Emmonak's Pet Sender

Emmonak's Pet Sender This page was renamed, we do not catch dogs anymore but will continue helping people send their pets

These 8 pups were sent out today. The area we set up for them is made of pallets, tarp and blankets, which is the area w...

These 8 pups were sent out today.
The area we set up for them is made of pallets, tarp and blankets, which is the area we're hoping to improve in time to keep pups in.
The heavy rains didn't do us any favors so we can't take in any other pups til we can fix the top tarp, we still need some supplies to make it better but what we could do for now.

We still have 2 dogs to send out which we need to wait for kennels and fosters for, any other dogs will need to wait at home, if anyone else wants me to take a dog, let me know and please be patient as we're trying to improve dog holding areas.


I've been hearing about dogs getting shot recently, about 3 dogs so far.
People have every right to shoot dogs if they're on their property, if your dog is running around loose, high chance it's gonna get shot too. I personally can't help dogs that have been shot, I am not a vet. Fees and bills end up being too expensive for people to send them out for treatment too.
The best and only way to make sure your dogs stay safe is keeping them tied up or home. There's nothing I can do to help unless it's to send it out


I don't think we'll be getting a fill to make the yard better for dogs, it was offered in May and never done so instead of waiting on that, I'll try get the grass down and try to make up spots for dogs to be tied up. Which is going to be extremely difficult if your dogs are used to running around loose so I won't be taking any dogs that can't be tied, tying them up is my only option now so I can only take dogs that are used to being tied up.

As for our fencing situation, it's way too flooded, muddy and just bad conditions for dogs to be in so we can't repair or make any other fencing. Our only goodish fenced in area is being used by my dog and the only goodish tie up area is being used so we still can't take in any other dogs at the moment. I still have 3 on my wait list, and no kennels yet so please be patient.
I don't have anymore fencing, tie up cables, or bedding so we'll have to wait to try get some, I may also make a shed type area to put puppies in so they're out of the weather, I'll try making a wishlist if anyone would like to help with some of the items we really need


For those of you not keeping your dogs tied up, and then giving them to me to send out, this is what we have to deal with all day and all night long. Your dogs that you leave loose, never stop barking and screaming to get loose again. Dogs that are trained young to be tied up will never have a problem being tied up if you actually tie it up.
This dog was put into a fenced in area and broke the fence trying to get out.

I'm no longer taking dogs that are used to running around loose. I can send them out but they ain't coming here. You don't wanna deal with the whining, we don't either. Train your dogs to be tied up instead of dumping them on us when you're tired of it being a nuisance.

I accidentally bumped a couple loose dogs trying to drive a while ago. There was a dead dog seen to be possibly run over yesterday. There was also a white male dog tangled on a boat rope my sister had to go help. People can shoot loose dogs that are going onto their property too. As long as it's on your property, you can put it down.
The loose dog problem can be fixed simply by owners tying up their dogs and getting them fixed, but apparently too many people don't care to do that. I'm not helping irresponsible owners as i am helping responsible owners.

This dog I had been trying to catch for almost 2 months, using as an example as why training your dog young and keeping them tied up is important. You want us to send it out, but we have to deal with all the crap you didn't wanna deal with.


We currently have 14 dogs to send out, both fences needing repair and one fence yet to put up. Ac offered to supply our food so all we need now is the yard filled and fences repaired to take any other dogs, can't take anymore for now. If anyone would like to put a dog on a waitlist can contact me but for now we cannot take any others

Is this anyones puppy?Found by the old dump and brought over, female, brown and tan, pretty young about 6ish weeks old. ...

Is this anyones puppy?
Found by the old dump and brought over, female, brown and tan, pretty young about 6ish weeks old. Underweight too, if yours or anyone you know, please lmk @949-4365

Kirby's pups were found! Thank you to everyone who helped looked, we really appreciate the help

Kirby's pups were found! Thank you to everyone who helped looked, we really appreciate the help

Is this anyone's puppy?Found by ac managers under ac appearing to be stuck and seemingly drowning. Was brought in, dried...

Is this anyone's puppy?
Found by ac managers under ac appearing to be stuck and seemingly drowning. Was brought in, dried up and fed, now here.

Male, tan, about 6ish weeks old.

