#2025goals anything can be play if the dog enjoys it! Togo has the the 📦 ✅
Aoife X Zen pup Jack (aka Odin, or purple collar). New to is guy was gonna crush it where ever he ended up, but he’s exceeding our expectations out in MA!
@rayallenk9 leather German style agitation muzzle is a beautiful piece of equipment. Very breathable. 2 smashing muzzles but with 2 different meanings #heimvordrk9 #smash #agitation #knpv
All those in Cali can breathe easy This Last bite before Aoife hits the couch and pregnancy and won’t be @trials_and_tribulationz rest assured we will be back! She will be breed to @petravanveen4 - PH1 Jack BRN 41737 x 41369. Thanks for the work @mr_apexk9 @bestlifeworkingdogs @nomad_k9s
Had to go back and start Bakka over on his out started with everything new on a back tie from a ball-tug~wedge~sleeve and now suit. I’d still like to see some things cleaned up but I’m very happy with our progress. Sometimes it’s best to take a step back or in our case several steps back and get things right before moving forward again. I think a lot has to do with maturity and inconsistency on training the out. But with this new emphasis I hope we can get to a clean out and then stepon the trial field soon #heimvordrk9 #knpvlines #training #slowissmoothsmoothisfast #takeastepback
Great time with great people. Both dogs smashing new pictures. #nopolitics #heimvordrk9
So many things still work on but stepped back a bit in training and we’re making great progress. It’s awesome to have a great group of dog peeps to help us in our training! Definitely have a itch to hit the trial field with Mr Bakka @rosewoodk9 @doggonedecoy_aka_daboogieman