Hoppin' Dunes Bunnies

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Hoppin' Dunes Bunnies I'm a responsible breeder. My goal is to raise friendly, healthy, good quality rabbits following the ARBA's SOP.

I'm a member of the American Rabbit Breeder Association, Mn State Rabbit Breeders Association& Holland Lop Rabbit Speciaty Club.

Here are some cute pictures from today. I have 3 different litters. Megan's are 3 weeks today. Ivy & Lucy's kits are 2 w...

Here are some cute pictures from today. I have 3 different litters. Megan's are 3 weeks today. Ivy & Lucy's kits are 2 weeks old today. Somehow I didn't get a picture of Megan's 3 booted chestnuts. They are all so adorable! Enjoy the cute little fluffs!💕 14 total 🐇


Hoppin’ Dunes Bunnies Sales Policy & Agreement

 Please take the time to read the sales policy & agreement before inquiring about a bunny. If you purchase a bunny from me, it is assumed that you have read and agree to this sales policy & agreement and that you agree to all the terms below.

 To help me help you, please specify what you are looking for when inquiring. If I know you’re looking for show quality, pet quality or breeding stock I will be better able to help you in your selection. All my show line bunnies are purebred and can come with pedigrees.

 All kits stay with me until 8-10 weeks of age before they are allowed to leave my rabbitry. All kits/bunnies are FCFS, in order to hold a bunny, I require a 50% deposit. Claiming can be done once I post available bunnies. A pickup date will be agreed upon. If the bunny isn’t picked up on the agreed upon date and there hasn’t been communication, I have the right to sell to the next person. The 50% deposit is non-refundable.

 A 50% down payment is required to hold a bunny, this is a non-refundable deposit. I WILL NOT hold a bunny without a deposit. The remaining payment is to be paid at pickup. No bunny leaves my rabbitry without full payment being made. If you place a deposit on a bunny and change your mind, your deposit won’t be refunded. I accept cash, PayPal or Venmo for deposit. Please make sure you send payment as the “friends & family” option only.

 All bunnies have been s*xed multiple times and to the best of my knowledge. It is your responsibility to check genders before leaving my possession. There is no refund for incorrect s*x.

 I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a sale at any time for any reason. If the decision to refuse sale is made and a deposit has been made the deposit will be refunded to you.

 All bunnies leaving my rabbitry are healthy to the best of my knowledge. I would never sell a sick bunny. Because of the fragile state of a rabbit’s health, I can’t be responsible for anything that happens after they are out of my care. Once they leave my care, I no longer can know what type of care, environment or feed they are receiving. I can’t be held liable in this situation. If you have made a deposit and something happens to that bunny when still in my care, I can refund you or transfer your deposit to another rabbit.

 My rabbitry is a closed rabbitry, and I don’t allow visitors at any time. This is to protect the health & safety of my rabbits. I post many pictures and can send pictures or videos of rabbits you’re interested in upon request.

 All my bunnies are housed in a temperature-controlled environment, and they are not acclimated to extreme weather. This means that if you purchase a rabbit from me, they need to be housed indoors until they can be acclimated to weather conditions. In the winter my rabbits will not have a thickened coat due to not being housed outside.

 My bunnies aren’t neutered or spayed unless disclosed. If you would like more information about the benefits of spay/neuter, please ask as I can send you information on it. I do have neutered and spayed pet rabbits that have done extremely well with their procedures and bounced back quickly after surgery.

 Vet Care – Yearly visits to a veterinarian of your choice is recommended. They are trained to see things that we might miss. Rabbits are considered exotics and require a veterinarian that sees exotics. It is good to establish care with a clinic that sees rabbits, this will help if you need urgent care. You will have a better chance of being seen quickly if you’re a client.
 Bonding, many people believe that rabbits can be housed together without a bonding process. This isn’t advised and can cause extreme harm to your rabbits including death. Rabbits are territorial and will fight to the death. Some rabbits bond easily, some not at all. There is no guarantee that rabbits will bond to each other. You must always plan to have separate housing for each rabbit you own until bonding is successful. Same s*x is recommended unless you plan to spay/neuter the rabbits. Removing the hormones will help with territorial behavior along with other unwanted behavioral issues. Kits are bonded by their baby bond and once hormones kick in the bond will most likely break and they may injure each other. Please do your research about bonding before committing to multiple rabbits.