Good reminder to keep your pups home cause you never know what could happen, if nobody claims, will send.

We also received a generous donation of dog food from them and can begin taking in dogs soon.

Call or text 949-4365 if yours or someone you know


Tie up your dogs! Second time I accidentally bump a dog when it was following owners on Honda. Start using leashes and keep them home, I got no brakes and was going slow but it ran right in front of mine. Dogs chasing vehicles and running in front of them, I'm not gonna help if they get run over. If it's your fault they got hurt by you not using a leash, I'm not helping. Tired of all these dogs running around and people asking me for help when they get hurt when it could've been prevented by leashes.

We now have 2 adults, 5 puppies to send out and still looking for the first pic dogs litter of puppies with no luck. We'...

We now have 2 adults, 5 puppies to send out and still looking for the first pic dogs litter of puppies with no luck.

We're also running low on food again, too many dogs. I'll try making up Amazon lists later if anyone would like to donate, money is the last thing I'd ask for when we really need to get some food asap but for now we're just iso some food help.

If anyone else wants me to send their dogs, can either message me or text 949-4365, they'll have to wait at home and you'll have to remember to be patient as we wait for fosters to be able to send the dogs

So many dogs, I keep losing track. I know these so far, plus 4 other pups, and possibly 2 more puppies I'm waiting to se...

So many dogs, I keep losing track.
I know these so far, plus 4 other pups, and possibly 2 more puppies I'm waiting to send out.
If you asked me to send your dog and you don't see it here, please remind me 😂

We're getting low on food and been having to ask owners to keep their dogs at home until I can send them, if you want me to send your dog out please let me know and if it can wait at home, I can help. If supply needs are met, I can possibly help nearby villages too but for now, Emmonak only. Can text 949-4365 or message me if anyone else wants me to send their dog or if I'm forgetting about it

Helping a friend*LOST DOG*Names Winston, about 8m old, if seen pls call the owner at 9077825128Collar and should be drag...

Helping a friend
Names Winston, about 8m old, if seen pls call the owner at 9077825128
Collar and should be dragging a black leash, friendly

ISO the whereabouts of this dog and her puppies. Owner of this dog is my neighbor, she asked me to take her dog Kirby a ...

ISO the whereabouts of this dog and her puppies.
Owner of this dog is my neighbor, she asked me to take her dog Kirby a while ago but I couldn't take her due to no food. She was pregnant at the time. When I was finally able to take her, I saw she had her pups, owner gave me permission to look around her property and we couldn't find the pups. I believe someone may be taking care of her every now and then, I saw her walking with a couple girls but couldn't ask them if they had been caring for her.

If anyone knows where she and the pups are, please let me know. I can't take her without taking the pups cause they should only be a week or two old now, they still need her.
Call/text (907)949-4365
White and tan female with a blue collar, medium sized and very sweet

We still have these 2 dogs waiting to be sent out, waiting on kennels too. I may be able to take one more outside dog if...

We still have these 2 dogs waiting to be sent out, waiting on kennels too. I may be able to take one more outside dog if anyone else wants me to send their dog. Just depending on if store has cables or not, if anyone would like to get on the waitlist can text 949-4365 or fb message me, I'll need pics and info on the dog/s otherwise I can't help you.

Is this anyones puppy? Was found outside Company and brought over, maybe 6 week old male. If anyones, can message me or ...

Is this anyones puppy? Was found outside Company and brought over, maybe 6 week old male. If anyones, can message me or text 949-4365, if nobody claims will send

Is this anyones dog? Said to be tied to a tree with a bag of dog food and a mat. I don't wanna accidentally take anyones...

Is this anyones dog?
Said to be tied to a tree with a bag of dog food and a mat. I don't wanna accidentally take anyones dog if someones going back for it but if anyone knows whose dog this might be, pls let me know. If no response in an hour or two I'll go get it and assume it abandoned

We have these 3 dogs, plus 1 or 2 more waiting to be sent. We're waiting on kennels and fosters so if anyone wants me to...

We have these 3 dogs, plus 1 or 2 more waiting to be sent.

We're waiting on kennels and fosters so if anyone wants me to take their dog, you will have to be patient as I can't have any here at the house yet, I can send them out they just have to wait at home for a foster until I get more places set up as I'm gonna try today. Waiting for foster can take anywhere from a day to 3 months, one dog I have that's been waiting to be sent has been here for 2 months already. It takes time.

