reason I started Misfit Canines - to help dogs and their owners with what comes naturall...

3 Years Ago Today.

Kenzie is the reason I started Misfit Canines - to help dogs and their owners with what comes naturally to me. I wasnā€™t and am still not an expert by any means, but what I am is ā€¢always willingā€¢ to try and learn along the way.

Kenzie was successfully rehomed after 2 months of intensive one-on-one daily work. She wasnā€™t ā€œfixedā€ - not by a long shot - but her new owner was experienced and was willing to put in the work she needed.

I saw Kenzie recently and she is truly {thriving}. She has made HUGE strides over the years because she got what she finally deserved - a stable and safe environment.

My whole heart is with this girl. šŸ¤


šŸ‚ Possibility = Progress

Not all dogs are going to hit it off - LJ and Jazzy certainly didnā€™t. Jazzy is skittish and fearful of large dogs, and LJ plays off of this energy, often asserting her dominance if given the chance.

Today we had the opportunity to walk solo with Jazzy for the first time and this was the result, 30 minutes in - slack on their leashes, ignoring the other, and walking on their respective sides.

We believe in what is possible for every dog - pushing the boundaries for their benefit when itā€™s safe and logical to do so, while respecting their individual needs.

Every dog, its owner and their combined history make for unique introductions. We believe that with smart socialization, every interaction is an opportunity for success - a win is a win no matter how small.

šŸ» Oso[Bear. Papi. Monkey Man.]ā€¢ Rottweiler x BullmastiffHappy and adventurous as they come, Oso has been a great additio...

šŸ» Oso
[Bear. Papi. Monkey Man.]
ā€¢ Rottweiler x Bullmastiff
Happy and adventurous as they come, Oso has been a great addition to our pack over the last year! We think he should have been named ā€œMonoā€ (Spanish for Monkey šŸ™ˆ) for how he effortlessly conquers obstacles in the woods.
- - -
Oso recently celebrated his 2nd birthday - we are looking forward to a lifetime of pack fun to come!

Does your dog eat their veggies? šŸŒ±Regardless of what ā€¢kindā€¢ of diet your canine consumes, they can benefit substantially...

Does your dog eat their veggies? šŸŒ±

Regardless of what ā€¢kindā€¢ of diet your canine consumes, they can benefit substantially from additional micronutrient support in the form of dog-safe produce.

I keep it simple by saving things from my own fridge that I would normally compost, and I look for discounted overripe options at my local grocery store. This entire pot was $15 and will last her about 3 months.

I lightly sautƩ the vegetables for easier digestion, blend and then freeze in ice cube trays.

This batch included: blueberries šŸ« ā€¢ kale šŸ„¬ ā€¢ carrots šŸ„• ā€¢ cucumber šŸ„’ ā€¢ mushrooms šŸ„ ā€¢ bell pepper šŸ«‘ ā€¢ coconut oil šŸ„„ ā€¢ broccoli šŸ„¦

LJ truly loves her daily vegetable cubes! She waits by the freezer after her meal for her frozen ā€œtreatā€.

{Murphy} competed in his first National Chow Chow Specialty Show this past weekend and cleaned up in every category. At ...

{Murphy} competed in his first National Chow Chow Specialty Show this past weekend and cleaned up in every category. At just two years old this little man is showing so much potential!

We had the pleasure of working with him in the weeks leading up to his competition to tighten up his leash manners and all around obedience.

Congratulations Donna + Murphy! ā™„ļø

šŸ¦’ Jax[Jax-Man. Big Boy. Giraffe. Sir]ā€¢ HuskyThis boy is a gentle giant, smart as heck and cool as they come. He loves to...

šŸ¦’ Jax
[Jax-Man. Big Boy. Giraffe. Sir]
ā€¢ Husky
This boy is a gentle giant, smart as heck and cool as they come. He loves to bounce around and hip check when heā€™s feeling playful and has near perfect recall.
He is truly one-of-kind.
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LJ has grown up with this guy and still acts like she hasnā€™t seen him in months, every time they meet. We are so grateful to have you as a regular member of our pack!

& weā€™re back šŸ˜Œā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”The one and only LJ has been out of commission for a while now, so instead of ramping up we were ...

& weā€™re back šŸ˜Œ
The one and only LJ has been out of commission for a while now, so instead of ramping up we were slowing down. Sheā€™s all healed up and ready for action, so weā€™re back to taking on new clients!..see you out there šŸ¾

šŸ‘‹šŸ» Charlie[Charlie-Chan. Chuckles. Charles Nelson Reilly.]ā€¢ Poodle x Spaniel x Chihuahua This old man looks like a puppy...

šŸ‘‹šŸ» Charlie
[Charlie-Chan. Chuckles. Charles Nelson Reilly.]
ā€¢ Poodle x Spaniel x Chihuahua
This old man looks like a puppy and acts like one too. Heā€™s feisty and runs like he stole something.
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LJ and I are happy to introduce you as the first official member of our pack. šŸ’›

Pack or Solo Walk?LJ loves walking with new friends,but we understand that not every dog is a match. Socialization is th...

Pack or Solo Walk?
LJ loves walking with new friends,
but we understand that not every dog is a match.
Socialization is the goal,
but we want to do it the right way!
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Let us know if your dog would prefer a human-only walk and weā€™ll happily accommodate.

ā˜€ļø Lakey[Lakelyn-Jane. LJ. Lakers. Bunny]Our (dog) pack leader + my no.1 adventure partner. A happy, confident + social ...

ā˜€ļø Lakey
[Lakelyn-Jane. LJ. Lakers. Bunny]
Our (dog) pack leader + my no.1 adventure partner.
A happy, confident + social girl who makes friends wherever she goes.
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We hope you get the chance to meet her!

Can you do all 3 for your dog?

Can you do all 3 for your dog?


Opening Hours

Tuesday 07:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 20:00
Thursday 07:00 - 20:00
Friday 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday 07:00 - 19:00



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