 If you have questions or concerns at any time, I’m always available to lend knowledge and give advice. I want the best for my rabbits and that means that just because they leave my rabbitry doesn’t mean I’m not committed to their well-being. To add to this, if at any time you can no longer care for a bunny you have gotten from me. I will take them back. There will be no refund. They will be in quarantine when they are first brought back to make sure there is no illness that can pass to my other rabbits. Once they are cleared of illness and deemed adoptable, they will be rehomed. If I decide they aren’t adoptable I will give them a forever home with me.
Rabbit Identification:
Left ear tattoo_________________

I have read and understand the sales policy terms and conditions. I understand that this is an agreement between two parties. By signing I agree to the above stated agreement & sales Policy.


Please include your contact information below.


Thank you!

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16 days old!!! They sure are adorable!☺️ We were thrown a curve ball, it appears 5 of 6 kits are booted. Booted isn't se...

16 days old!!! They sure are adorable!☺️ We were thrown a curve ball, it appears 5 of 6 kits are booted. Booted isn't seen often and is rare in Hollands. Unfortunately these cute lil buggers won't be showable. That means they will be l👀king to hop🐇 around April 1st. If you want to add a fluffy butt to your 🏡, feel free to reach out.

Megan x Fergus

Hoppy Valentine's Day!🌹These 4 sweethearts 💕 are l👀king to hop to their forever 🏡's.Chestnut Holland Lop Barley has been...

Hoppy Valentine's Day!🌹

These 4 sweethearts 💕 are l👀king to hop to their forever 🏡's.

Chestnut Holland Lop Barley has been shown arba but we still have a few bunnies placing higher than him. I'm super buck heavy and that's why he's ready to hop. He has a beautiful rich coat. DOB 7/18/24

Harliquin lionhead mix Starling is a rescue I've had since October. Her parents were dumped and had a litter. I was able to rescue 2 kits. I estimate she is around 4-5 months old. I've been holding on to her to give her time to decompress and adjust to domesticated life. I plan on getting her spayed.

BEW lionhead mix Olaf is a rescue, I was able to rescue him & his sister from a dump situation. I estimate he is around 4-5 months. He's been adjusting well to domestic life & is pretty sweet. I plan to get him neutered.

Magpie lionhead Bruno is a retired buck looking for a pet home where he can binky into a retirement of hugs and kisses and lots of space to play. DOB 11/13/21 Bruno is hilarious and when trying to take pictures he kept knocking the blocks down and trying to climb the fireplace stone🤦‍♀️ he's definitely got personality 😅

If you're interested please reach out. I'm located in Big Lake, MN.

It's not every day I get a couple  Hoppin' Dunes Bunnies  alumni visiting me at work. It absolutely made my day, and I m...

It's not every day I get a couple Hoppin' Dunes Bunnies alumni visiting me at work. It absolutely made my day, and I missed these 2 bunners so much. Beatrice & Ginger came in today to have their spay surgeries done. I stayed after my shift to cuddle Ginger during her recovery time. I absolutely loved my time with them. If you're interested in spay or neuter message me for info.

4 days old! All 6 are doing good, Megan is feeding them and they have good round tummies.  Megan x Fergus

4 days old! All 6 are doing good, Megan is feeding them and they have good round tummies.

Megan x Fergus


Such a good Mama, she already fed them at 330pm🙌 Did a baby check tonight and all 6 look good. I'm excited to see what colors they are😊


Super excited! We had 6 wiggles born last night between 1am & 4am. I checked on my girl Megan quite a bit last night and was excited to see she had 6 healthy kits in the nest box! I can't wait to get a better look after work tonight. I can't believe we haven't had kits born here in 5 months😲

Megan x Fergus

Meet our newest buck Cole's CRWS. We picked him up at the January Scandia show. Addy named him Benji.  We're super excit...

Meet our newest buck Cole's CRWS. We picked him up at the January Scandia show. Addy named him Benji. We're super excited to have a black otter in our program, otters are Addy's favorite! The 1st bunny she got is a blue otter named Floyd. 💙

Welcome Benji☺️

After cleaning yesterday, I took a picture because of that cute little bed. Ivy adores her bed & it's so cute when she's...

After cleaning yesterday, I took a picture because of that cute little bed. Ivy adores her bed & it's so cute when she's on it. Best Temu find! It's definitely for smaller breeds, she's a pretty tiny holland lop and fits perfectly 😊 I wanted to share it because it's the cutest!