If I can set up more places, we'll take the ones that's been waiting first, any other dogs anyone wants me to send out can let me know.
I'm not getting paid for this, I run off of donations, so I can't just take any dog anytime I want or send when I want too, if you're not patient I cannot help you

If you weren't able to bring your pets to get fixed when the vets were here but still want your pets fixed, BFK9 is doin...

If you weren't able to bring your pets to get fixed when the vets were here but still want your pets fixed, BFK9 is doing free spays and neuters, info in their post:


We still have one dog here waiting to be sent and 2 more dogs waiting at home to be sent, if anyone has any pets they want me to send out we can help but they'll have to wait at home like the 2 we can't take in yet, must remember it can take anywhere from a day to 3 months, have to be really patient as I can't send them when I want, we wait on fosters.

If you're willing to wait and they can wait at home, can let me know and we can try send them when possible

Due to the flooding every year from snow melt, rain, and flood, we'll be able to get the yard filled and flattened out c...

Due to the flooding every year from snow melt, rain, and flood, we'll be able to get the yard filled and flattened out courtesy of the city manager, so we can't take any dogs until we get the pallets down, yard filled out, then the areas set up again.

Hopefully we'll be able to keep the dogs out of water enough from now on so we don't have to worry about where we're gonna put them when the yard floods, still iso any pallets anyone may not need that we can use to set up more areas. Right now we have one area up being used by my dog and one up being used for a dog still waiting to be sent out. I don't wanna risk taking any other's until we can get some more up

Does anyone have any pallets we can use to make up more enclosures? I wanna set up whatever I can, but we need pallets 😅...

Does anyone have any pallets we can use to make up more enclosures? I wanna set up whatever I can, but we need pallets 😅
If anyone has any we can rob and use, pls text me @949-4365

Update: we were able to fill the bin and got some to spare, we have enough money saved to get a few bags when needed, no...

Update: we were able to fill the bin and got some to spare, we have enough money saved to get a few bags when needed, now just to get some areas fenced in and set up then we can take dogs again

Thank you so much again to everyone who donated! We can't keep doing this without you


Dog food update:
We were able to fill the storage bin a little more than halfway full, which buys us good time, thank you all for the help!
But we still need to fill it and then hopefully save to get more when needed, if we can't keep up with dog food, we'll have to stop taking any dogs at all which I'm hoping not to do, we have to keep our intakes limited.
Donation options are still posted, we can take dog food donations from in town only if anyone would like to help that way but we can't take in any mailed donations until we can build a shed of some sort to keep them in good condition.

And due to the attacks, we're working on hopefully fencing in our yard soon so we won't have to worry about that dog coming over anymore, but as for now, we still don't want to take any risks by taking dogs if possible, and because we don't have the food yet

Long story short, we need help! Dog food supply has been ruined and we need to try to raise some money to get some from ...

Long story short, we need help!
Dog food supply has been ruined and we need to try to raise some money to get some from here, at least what we can get for now and hopefully raise enough to save to get when needed. We only have Chaos here and we're almost out of food, there's still no telling when he can move on to a rescue and even if he can go soon, we'd like to keep supplying for future intakes.
If anyone can help us out, we'd greatly appreciate it!
We really need to focus on raising money to get some sooner rather than later, food here is expensive, really expensive.

Other options are:

Or CashApp:

We wanna focus on getting the bigger bags that last longer, which are more expensive but do last longer. GFM transactions take a while so I added other options, we don't have to reach our goal, goal was set high so in case we do reach it, we'll have saved money to not have to ask for donations for a while. We run off of donations, anything really does help

Unfortunately all the dog food supply has been ruined, we don't have enough to keep Chaos fed for m… Rose McGuffey needs your support for Urgent dog food fund


With the warmer weather coming, we will no longer have any dogs in the house.
We will also no longer take cats. Or rabbits.

For the time being, we'll only take dogs that can be tied up outside, which is a risk due to the amount of times the dogs here had been attacked by the neighbors dog so if at all possible - let them wait with you at home.
We will not take puppies, injured or sick dogs. If need be, it will have to wait until I can set up an outdoor area but for now, none but outside dogs that are healthy and good to be tied outside if for some reason they can't wait at home.