💲💲💲💲💲 💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲These fluffy butts eat too much🤣

💲💲💲💲💲 💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲

These fluffy butts eat too much🤣

Saturday we showed in Scandia. Addy was the only one signed up for youth and she decided to show in open instead.  She h...

Saturday we showed in Scandia. Addy was the only one signed up for youth and she decided to show in open instead. She had a great show, even though she was nervous to show in open.

Stand out placings ⬇️

💙Fergus placed 1st, 2nd, 4th & 9th out of 10. He earned himself his 5th leg. Yay Fergie Boy!!!!

💜Ivy placed 1st in 3 shows & 2nd in one. She earned 2 best opposite of variety & earned herself her 2nd leg.

💙Aspen, he's our 4 month old Jr that did fantastic on the table. He placed 1st in 3 shows & 3rd in one show. He earned a best opposite of variety, giving him his very 1st leg😊

We had 10 rabbits with us & had some other decent placings. We're so proud of our rabbits 🐇

Thanks again Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Annonymous Club for another successful show!

A*V*A*I*L*A*B*L*E 🐇's💙Barley, pedigreed buck & has been shown ARBA. DOB 7/18/24💙Olaf & 💜Starling are rescues that I gues...

A*V*A*I*L*A*B*L*E 🐇's

💙Barley, pedigreed buck & has been shown ARBA. DOB 7/18/24

💙Olaf & 💜Starling are rescues that I guess to be around 2.5 - 3 months old. They need patience & understanding as they are still adjusting to indoor bunny life & humans. Their parents were dumped and had a litter. I was able to rescue these two.

💙Bruno, retired double mane lionhead buck. He's a pretty cool lil dude. I'm focusing on Hollands and I'm downsizing my lionheads. DOB 11/13/21

Reach out if you have questions 😊

BarleyParents Mama x Fergus Fergus has 4 legs so far and is currently still showing. Barley has been shown ARBA. He is p...

Parents Mama x Fergus
Fergus has 4 legs so far and is currently still showing.

Barley has been shown ARBA. He is placing behind his Dad and a couple other bucks from our herd. So we've decided to let him hop along. He is L👀king to hop to a new 🏡. He has been litter training since he was 3-4 weeks old. He is a chestnut out of a chestnut & Black tort.

Update: Rescue Bunnies Starling & OlafEstimated age is 3 monthsThey've been getting used to eating a bunny correct diet ...

Update: Rescue Bunnies Starling & Olaf

Estimated age is 3 months

They've been getting used to eating a bunny correct diet and are loving it. They are both putting on weight and looking good. They do well with litter training and are getting used to us humans. We still aren't their favorites but they are learning to trust us. They definitely have grooming needs. Their baby fuzz gets snarled pretty easily. They are beautiful bunnies and deserve the best forever 🏡's.

They are going to be adoptable very soon. If you're interested please reach out. Since these are rescues and were born wild it will take extra time to bond. They need patience & understanding. They allow us to hold them & groom them. Sometimes it's scary for them. We respect their boundaries and give them space if needed.

Netherland Dwarfs found new 🏡.💙Johnny Black Otter DOB 8/10/24💜Luna Black Otter DOB 7/25/24Big Lake, MN

Netherland Dwarfs found new 🏡.

💙Johnny Black Otter DOB 8/10/24
💜Luna Black Otter DOB 7/25/24

Big Lake, MN

Happy New Year all my fellow bunny lovers🥳🎉2025 here we come!!!!

Happy New Year all my fellow bunny lovers🥳🎉

2025 here we come!!!!

We had a great show yesterday in Scandia. It was so great to be back showing after a little break.Fergus had an amazing ...

We had a great show yesterday in Scandia. It was so great to be back showing after a little break.

Fergus had an amazing show. He was 1st in all four shows. He earned 2 Best of Breeds, 2 Best of Variety & 2 Best opposite of variety. He was on 🔥 & earned himself 2 legs.

Lucy girl did wonderful. Lucy earned 2 Best opposite of breed & 2 Best Opposite of variety. She earned herself her first 2 legs 👏👏👏

Ivy, this girl is the cutest little broken. She earned Best opposite of variety in all 4 shows. 😊💕

Honorable mention to Prince for earning his 1st best of variety in the 4th show.

What a great show put on by Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Annonymous Club! The awards were super fun & festive. Thank you for the fantastic show!





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