I'm not getting paid, I'm running off donations and out of our home. I've been getting about 100 dogs a year and we need to lessen that number as much as possible. Too many dogs, not enough room in rescues, not enough homes.

Waiting for fosters can take anywhere from a day, to literally 3 months. If you cannot be patient, I cannot help you. I can't send them whenever I want, we need fosters so they have a place to go to until adopted. They go into foster homes, we have to wait for someone to open up their home to your dogs for them to be able to go.

We are tired.

How many dogs did I need to throw a rock at? 1How many dogs should we need to have to hit? 0Tie up your dogs and use lea...

How many dogs did I need to throw a rock at? 1
How many dogs should we need to have to hit? 0

Tie up your dogs and use leashes, I know I'm not the only one trying to be responsible with leashes but loose dogs are a never ending problem.

If you missed the vets and still wanna get your pet fixed 👀

If you missed the vets and still wanna get your pet fixed 👀

Check Check Check it out!!! This is open to all YK Delta communities!
This summer we will be bringing in dogs/cats to get spayed or netuered at a Bethel clinic and then sending them home. If you are interested in getting your pets fixed please call/text 907-707-7010 to get on the surgery list.

Would anyone possibly be interested in keeping Chaos til he can be sent? When, is not known cause rescues are super full...

Would anyone possibly be interested in keeping Chaos til he can be sent? When, is not known cause rescues are super full and it's hard to find a foster for fearful dogs.
He's extremely fearful, it's just how he is, he's calm, quiet, likes to stay by you all day, walks good on leash to go bathroom, said to be good with other animals but I haven't tested it yet. Would do best in maybe a quiet house, which ours is about to not be. House trained, kennel trained, he's great, just need to be calm and patient with him. He's a big baby.

I can provide anything needed at all, just wanna keep him as comfortable as possible, so if you live in an adult only home with no kids or pets, please help me out 😂 Hes neutered and vaccinated, just remember you cannot keep him and must keep him inside and on a leash outside. It's not a paying job, I just really need a lil help, text 949-4365

The mom and pups are gone, but we have this guy here, surrendered male, who is super fearful of basically everything, sk...

The mom and pups are gone, but we have this guy here, surrendered male, who is super fearful of basically everything, skin issues and an injured eye so to keep him as comfortable as possible, absolutely no other take-ins until he can go, please don't just drop off dogs, I won't be taking them in.
If you have a pet you want me to send out, please be patient because I can't just take them when you want me to, I can provide anything needed for the wait but please just wait, can contact (907)949-4365

If you foster for BFAR, that's where this guys going if you're interested

Yep, it's always the same thing. People letting their dogs have litter after litter, never using leashes and never tryin...

Yep, it's always the same thing. People letting their dogs have litter after litter, never using leashes and never trying to fix their dogs.

Dogs running around, fighting, breeding, chasing vehicles, getting into trash, and expecting me to be the one dealing with it all. Owners like to complain to me about dogs getting into their trash yet completely ignore their dog getting into other peoples. It ain't my responsibility.

People get dog after dog after dog, never keep them tied up, never get them fixed, end up giving it to me then get another one. People like that is why I quit in the first place, never taking responsibility over your dogs. Soon enough I'd quit taking in dogs to send out too, it's expensive and never ends.

People threatening to shoot the dog if I don't take it, people just dropping them off outta nowhere, people leaving their dogs tied at our house. I'm so sick of it. Such a tiny town and barely anyones responsible with their dogs. You guys complained about shooters and catchers yet be the reason shooters and catchers work, and be the reason they quit.

Today is just one of those days, where it all feels like too much. The dogs are a poopy mess, the weather doesn't cooperate, idiot people keep breeding the same dogs whose puppies then continue ending up in the pound and then the rescue(really tempted to start dropping them off at the person's house when they come in), people can't take responsibility for their own actions and take it out on us. But we can't even sit here and wallow in our feels, cause guilt then sets in because we aren't out paying attention to the dogs in our care and there are hundreds more who need our help.
Get your damn dogs fixed, take them out on a leash, and don't commit to an animal if you can't keep it.

A really overwhelmed rescuer


P. O. Box 91





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